Sleigh launched rided!/Nightmares attacks tooth palace!

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In the launching shed in a moment of later north shoves opened a set of double doors, followed by jack, bunny, sandy, and luna and her pets silk moth's. While north's several yetis rushes by as they prepare the hangar for launches.
Lunar girl:North! North!
North:Everyone! Ship shape! As soon as impossible!
Lunar girl:North! I told you, me and my moth's aren't going with you guys!, There is no way that we're climbing some rickety old...huh?
Luna and her silk moth's heard a sound of pounding hooves, beastly snorting, north's incredible sleigh comes into the view. North's sleigh was huge, shiny, tricked out, and jaw dropping hot rod of the sled.
Lunar girl:Sleigh...?
As luna and her silk moth's was understandably gob smacked, so much so that she was about to get knocked over by one of north's reindeer. But luckily jack came to her quick and grabbed her right shoulder right and pulled her away from the reindeer before luna almost got knocked over by one of the reindeer. Luna looked at jack with a faithful smile on her for saving her when she almost got knocked over by a reindeer while north speaking foreign language to the reindeer and coming it down.
North:Hey! Moi deti, moi deti, quiet quiet
When luna and her silk moth's saw the sleigh comes to a standstill as luna, her pets silk moth's, and the guardians prepare to climb inside of the sleigh while several yetis were still running around making last minute of preparations. While north and jack turned to luna as she looked at north's sleigh with her mouth dropped and never seen it before.
Jack:Not "some rickety old sleigh" huh?
Lunar girl:Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay just one ride! But that's it!
Luna excitedly to rided north's sleigh with a big grin on her face as luna used her levitation spell on herself and floats aboard to the sleigh with her silk moth's flies over to luna. While jack jumps onto the sleigh, then sandy hops up into the back seat, and north smiles and knowingly that luna and the guardians loves his sleigh before he climbs inside the sleigh.
North:Everyone loves the sleigh!
As north grabbed the reigns, wrapping around his arms, he turns to see bunnymund standing there with frozen and unnerved before luna stopped using her levitation spell on herself.
North:Bunny what are you waiting for?
Bunnymund:I think my tunnels might be faster mate...and um...and safer
North:Ugh! Get in!
When north hoisted bunny up to the sleigh and put him down right next to luna and jack before north tells luna and the others expression of "buckle up".
North:Buckle up!
luna look around to find some seatbelts in her seat and bunny desperately looks around to find seatbelts too on his seat but couldn't find anywhere while luna's pets silk moth's goes to luna's inuit hoodie and bunny and luna asked north about the seatbelts.
Bunnymund:Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where are the bloody seatbelts?!
Lunar girl:Yeah north? I don't see any seatbelts in my seat?
North: *laughing* That was just expression!
North turned to his yeti and asked the yeti if the sleigh is all ready and for the sleigh launch to tooth's palace.
North:Are we ready?
North's yeti talks to north about finished up the sleigh by yetish while the yeti was almost finished fixed it up the sleigh launches. While north understands his yeti and readys to makes the sleigh launches rided.
North:Good! Let's go! Clear!
As north cracked the reigns and started the sleigh launched rided and luna, jack, and sandy was about to gets excited to rided north's sleigh except for bunny.
The sleigh went off, the elves and yetis scattered out of the sleigh path, luna, sandy, jack, and bunny fly back into their seat. Bunny clutches the edge of his terrified while jack couldn't help but laugh and luna just giggles at bunny.
North:Out of the way!
As the sleigh heads down a luge like track luna and north are enjoying the rided while luna threw her hands up and whopped and enjoying the ride of her life.
Lunar girl: *laughing* This is amazing!
Bunnymund:Ohhhhhh no!!!!!
North cracks the reigns, the sleigh plummets, and an almost vertical drop, while sandy grin calmly, luna and jack loves this, and bunny not so much.
Bunnymund:Slow down! Slow down!
Lunar girl:No speed up! Speed up!
North laughes maniacally as he pulls the lever, kicking the sleigh into overdrive, and he looks back as the sleigh enters the corkscrew. While bunny was nauseous from the sleigh launch rided.
North:I hope you like the loopty-loops!
Lunar girl:I do!
Bunnymund:I hope you two like carrots
Sandy and luna threw their hands up and still enjoying the sleigh launch rided in their lives while luna keeps laughing and starts loving the sleigh launch rided with her and her pets silk moth's.
North:Here we go!
As the sleigh reaches the bottom of the ramp, and shoots upwards, launching luna and the guardians into the bright blue sky.
Lunar girl:Wooo-Hoooooo!
As the sleigh flying through the sky bunny was screamed from the terrified of his life while north laughed and enjoying the sleigh launch rided. And north reins his leaned into the wind as the reindeers climbed higher into the sky before north joyously shouted in excitement.
North: *shouting joyously* Klasno!
Jack in his elements leaps up onto the rear of the sleigh to watch the north pole fades into a distance. While luna was still enjoying the sleigh launch rided and her pets silk moth's were enjoying the sleigh launch rided too as while before they flies out from luna's inuit hoodie of her tunic.
Jack: *laughing* Whoa!
Luna and her silk moth's saw bunny was peaking off the sleigh, then leans back, and holding on for his dear life. While jack turned to luna and bunny and an idea pop out of his head and thoughts of a way to mess with bunny and luna with an evil smirk on his face before called out the other's to get his attention.
Jack:Hey Luna! Bunny!
Luna and bunny turns to see jack standing on the back of the edge of the sleigh when jack starts pulling his mischievous pranks on luna and bunny.
Jack:Check out this view-EEEYAAAGGHGHH!!!
Jack suddenly swept off the sleigh and disappeared while luna, luna's silk moth's, and bunny was worried and terrified that jack fall off the sleigh before luna's silk moth's flies out of the sleigh to rescue jack.
Lunar girl: *yelling* JACK!!!!!
Bunnymund: *screaming* WAAA...AHH!!! NORTH-HE!!!! UH....AAAAAAH-!!!!!!
Luna and bunny peeks at the over of the sleigh as bunny conquered his fear of sleigh and thinking that luna's silk moth's couldn't have the strength to catch jack. And luna thought jack might be hurt or injured from his fall while she have faith on her pets silk moth's and thinking that they caught jack. But until they suddenly hearing the silk moth's cries of relief that jack was just pranking the silk moth's, luna, and bunny before luna bunny saw the silk moth's and jack lounging onto the sleigh's skid. While luna was so relieved that jack's okay with a big smile on her face but bunny and mothiana wasn't.
Lunar girl:Jack! You're okay! guys do care
Bunnymund:Ah rack off you bloody show pony!
Bunny glowers as jack and luna's silk moth's make's their way back onto the sleigh while north tells luna and the boys that he's knows a shortcut to tooth palace with his snow globe.
North:Hold on everyone! I know a shortcut
Bunnymund:Oh strewth! I knew we should have taken the tunnels
As north holds up a snow globe right up to his face then shaking it and whisper it to tooth palace when it's a snow globe portal.
North: *whispering* I say...tooth palace
Then an image of the tooth palace appears inside of the snow globe after north whispered it. Until north throws the globe into the air then suddenly a giant vortex opens up.
Lunar girl: *gasped* Whoa!
The surreal light surrounds when the sleigh as it hits hyperdrive and gets sucked through the snow globe portal with a whoosh. As the sleigh suddenly comes out of hyperdrive at the outskirts of tooth palace. Until suddenly a streaks of black rapidly approaching while luna and north were curious about the mysterious creatures.
Lunar girl:Huh?
Suddenly luna and the boys find themselves in the midst of mayhem, as hundreds of nightmares and terrified tooth fairies jet past, then north yanks the reins as the sleigh veered sharply and dodging the oncoming nightmares. As luna gets runs backwards with fear and scared of the nightmares as luna's silk moth's flies back into luna's inuit hoodie of her tunic with fear in them.
Lunar girl:Aaaahhh! What's happening?! What are those things?!
North:What are they?!
Bunny, jack, sandy and luna duck the onslaught of the oncoming nightmares while sandy opened up a dream sand umbrella on the oncoming nightmare coming towards him when he protect with it the before the oncoming nightmare bumps right into the dream sand umbrella and sends it back to the others nightmares. While luna was still scared of nightmares and wondering what are they with fear in her light blue eyes.
Lunar girl:Whoa...!
When jack see's that the nightmares are actually gulping down the fleeing fairies and flying off with them to pitch's lair.
Jack:They're taking the tooth fairies!
Jack looked over to luna as luna watched tooth's fairies were being taking by the nightmares with her eyes widened and imagining what if her pets silk moth's were being taking the nightmares in fear in her. Until luna looks up to see a lone fairy with a nightmare snapping at it's heels as it about to catches the one fairy then luna used her levitation spell on herself and leaped into the air and rescues the fairy before the nightmare can snatched it away. As luna flies back into the sleigh and landed right next to jack before she stopped using her levitation spell on herself.
Lunar girl:Jack! I caught one of the tooth fairy!
As luna hands the fairy to jack's hands when jack open his hands to reveal baby tooth who was shaking with fear.
Jack:Hey little baby tooth you okay?
As baby tooth nods at jack and luna when jack puts baby tooth in luna's inuit hoodie in her tunic with the silk moth's before he did. While north steers the sleigh forward through the storm toward the entrance of tooth's palace. At the moment later a vast chamber supported by pillars containing millions of tiny wooden deposit boxes from floor to ceiling. Until when north spotted a nightmare up ahead and hands the reigns to jack.
North:Here! Take over!
North readies his sword and slice the nightmare in half with the children stealing the children tooth boxes inside the nightmare.
As the several children tooth boxes spilled out of the split nightmare and raines down into the sleigh at the guardian's feet while the nightmare disintegrates into black sand.
Bunnymund:They're stealing the teeth!
When sandy looked at his hands and see's the nightmare sand takes shape and drift away while him, luna, and bunny gives exchange a look. But until luna and the guardians turned their heads and they saw when they all flying straight ahead of the pillar.
North:Jack! Look out!
Jack tries to pulled the reigns as he and the others were about to crash into the pillar before jack and luna screamed in fear.
Jack: *screaming* Aaaahhhh!!!!
Lunar girl: *screaming* Aaaaahhh!!!!!!
As luna screamed fear in her and thinking that her and the guardians will crash into the pillar while luna squeezing her eyes shut and lifted up her hands. When she did luna didn't notices that she opened up a portal leads her and the guardians to the platform. The sleigh went through the portal and nearly missed the the pillar and skidded to a rough stopped on the platform. The guardians groaned and wondering how the mysterious portal got there when luna stopped screaming and peeking her eyes and seeing that her and the boys were alright and sighing in relief. Before her and the guardians saw tooth above while tooth pants when she got back to her palace and gasped and seeing her fairies and the children tooth boxes were all missing and gone.
North:Tooth! Are you alright?
As luna and the boys got out of the sleigh and they running to her making sure she alright while tooth was still flying around with visible frustration that she had everything she love about was gone.
Toothiana:They....They took my fairies! And the teeth! All of them! Everything is gone! Everything.....
Tooth's wings dropped in defeat and she was completely lost amidst the devastation before the boys rushed to comfort her. When luna and her pets silk moth's stays behind as baby tooth pops out from luna's inuit hoodie of her tunic and flies over towards tooth in joy of seeing her.
Toothiana: *gasped* Oh thank goodness! One of you is alright!
Pitch:I have to say, this is very, very exciting, the big five all in one place, I'm a little star struck
Pitch's voice echoes across the open chamber, while luna and the others looked up to see pitch, and standing high above them with a satisfied smile. While luna was shuddering in fear and afraid she is when she meets pitch black the boogieman as for the first time.
Pitch:Did you like my show on the globe north? Got you all together didn't I?
When the guardians realizes that pitch had set up the black sand in the north pole to distract the guardians into bringing them to the north pole while him and his nightmares armies were kidnapping tooth's fairies and stealing the children teeth boxes before tooth threatened pitch to make him to return her mini fairies.
Toothiana:Pitch! You have got thirty seconds to return my fairies!
As tooth tries to catch pitch and threatens him to returning her mini fairies but pitch disappears right before tooth follows the sound of pitch's voice and finds him near one of her tooth box columns.
Pitch:Or what? You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?
North:Why are you doing this?
Pitch:Maybe I want what you have to be believed in
Luna's eyes were widened and let out a soft gasped about pitch want "to be believed in" just like luna and thinking that pitch wasn't so bad after all. And luna thought of herself that she had done some pretty extreme things for three hundred years and tries her best to be seen. Before she maybe taking this on herself and always have faith in herself then maybe one day she'll get to be believed in.
Pitch:Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds!
Bunnymund:Maybe that's where you belong!
Pitch:Go suck an egg rabbit
When bunny looks down past the edge of the platform to find pitch upside down, staring him in the face, but pitch disappears again before bunny gets his hands on pitch.
Pitch:Hang on is that...lunar girl?
Pitch laughed at luna throughout the tooth palace as luna spun around and looking around for pitch and luna tries her best to locate pitch's voice was coming from.
Pitch: *laughing* since when are you all so chummy?
Lunar girl:We're not
Pitch:Oh good
As luna turned and see's pitch standing there in the middle of a column and about to teasing luna that she was just a neutral party and decided to ignore her.
Pitch:A neutral party, then I'm going to ignore you, but you must be used to that by now
Luna flinched she facial expression softened greatly her greatest insecurity was being ignored and not an getting people or spirits attention to her. Before bunny defenses luna and him and tooth goes tries to attack pitch.
Bunnymund:Pitch! You shadow sneaking rat bag! Come here!
When bunny goes out after pitch but until pitch disappears and reemerges on an opposite column. But tooth spotted him and grabbed one of bunny's boomerang and flies at pitch to attack him in a big rage.
Toothiana: *screaming* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pitch looked at tooth with a smile on his face and before tooth can reach him, suddenly a huge nightmare darts out of hiding and rears up at her, tooth falls back and gasped at the huge nightmare and baby tooth and luna's silk moth's hides in luna's inuit tunic in fear.
Pitch:Whoa! Hey! Easy girl! Easy
Pitch draws a wisp of black sand from onyx's mane, twirls it in his palm, and turned towards to sandy.
Pitch:Look familiar sandman? Took me awhile to perfect this little trick, turning dreams into nightmares
Pitch notices luna and the guardians were shocked about him and his nightmare army were back with spreading fear in children and believing in him and make the children stopped believing in the guardians. Before pitch notices that luna was still afraid and nervous of pitch and his nightmare onyx with a smile on his face.
Pitch:Don't be nervous, it only riles them up more, they smell fear you know?
Bunnymund:What fear? Of you?! No one's been afraid of you since the dark ages!
Lunar girl:The dark ages?
Pitch's eyes flashed with anger, but then he smiled and remembered the dark ages, that he was scaring the children with his nightmares, but then the mim chose north, jack, sandy, bunny, and tooth when they were became as guardians.
Pitch:Oh the dark ages
In the year of seventy in the night of burgess village of flashbacks about pitch's backstory when he was the nightmare king and scared the children of nightmares and fear in them. A mother and her two children, they were huddled around a campfire, but then a scream as a shadow of resembling pitch, washes over them with fear, and it makes it's way up the side of a mountain to reveal pitch before pitch telling his backstory.
Pitch:Everyone frightened, miserable, such happy times for me, oh the power I wielded!
When pitch was telling about his backstory he smiled at the moon but until he realized that the man in the moon chose the guardians to protect the children with their wonder, hope, fun, dreams, and memories.
Pitch:But then the man in the moon chose you to replace my fear with your wonder and light!
As pitch continues his backstory story, north sleigh flies in the front of the moon, jack drops off some snow, building magical snowman's, and having the children snowball fights with each other, tooth and her fairies flitted and collecting the children teeth's, sandy delivering his dream sand to children dreams while the dream sand dances across the sky, and bunny leaps across the rooftop hiding something easter eggs for the children. While pitch still continues telling his  backstory.
Pitch:Lifting their hearts! And giving them fun and hope!
When pitch was still telling about his backstory, he was thinner and weaker than he is now, when he saw the children were laughing and throwing snowballs at each other by jack's magic, and pitch tries to scare the children while he was still telling his backstory.
Pitch:Meanwhile everyone wrote me off as just a bad dream! "Oh there's nothing to be afraid of! There's no such thing as the boogeyman!"
As pitch tries to children with his fear but suddenly the children just runs through him while they were having a snowball fight with each other. Pitch slipped back into the shadows after the children run through him before pitch stopped telling his backstory to luna and the guardians. Back in the present in the tooth palace pitch leans towards the guardians and showing nothing but contempt.
Pitch:Well that's all about to change
Suddenly a sound behind pitch that one of the columns of the palace begins to crack and crumbled as it's decaying while tooth was stunned.
Pitch:Oh look it's happening already
Lunar girl:What is?
Tooth's eyes were widened in shocked and let out a gasped and realizing the children don't believe in her anymore. While the vignette of the children around the world lifting their pillows and finding their baby tooth still here and realizes that the tooth fairy isn't really.
Pitch:Children are waking up and realizing the tooth fairy never came
When the last vignette of little girl was crying and realizing that the tooth fairy never was real and never came. Tooth's was still shocked when the children don't believe in her while luna was mysterious about moves close to tooth as the palace continues to crumbling.
Lunar girl:What's going on tooth?
Toothiana:They...They don't believe in me anymore
Pitch:Didn't they tell you luna? It's great being a guardian but there's a catch, if enough kids stop believing, everything your friends protect wonder, fun, hopes, and dreams it all goes away, and little by little so do they
Luna realizes now that the magnitude of pitch's plan and let out a soft gasped and looked at the guardians in fear and worried about them.
Pitch:No christmas, no easter, no snow day, or little fairies that come in the night, there will be nothing. But fear and darkness and me! It's your turn not to be believed in!
Bunny throws his boomerang at pitch, when pitch quickly ducks out of the way as the boomerang flies around the chamber column, then pitch jumped onto the back of onyx down into the depths of the palace. The guardians dive after him and luna used her levitation spell on herself and followed them while bunny grabbed a set of egg bombs and launched them at pitch, when the egg bombs explodes seconds before pitch hits the ground, and when luna and the guardians landed at the tooth palace lagoon and seeing no sigh of pitch.
Lunar girl:Where'd he go?
North:he's gone
Later tooth was defeated and sits onto the ground with an empty tooth boxes in her hands, baby tooth resting on a nearby broken tooth box and looks at tooth with concern before her and luna's pets silk moth's flies out of luna's inuit hoodie tunic, luna landed on the ground and stopped using her levitation spell on herself and walked up and sits down alongside tooth.
Bunnymund:Okay, alright I admit it, you were right about about pitch
Jack:Hey! I didn't actually think that the old grumpy man was actually serious about this! Scaring the children with nightmares and all! But I didn't think that you were right about this north!
North:This is one time I wish I was wrong but he will pay
Lunar girl:I'm sorry about your fairies
Toothiana:You should've seen them they put up such a fight
Lunar girl:But I don't get why would pitch take the teeth?
Toothiana:It's not the teeth he wanted it's the memories inside them
Lunar girl:Memories? What you mean?
Toothiana:That's why we collect the teeth luna
As tooth leads luna across the pond while luna used her levitation spell on herself and floats followed tooth to tooth's mural.
Toothiana:They hold the most important memories of childhood
Lunar girl:Whoa...
When tooth directs luna to her mural and luna was amazed about tooth's mural of illustrations on the mural.
Toothiana:My fairies and I watch over them, and when someone needs to remember what's important, we help them
Lunar girl:It's kind a sweet
Luna takes a second to admires the immense beauty of tooth's mural and smile shyly before her and tooth.
Toothiana:We had everyone's here yours too
When luna's smile shyly into a curious frown about her memories and gives a tooth a curious look on her face.
Lunar girl:My...My memories?
Toothiana:From you were really young before you became lunar girl
Lunar girl:But...I wasn't anyone before I was lunar girl
Toothiana:Of course you were we were all someone before we were chosen
Lunar girl:Wait...what?
North: *chuckles* You should have seen bunny!
Bunnymund:Hey! I told you never to mention that!
Luna always been assumed, believed, and now she had been someone before she was lunar girl. Her face was flickering through her expressions from disbelief, to hope, to wonder, and to faith while she she trying to process all this.
Lunar girl:That...That night at the lake...I was just, why I assumed...are...are you saying, are you saying I had a life before that? With a home? And a family?!
As tooth and the guardians finally realized that luna really don't remember who she was and lost all of her memories before she became lunar girl. While tooth look luna in the eyes and asked her about her lost memories.
Toothiana:You really don't remember?
Luna's expression say's it all finally the key to all of her questions was coming to her for eight hundred years. Luna faithful smile at tooth for finally getting to her own memories of her tooth box and luna finally gets to know who she was for years.
Lunar girl:All theses years, and the answer were right here, if I find my memories, then I'll know why I'm! You have to show it me! My memories! Come on moth's! Let's go!
As luna and her silk moth's flies across the pond to find luna's memories and find out who she really was before tooth stopped luna and her silk moth's when they're flying away.
Toothiana:I...I can't luna pitch has them
Luna floats down onto the rock stopped using her levitation spell on herself and overlooking at tooth and the guardians.
Lunar girl:Then we have to get them back!
When tooth was about to say a word to luna when suddenly a patch of tooth's feathers were falling out and disappears. The guardians and luna eyes were filled with worry.
Toothiana:Oh no!
Luna was stricken then she looks back at the mural while tooth's ancient mural was beginning to  disintegrates.
Toothiana:The children! We're too late!
North:No! No! No such thing as too late!
When luna looks closely at north and wondering what's he thinking of before she stopped looking at tooth's mural.
North:Hmm...wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...IDEA!!!! Hahh!
North gleefully, while his sword narrowly misses giving bunny a low hair cut, and the others look at him as if was nuts.
North:We will collect the teeth!
Lunar girl:What?
North:We get teeth! Children keep believing in you!
Toothiana:We're talking seven continents! And millions of kids!
North:Give me break! You know how many toys I deliver in one night?
Bunnymund:And eggs I hide in one day?
Jack:And dropping off some snow in every winter?
As tooth smile at her friends and really let them to collect the teeth for they can do it for her before north and the guardians turned to luna and silk moth's.
North:And luna, if you help us, we will get you your memories
Luna looked at her pets silk moth's and the silk moth's tells luna to do it, luna gives her pets silk moth's a smile on her face, then luna looks at tooth when she gives her a reassuring smile, luna looked at jack, bunny, and sandy a look on her face when jack smirked at luna and sandy gives to a enthusiastic thumbs up to luna while bunny groaned. And luna looked back at north with a smile on her before she agrees to helped the guardians.
Lunar girl:I'm in!
As luna join the guardians as they all went into the sleigh for they can collect the teeth for tooth and getting the children to believe in her before they went off to start the tooth collecting.

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