The guardians reassemble!/The finale battle!

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In the night of burgess town north, tooth, bunny, and jack has arrived at jamie house for make him believe in them and gets him to safety before pitch's arrives at burgess. The guardians has arrived on the sleigh completely out of control and crashes land outside jamie's house. While the reindeer's are separated from the sleigh and runs into the woods and the disheveled guardians emerges from the wreckage.
North:Ah! Moi deti! Come back!
Jack: *groaning* Ahhh....My head...!
Toothiana:North! Are you okay?
North:Is official my powers are kaput
Toothiana: *gasped* Look! Luna!
As luna flies out of jamie's window and comes flies towards the guardians, when she did luna lands to ground and stopped used her levitation spell on herself, she realizes that the guardians has lost their powers after the children stopped believing in them tooth can't fly, north was now a grandpa, and jack can't fly, can't control the weather or don't used his winter powers, his skin wasn't cold and his skin was now too warm, and his staff was now rickety old staff. Before tooth faltered and falls to ground to get towards luna to see if she's okay and luna goes over to tooth to helped her back on feet.
Lunar girl: *gasped* Tooth!
Toothiana:Luna! Are you alright?! I was so worried after you'd run off! Are you hurt?! Is everything broken?!?!
After luna got tooth got her back on her feet, tooth touched luna's face with his hands to see if luna's alright, and luna removes tooth's hands away from her face and tells tooth that's she's fine.
Lunar girl:I'm fine tooth! You guys okay?
Tooth blushed as she backs up and warmly smiles at luna and jack warmly smiles at luna and slowly walks up to luna and north walks to luna too while he used his sword as a cane.
Jack:We're fine kiddo
North:What are you doing here?
Lunar girl:Same as you!
Luna puts her hands behind her back and look off to the side as jamie appears from out of his front door and the guardians realizes that jamie was the last light.
North:The last light!
Jamie:Wow! It is you! I mean it is you! I knew it wasn't a dream!
North:Luna! He sees you!
As luna puts her protective arm over to jamie's arm and jamie looks at her and smiles before luna notices that bunny wasn't there with jack, tooth, and north.
Lunar girl:Wait...? Where's bunny?
Jack:Oh! Yeah...about bunny...
North:Losing easter took it toll on all of us...bunny most of all...
As north, tooth, and north backs up to let bunny to reveal himself to luna when they did little cute bunny appears on the sleigh and luna and jamie realizes is that was bunny. Bunny was little cute bunny after losing his powers from the children stopped believed in him and after easter.
Lunar girl:Oh no...!
Jack:Oh yeah...!
Jamie: *chuckles* That's the easter bunny?
Bunnymund:Now somebody sees me! I mean where were you about an hour ago mate?!
Jamie:What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool! And now he's cute
When jamie gently tickles bunny under his and bunny begins to involuntarily thumping to feet and nicely joining getting gently tickled by jamie.
Bunnymund:Oh! Oh that's good!
When bunny catches himself and pushes jamie's hand away then turns to luna and thinking that she tells jamie to say that to bunny.
Bunnymund:Did you tell him to say that? That's it! You're in deep trouble little sheila! I'm really, really-?!
Bunny was interrupted by jamie who was explaining to bunny that luna tells him and the guardians that he was really.
Jamie:No! Actually she told me you were real! Just when I started to think that maybe you weren't
When bunny stops and did he just hear that right that jamie told him about luna made him believe in bunny.
Bunnymund:She made you believe? In me?
As jamie nodded at bunny and at that moment a reconciliation between luna and bunny but until the broken by the sound of thunder. Luna, jamie, and the guardians looks up to the sky to see pitch that he envelopes by the dark clouds as pitch stares down at them from atop a writhing mass of nightmare sand.
Lunar girl:Get jamie out of here! I'll take care of pitch!
North:Be careful luna!
As luna used her levitation spell on herself and leaps into the air and as she goes flying directly at pitch while the guardians takes jamie to find a shelter. While pitch's eyes flashes with anger at see luna coming towards him.
Pitch:Luna girl! Let's ends this shall we?!
Pitch flies down to meet luna head on, as luna sending her moonlight blue dust from her hands at pitch as she barrels towards him, but pitch easily absorbed the attack with nightmare sand and the moonlight blue dust turns into nightmare sand.
Pitch:That little trick doesn't work on me! Anymore!
As luna's plan backfires as pitch changes ahead and unleashed a roaring fury of nightmare sand and that knocks luna out of the sky and made her lost control of her levitation spell on herself and falls from the sky.
Pitch laughs as he was too powerful to defeat luna and the guardians with his nightmares and his army of nightmares. Meanwhile jamie and the guardians do their best to avoid the patrolling nightmares while bunny leads them down an alley and north puffing and struggles to keep up.
Bunnymund:Quick! This way! This way! Dead end! Other way! Other way!
When jamie and the guardians heard luna's screams, luna suddenly falls from the sky and lands on the dumpster and falls limped to the ground, and luna thud and the others turns their attention and winced.
As jamie and the guardians rushed to luna and tries to get her back on her feet while luna groaned in pain.
North:That was good try luna! A for effort!
Lunar girl: *groaning* He's stronger...! I can't beat him!
When luna feels something in her mouth then spits it out of her mouth and revealing her first loose her sparkle teeth after her fall.
Lunar girl: *groaning* Aw man! I got a loose tooth!
Luna wasn't expecting tooth grabbed her first loose sparkle tooth from her hand and tooth just stares at luna's first loose sparkle tooth while she catches herself and luna gives tooth a question look and tooth blushes and puts luna's first loose sparkle tooth in her feathers.
Toothiana:I'll just...keep this in my feathers!
After tooth puts luna's first loose sparkle tooth in her feathers then a familiar menacing chuckles from the shadows. The guardians keep a watchful eye as the shadow streaks across the street.
Pitch:All this fuss over little boy and still he refuses to stop believing, instead of little boy then I'll have to take two children as well!, very well there are other ways to snuff out a light
The bulbs starts bursting as pitch's shadow arm moves across the remaining lights in the alley and the terror in luna and jamie's eyes as luna begins to lost her courage by pitch's powerful fear!
Bunnymund:If you want them you're gonna have to go through me!
When a finger raises of pitch's shadow arm glides along the floor and curling around the back of bunny while pitch laughing genuinely.
Pitch: *laughing* Look how fluffy you are! Would you like a scratch behind the ears?
Bunnymund:Don't you even think about it!
When bunny jumps back into north's hand and pitch comes into the view riding atop on onyx with a gleeful smile strewn across his face.
Pitch:I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this you look awful!
The guardians are weak and defenseless by pitch and his army of nightmares but still the guardians shield luna and jamie from whatever may come. While luna clinging to jamie's arm of fear in her and lost her courage.
Jamie:I'm scared too luna
When luna sudden moment of realization and luna has heard these words before she remembered her lost memory about saving her little inuit brother. In luna's flash back of the ice to find her little inuit brother as she saw him in her memory.
Toklo:Taqqiq...I'm scared...!
Taqqiq:I know, I know...don't cry, you're gonna be alright...
As luna gets back after her flash back of saving her little inuit brother and at that moment luna realizes that she found her center and her center was faith. Luna was believed in faith in entire life and believes that faith can turns out right if she has faith in herself and her friends.
Lunar girl:We're gonna have a little faith instead...that's it! That's my center!
When luna tells jamie about she found her center and jamie gives her a confusing and questioning look. While jamie gets closer and was about to get luna and jamie with his fear and nightmare.
Pitch:So what do you think jamie? Do you believe in the boogiema-Aaaahhhhh!?!?!?!
Pitch was interrupted when he and onyx falls through the portal underneath them, luna puts a portal underneath pitch and onyx and sends them back to pitch's lair before the portal close itself, the two nightmares look at each other about what happened, jamie laughs and but stops not knowing how that portal got underneath pitch and onyx, jack can't helped but snicker, tooth and bunny dropped their jaws and didn't know how did that portal got pitch and onyx too, and north let's out a chuckle. Jamie turns around to see but luna wasn't there on her on his side so jamie spotted luna was standing next to the wooden crate, two trash can lids, and a discarded wok amidst a pile of trash, and luna was holding up trash can lid in her hands and an idea comes up to her head.
Lunar girl:So? Who up for sledding everyone?
As luna makes a few moonlight blue dust sparkle snowball for she can throw the nightmares eyes so her, jamie, the guardians can escape to get jamie's friends. When luna throws moonlight blue dust snowball at the nightmare's eyes, the nightmares whinny in cries and tries to get the moonlight blue dust out of their eyes and luna, jamie, and the guardians quickly grabbed the trash's, when they did the nightmares wipe the moonlight blue dust off their eyes and still has a few ones in them but suddenly a streak of moonlight blue dust begins to materialize and making it's way through the tranquil suburb. Meanwhile a man and his dog across an empty street when suddenly a blue dust and wind behind them, luna used her levitation spell on herself, jamie and the guardians come sledding past and leaving a trail of moonlight blue dust in their wake, and on that moonlight blue dust the guardians careened along in make-shift sleds, they are scared and thrilled except jack he's having the best time of his life but him and the others are having fun. In cupcake's bedroom moments later when cupcake lies in bed and awakes up in terrified, the guardians reflections streak across the window when suddenly a moonlight blue dust sparkle snowball strikes the pane of glass. Cupcake pulls the covers down to find that it's suddenly raining moonlight blue dust inside and as the moonlight blue dust circles around cupcake's head and sits up and smiling. Meanwhile in pippa's bedroom pippa was sits in bed amazed as it raining moonlight blue dust in her room, she hears a knock at her window and moves towards it to find jamie floating outside, and pippa opens her window and looks down to the ground and asked jamie how is he doing that.
Pippa:Jamie how are you doing that?!
Jamie:Luna girl! Come on we need your help!
As jamie takes off flying down the street and as a moonlight blue dust lands on pippa's nose and suddenly she's that luna appearing in a flurry of moonlight blue dust and pippa see's her while luna waving at pippa.
Pippa:Hey that?
Monty:Moon girl!
Pippa looks up to see monty across the street with his head and putting on his coat out the window and moonlight blue dust coming down in monty's bedroom and with gaping smile across his face. Meanwhile in caleb and claude's bedroom the twins sits up in their beds in amazement and staring at the moonlight blue dust sparkles as they streams down from the ceiling and then something thuds in twins feet's and as the twins looks down to find neatly wrapped gifts at their feet of their beds as a jolly voice bellows in the distraction.
North:Merry christmas!
Jack:Happy snow day!
When Caleb and claude opens up their window and amazed to see their heroes sledding past and as the twins see's the guardians.
Bunnymund:Happy easter!
Toothiana:Don't forget to floss!
As Caleb looks up to his brother in a dumbfounded face when suddenly the twins saw cupcake was skids past with the guardians and laughing and screaming on her own sled.
And so claude and caleb, pippa, cupcake, and monty was on their sleds and sledding with jamie, luna girl, and the guardians as they goes through the town.
Pippa:Jamie you were right!
Cupcake:Jack frost is real!
Caleb:The easter bunny's real!
Pippa:And the tooth fairy!
Claude:And santa!
Monty:They're all real!
In the streets of burgess moments later luna, the guardians and the children all come to gliding halt on their sled, they look up to see pitch standing atop of a building with a confident smile on his face, and while the clouds stirs behind him. As luna floats down to the ground and stopped using her levitation spell on herself and while monty late to the party and comes running joyously past luna, jamie, and the guardians who stands in silence as they stares up.
Monty:Whoa! Yeaaaaaaaah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Lunar girl:But pitch...?!?! Ho-How did you-?!
Luna was interrupted by pitch who was telling her that she really think she could get rid of him with her portals and telling her that she and the guardians think that jamie and friends could help them stopped and defeat him.
Pitch:Oh luna, do you really think that you get rid me with your portals? And you think a few children can help you and the guardians against this!
As the nightmare sand storm descends from the sky and north draws his sword but the weight of the blade pulls him down. Jack and tooth can barely moves to north's side as jack looks back to jamie and luna and while jack notices the concerns of jamie and luna's face.
Lunar girl: *gasped* North!
Jack:They're just bad dreams guys
Bunnymund:And we'll protect you two
Pitch:Aww you'll protect them? But who will protect you?
As jamie takes a moment of reflect while luna and his friends look up at the sky in fear and jack looks down and surprise to see that jamie has taken a position in front of him.
Jamie:I will
Then suddenly luna and jamie's friends stopped looking at the sky and stopped being afraid and as they moved to join jamie and protect the guardians.
Cupcake:I will
Claude:I will
Caleb:I will
Pippa:And me
Monty:I'll try
Lunar girl:And so as I
The guardians were amazed watched luna and the children squeezed past them as the children standing braved at pitch and his nightmares.
Pitch:Still think there's no such thing as the boogieman?
As pitch's wave of nightmare sand snakes it's way through town causing destruction whatever it goes and converged toward a single point as it heads straight towards the kids and the guardians.
Jamie:I do believe in you! I'm just not afraid of you!
When jamie thrusts out his hand toward the nightmare wave, luna and his friends follows suites, just as the nightmare sand smashed into them and as it makes contact, then the black sand bursts into streams of golden dream sand. As everyone is amazed and hardly believing their eyes and the streams of dream sand swirl around luna, the children, and the guardians and then it's pandemonium and the nightmares buck and jump as the sand makes it's way past them while pitch was aghast and watched his precious nightmares transformed back into golden dream sand and makes it's way across town. While tooth was amazed and watched her wings suddenly flutter with a resurgence of strength and energy as she takes off and flies past luna and the kids who cheers her.
Cupcake:Yeah! Tooth fairy! Whooaaa!
Lunar girl:Yeah tooth!
When jack was amazed and he feels his skin wasn't warm anymore he feels his skin cold again, he feels the wind blows around him, his rickety old staff turns back to his amazing and awesome staff again, and jack laughs as he flies and got his winter powers again while luna and the kids cheers as the feels the cold wind above them.
Jack: *laughing* Oh yeah! Let's have some fun!
Jamie:Yeah go jack!
Lunar girl:Alright jack!
Then north's eyes widened and he's straightened his back and unsheathed his scimitar swords and as he booms into laugher as he got old warrior self back. As luna and the kids cheers when the guardians got their powers back but except for bunny who still waiting himself to get back to normal.
Monty:Oh yeah!
Lunar girl:Yes!
Pitch:No! Get them! Do your jobs!
When pitch gives a signal and sends his nightmare armies toward luna, the kids, and the guardians while bunny looks at himself and still waiting to be transformed.
Bunnymund:Oh yeah! Come on! Come on! Oh crikey!
When bunny was pursued by the snarling nightmares and bunny takes off while luna goes after the snarling nightmares to save bunny.
Lunar girl:Bunny!
While north north throws two snowglobes down the ground and the through which an army of his yetis and elves. The yetis and the elves comes towards the nightmare army and fights them down. Jack slams his staff down and making an abominable snowman army and jack tells his snowman armies to fight the nightmare.
Jack:Come on mans! Charge!
As the abominable snowman army charging the nightmares and joins the yetis and elves to battle the nightmares while bunny tries to scurry under a parked car in order to evaded the attacking nightmare.
Bunnymund:I'm just a bunny!
When bunny hides under the parked car from the nightmares but he is snatched by his tail by the nightmare who was tries to get bunny underneath the parked car while luna tries to save bunny from the nightmare.
Lunar girl:No! Bunny!
Then suddenly bunny transformed back to his normal size and before he whips out his boomerangs while being held upside down by the nightmare.
Bunnymund:G'day mate!
As bunny kicks the nightmare, flips into the air, and throws his boomerangs which slice the through the two nightmares and turning them to dust. While luna was amazed at bunny glads that bunny's okay.
Lunar girl:Nice's moves bunny!
Bunny drums his feet on the ground and an army of sentinel stone eggs suddenly rise up out of the earth and caleb find himself riding on top of the one of the sentinel stone egg as the sentinel stone eggs joins the yetis, elves, and the abominable snowman army in the battle.
Bunnymund:Come on! Wooooohoooo!
As elves riding the toy ducks and planes comes flying in overhead like bombardiers and turning the nightmares into puffs of black sand as they flies through them another bites on the legs of the nightmare. Luna and the kids looked to see a nightmare charging towards them and only to stop in it's tracks once the kids turned to face the nightmares and luna used her levitation spell on herself and leaps into the air to face pitch.
Cupcake:Let's get 'em!
As the kids charging to the nightmares to battle them and turned them into dream sand and accompanied by the two elves in a bike and side car and charging an incoming the nightmare while the elf behind the lunged towards it and biting at it's haunches. The kids puts their hands on the nightmare and turning it to dream sand while pitch looks down watched his army nightmares are defeating by the guardians helpers and the children suddenly luna thuds on the roof and stopped using her levitation spell on herself and takes out her moonlight shamshir sword out of her moonlight purple sheath waist holder.
Lunar girl:Pitch!
When pitch turns towards the noise of luna, he see's luna was on the roof and holding her moonlight shamshir in her hands, luna sends a streak moonlight blue dust from her moonlight shamshir sword towards pitch's nightmares and disabling a few of them, the guardians turned toward the explosions of moonlight blue dust taking place atop the surrounding buildings, pitch begins to charges and responds with an attack of his own but luckily jack jumps to an adjacent roof and let's out a blast of ice and snow.
Lunar girl:Jack!
While bunny taps his foot on the ground and creates a rabbit hole for north and himself to travel through to fight pitch.
Bunnymund:All yours mate!
Luna used her levitation spell on herself and flies to adjacent roof and joins jack to fight with pitch, as luna and jack runs into pitch as they rounded the corner of a chimney and pitch throws a spear towards jack and luna, and which is suddenly deflected by tooth as she flies through the area and takes out a few nightmares of her own.
Jack:Thanks tooth!
Lunar girl:Tooth!
Then suddenly bunny comes flying out of an nearby chimney and drawing out his boomerangs as he lands.
Bunnymund:Ho! Ho! Ho!
Lunar girl:Bunny!
The nightmares surrounding pitch but the nightmares explodes into dust as the boomerangs tears through them. While north shoots out of bunny's hole, his scimitar swords are at ready, and only to have to landed on a roof some distance from the guardians.
Lunar girl:North!
When north turns around and saw luna and the others are battling at pitch and his nightmares on the roof and north realizes he in the wrong roof.
North:Wrong roof
Pitch tries to escape the attacking guardians and slips into a nearby shadow and emerging through the side of the building but north jumps off the roof to greet him mid-air with his scimitar swords. Pitch is knocked to the ground and as he gets to his feet he forms a scythe with his nightmare sand and begins to crossing in an instant pitch finds himself surrounding by luna and the guardians. And each of the guardians take their turn to deal with pitch a few humiliating blows while jamie looks over caleb's shoulders as a wisp of dream sand leaves his palms and rises into the air.
Caleb:Whoa! Look at that!
Jamie:I got! I know what we have to do! Guys come on!
As jamie leads his friends as they follow the stream of dream sand down the street towards the growing mass of golden sand while luna and the guardians advanced towards pitch.
Jack:It's over pitch! There's no place to hide
When pitch gives them a wryly smile and quickly descends into the shadows and casting multiple versions of himself along the alley walls. Then suddenly in their moment of distraction pitch rises up behind luna and his nightmare sand scythe in is hands.
Bunnymund:Luna! Look out!
Lunar girl:Aaahh!
The other guardians look on in horror but until a golden whip wraps itself round pitch's wrist and pitch was dragged down onto the ground and as he, luna, the guardians saw the funnel of the dream sand clouds. And as luna and the guardians realizes that has returned by jamie and his friends.
Lunar girl:Is that...?
As luna and the guardians was so happy that sandy has returned by jamie and his friends and sandy was coalescing from the dream sand clouds. Sandy gives pitch a look, wags his finger, and then uppercutting pitch into the air. Then sandy looks off to the side to where jamie and his friends have gathered and sandy forms a dream sand hat and tips the cap to jamie. And jamie was gleefully and salutes back to sandy as his friends stands behind him in awe. While sandy then looks to his whip and tugs on it then slamming pitch into the ground and knocking out with dream sand. While the guardians cheers as they welcome sandy back and they were so happy and so glad to see again and north shoots sandy up into the air and as luna used her levitation spell on herself flies over to sandy. Luna hugs sandy tight for his return and sandy hugs her hugs back as they lands back to the ground and luna stopped using her levitation spell on herself. While pitch was sleeping by sandy's dream sand and he was dreaming while knocked out being about adorable little butterflies.

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