Preparing for easter

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In bunnymund's warren moments later luna, bunny, and sophie watched close up to the flower, as the flower opens to reveal an egg, and as the egg stands up wobbly on it's spindly little legs. While luna and sophie were amazed at egg and bunny was proudly.
Bunnymund:You wanna paint some eggs? Yeah?
Lunar girl:Yeah!
Bunnymund:Come on then!
As luna and bunny helped sophie to get on bunny's back and the guardians helped bunny to paint some easter eggs for tomorrow easter. When they did the others gets started to prepare for easter and the thousands of unpainted eggs stream down the side of it toward a green meadow and while north and jack stand in the midst and watching the eggs rushing towards them.
North:Rimsky Korsakov! That's a lot of eggs
Jack:Uh? How much time do we have?
Meanwhile in the green meadow bunny hops into the view leading the a huge mass of eggs down the wild path of flower blooms. While sophie was clinging on bunny's back and smiling that's she's getting ride on bunny's back and luna used her levitation spell on herself and floating above bunny and sophie and helping bunny leading the eggs down the wild path of flower blooms and with a smile on her face.
Lunar girl:Wooo-oooooo!
As they passes the flower blooms on either side in the wakes and blasting the passing eggs with colors as the eggs go.
Bunnymund:Alright troops, it's time to push back, that means eggs! Everywhere! Heaps of you in every high-rise, farm house, and trailer park!
When north looks around and out over the eggs as the eggs get sorted and north tells them to be in a single file.
North:Single file!
As north did, he saw sophie was on her back and she was carried by the eggs through the sorting stones, and sophie giggles as north waves at her while she passes by.
Bunnymund:In tennis shoes and cereal bowls! Oh there will be bathtubs filled with my beautiful googies!
Meanwhile luna's pets silk moth's and baby tooth flies across the multicolored stream off in the distance, the silk moth's and baby tooth joins an elve who was stands alongside an egg at the edge of a cliff, the elve pushed the egg over the cliff into the stream and celebrates with a victory dance, then the elve turns just in time to see a stampede of colored eggs comes barreling towards him before the elve stopped his victory dance and freezes on the spotted, and then the eggs knocks the elve off the cliff as him and the eggs spilled into the multicolored stream below, and a sparking stream colored eggs wade through the water and emerging with secondary colors and intricate patterns of all kind. While an unlucky egg veers off and gets stuck in a whirlpool, north picks up the the egg and north and luna looks at the egg curiously, and now the egg got a spiral pattern on it and it's little legs kicking madly.
Lunar girl:That's weird
North:Okay that's little strange
Bunnymund:Naw mate...that's adorable
Bunny was surrounded by by butterflies and cute little eggs, as the technicolored elve climbs out of the stream, north sets the egg down and let the egg rejoin the herd, and sophie leads a parade of eggs and bunny jumps to an adjacent rock and sits up to address the eggs as the eggs walk in stride while jack rides atop a group of stone egg that the stone eggs are marching.
Bunnymund:There will be springtime! On every continent! And I'm bringing hope with me!
Meanwhile the line of eggs running down curled vines as luna and yeti are enjoying watching the eggs goes down on vines with a smile on luna and the yeti's face. As the eggs continues going down on the various vines and decorating the eggs with strips but the confused elve emerges from the vines and striped with paint walks off before that luna and the yeti confused about what happened to the elve from the vines.
Lunar girl:Okay now that's weird
While the striped elve walks past the yeti who was painting the mound of red eggs before bunny hops to yeti and tells him to paint it blue.
Bunnymund:Too christmas-y mate paint 'em blue
Yeti:What the?!
As the yeti reacts in dismay he looked at the mound of red eggs that he painted before the yeti threw his arms and put his head on the ground. Moments later bunny and sophie are at the stone archway that's were eggs will be leaving out of the warren and goes to earth in each country for one of them can make kids believe in the guardians again before bunny spotted a beautiful painted egg next to him and sophie.
Bunnymund:Oh what's over there?
Sophie spots the beautiful painted egg and delicately lifts it oof the ground, sophie holds it close to admire the intricate detail of it's shell, and sophie brings the beautiful painted egg to bunny for him to inspect.
Bunnymund:Aw! That's a beauty! Now all we gotta do is get him and his little mates through the tunnels to the top and we'll have ourselves easter
When bunny takes sophie by the hand and leads her through the stone archway, when he did bunny looks out proudly at his eggs gathered in front of the tunnels in the distance, and luna floats down on the ground and stopped using her levitation spell on herself and approaches from behind and makes her way alongside bunny who was holding sophie in his arm's.
Lunar girl:Not bad
As luna exchanged a glare at bunny with a smile on her face and sophie yawns and begins to fall asleep before bunny turns to luna with a smile on his face too.
Bunnymund:Not bad yourself
Lunar girl:Look I'm really sorry about that whole, know...the "kangaroo" thing, I thought that you were a kangaroo and all
Bunnymund:It's the accent isn't it?
As north comes up from behind with jack, tooth, baby tooth, and luna's pets silk moth's at north's side, they turned towards bunny and marveling at the of sophie while sophie was fast asleep, and bunny's face softens as if he remembering a distant memory it was touching for him and the others.
Bunnymund:Ah poor little ankle-bitter, look at her, all tuckered out
Toothiana:I love her!
They turned around from the sleeping toddler to jack and realized that jack has taught his friends something today before tooth tells the others that it is time to take sophie back home to burgess town.
Toothiana:I think it's time to get her home
Bunny hands the sleeping sophie over to tooth as tooth was about to flies out of the warren and get sophie back home to burgess town but luna stopped tooth by telling her that she will take sophie back home to burgess town.
Lunar girl:How about I take her home?
Toothiana:Luna no! Pitch is-?!
Tooth was interrupted by luna who was taking out her moonlight shamshir sword and tells the guardians that pitch's no match for her sword.
Lunar girl:No match for this
Bunnymund:Which is why we need you with us
Lunar girl:Trust me I'll be quick as a bunny
As the guardians look at luna with concern but except jack, jack thinks that luna will be back after she gets sophie back home to burgess town and helped them to get children believed in the guardians again on easter tomorrow, and he tells the guardians that luna's one of them now and he knows that luna got this and he knows that's she'll be back helping the others in easter tomorrow.
Jack:Come on guys! She's one of us now! She's got this! And I know she'll be back and helping us to make kid's believe in us again
When the guardians thought about jack said "she'll be back and helping us to make kid's believe in us again" and decided to trust luna and let her take sophie back home to burgess town and luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth portals out of the warren and goes to burgess town and puts sophie to bed. When they did luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth has arrived in sophie's bedroom and luna tries to laying a sleeping sophie down in her bed but sophie won't let go of luna's neck, finally sophie released her grasped only to roll over and fall out of bed, and luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth saw sophie on the floor and baby tooth gives luna and the silk moth's a scornful look. When luna was about to get sophie off the floor but jamie's mom heard a noise from sophie's room and decided to go check on sophie before luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth hears jamie's mom voice and their eyes widened.
Jamie's mom:Sophie? Is that you?
Luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth decided to leave out of sophie's bedroom and left sophie sleeping on the floor before luna quickly covered sophie with a blanket and given her a squeaky stuffed animal. Luna quickly opened up a portal for her, her pets silk moth's, and baby tooth when she did luna used her levitation spell on herself and her, the silk moth's, and baby tooth and they flies through the portal out of sophie's bedroom. When they did luna looks at her pets silk moth's and baby tooth with a sigh of relief.
Lunar girl:We should get back
Luna's pets silk moth's and baby tooth nodded at luna as they were about to go back to the guardians and helped them to make kid's believe in them again. When suddenly a familiar little boy's voice call's luna's name and that got luna's attention to the little boy's voice of a memory of luna's memories.
Little boy's memory voice: *laughing* Taqqiq!
Lunar girl:Huh?
Luna stops and confused about where's that voice coming from, luna looks across the town, towards the woods, and the sound of the echoed voice of the little boy's memory voice.
Little boy's memory voice:Taqqiq?
Lunar girl:T-That voice...I know that voice...
Little boy's memory voice:Taqqiq!
As the silk moth's and baby tooth looked at luna in worried, luna flies across burgess town towards the sound of the little boy's memory eerie voice, the silk moth's and baby tooth follows luna and trying to keep up with her as luna takes a moment to orient herself and lands on setting a rotating vent, and the momentum slowly spins luna around and as the little boy's memory voice calls luna again.
Little boy's memory voice:Taqqiq!
Luna gives chase and she sprinted through the thickests and enters a clearing only to find the decrepit remains of a rotting frame from the entrance to pitch's lair being under an abandonment bed, and mothiana and baby tooth desperately tries to get luna's attention by tugging her at her inuit hoodie.
Lunar girl:Don't worry there's still time
As luna makes a portal through the damage frame and revealing to be a hole leading deep underground to pitch's lair.
Little boy's memory voice:Taqqiq!
As luna jumped down into the hole to pitch's lair and reluctantly followed by luna's pets silk moth's and baby tooth. While luna was trying to find out what that little boy's memory voice was and trying to know what that is in her memories in pitch's lair or will she's finds out that her memories will be find if she's finds it her memories.

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