Sandy's funeral/The guardians regroup/Bunny's warren

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In the globe room north, jack, tooth, bunny, and north's elves and yetis were in the midst of a somber ceremony, of marking the passing of sandy, burning candles line the perimeter of sandy's stone emblem of sandy the guardian of dreams funeral, tooth sets down the last candle and tooth stands shoulder to shoulder with north, jack, and bunny, and as the four guardians holding hands in solace in sandy's funeral while north's elves were ringing of somber bells echoing throughout the chamber as part of the ceremonial dirge. Moments later luna was facing a window with her inuit hoodie on her head, luna was still upset about failing sandy's life and she used her moonlight blue dust and she creates a moonlight blue dust form of a symbol of sandy over the window with her finger before north slowly walks behind luna.
North:Are you alright?
When luna starts filling up tears of sadness, shamed, and failing to her eyes, as luna's tears rolled down on her cheeks, then luna remains still and she really wishing that she could've done something to save sandy's life and luna looks at her moonlight blue dust form of a symbol of sandy, and luna starts to crying again about failing to save sandy before north sits down next to luna and hugged her and luna cries onto north's chest and hugs north back.
Lunar girl: *sobbing* I'm so sorry north....I just.....I just wish I could've done something.....
North:Done something? Luna you stood up to pitch, you save us
Lunar girl: *sobbing* But north...sandy wou-?!
Luna was interrupted by north who was telling luna how much sandy would be proud of luna and north puts his hand on luna's cheek and wiping the tears off with his thumb.
North:Would be proud of what you did
When luna pulls out her inuit hoodie from her head and stands up while luna stiffing and as her tears were still coming out of her sad eyes.
North:I don't know who you were in your past life but in this life you are guardian
Lunar girl:But how can I know who I am until I find out who I was
North:You will, I feel my belly
As luna wiping her eyes and pulling herself together and smilies at north meanwhile luna and north approach to the globe, luna and the four guardians watched as the losing lights each child's belief slowly one by one starts to going out, and were at an alarming rate which caused them worried in fear.
Toothiana:Look how fast they're going out
Jack:It's fear
As jack picked up his pace and went into the air towards the globe, then luna used her levitation spell on herself and follows jack on the way to the globe, and as luna and jack carefully watched as the lights were going out.
Lunar girl:How could you tell?
Jack:Pitch's tipped the balance
Luna gasps worriedly as she was continues to watches the lights going out and thinking of a way to stopped pitch and his nightmare army and thinking of a way another to make the children to believe in the guardians again.
Lunar girl:What do we do?
While luna and jack drifts up closer to the globe, luna was still thinking of way to make the children to believe in the guardians again, as jack continues look at the lights going out and luna turns back to the guardians, and luna see that north and tooth were nervous that the children were stopped believing in the guardians fast because of pitch's fear in the children and there's a nervous tension in the room but except bunny.
Bunnymund:Hey buck up ya sad-sacks, come on! We can still turn this around!
Lunar girl:Really? How?
Luna and jack flies back down to the guardians to listen to bunny about easter, when they did luna stopped using her levitation spell on herself and goes up to the guardians, bunnymund the guardian of hope always believes that there is still hope for his friends and the children to believe in him and guardians, and before he asked his friends to helped him with his job preparing easter for tomorrow for the children to believe in him and the others again.
Bunnymund:Easter is tomorrow and I need your help
Lunar girl:Easter...? Easter! Of course!
Bunnymund:I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again!
Luna and the guardians agree with bunny and helped him to prepare easter for tomorrow and making the children to believe in the guardians again. Meanwhile in the factory floor, a massive wooden door swings open, north leads luna, jack, tooth, baby tooth, and bunny through the doorway, into an elevator, and through north's factory.
North:Bunny is right! As much as it pains me to say old friend, but this time easter is more important than christmas!
Bunnymund:Hey?! Did anyone hear that?!
North:We must hurry to the warren! Everyone to the sleigh!
Bunnymund:Ohh no mate, my warren my rules, buckle up
When bunny directs the groups attention to the ground before he taps his foot and makes a rabbit hole under the others feet's.
Lunar girl:Huh?
Suddenly a large rabbit hole within the workshop and making luna, jack, north, tooth, baby tooth, and north's two yetis and one elve fall into the tunnel. As the others plummeted through bunny's tunnel, jack was surfing through the tunnel, tooth, north, luna, and north's yetis and elve were just sliding through the tunnel, and luna was enjoying and having fun sliding through the tunnel while she's cheering and bunny was directing the others to his warren his home. As jack, tooth, and bunny arrives gracefully in the warren, north and his two yetis and one elve comes to a crashing halt, and luna bounced on north's belly and gracefully landed onto the ground and as luna starts loving sliding through bunny's tunnel before she stopped cheering.
Lunar girl:Oh that was so much fun! Let's do it again!
North: *chuckling* "Buckle up" is very funny
Bunnymund:Welcome to the warren
Lunar girl:Whoa...! This place is amazing!
Bunny stands before them, when suddenly bunny shifts his attention, bunny turns and his ears perk up, and his nose sniff the air.
Bunnymund:Something's up
When a faint of scream begins to echo from within the depths of one of bunny's egg tunnels, tiny eggs come scuttling out from the tunnel, bunny grabbed his boomerangs, north draw his swords, jack readies his staff, luna took out her moonlight shamshir sword, and bunny's two  sentinel egg stones turned their face to grumpy face to look like warrior face, as the sounds of booming footsteps, screams, and the rustling of foliage grows louder. Then bunny begins to charge toward the tunnel, at bunny's side luna and the guardians, north's yetis and one elve, and the sentinel egg stones all bellowing their loudest battle cries and as the others race toward the tunnel and ready to fight about what was about to escape from the tunnel. But until sophie was chasing the tiny eggs from the eggs tunnel and luna's pets silk moth's were chasing after her
before sophie and luna's silk moth's were interrupted by the others. And as sophie and luna silk moth's looked at the group of stunned while sophie held onto the three blank eggs which wiggled in her clutches.
Lunar girl:Moth's? Sophie?
Luna, the guardians, north's yetis, and bunny's sentinel egg stones quickly immediately withdrew their weapons and stares at sophie and luna's pets silk moth's with their awkward grins and laughs nervously in their mildly embarrassment. When sophie suddenly got distracted and dropped the three eggs while three eggs scrambled to safely and as sophie decided to chase north's one elve and luna's silk moth's flies over to luna.
Sophie:Elf! Elf! Elf!
Bunnymund:What is she doing here?!
When north looks down at his coat pocket and pats the coat pockets and realizes that sophie have gotten north's snow globe and accidentally portals to bunny's warren and luna's pet silk moth's explained to luna about everything about what happened before north was embarrassed.
North:Ah...snow globe
Lunar girl:So I wonder where you moth's went off to
Bunnymund:Crikey! Somebody do something?!
Lunar girl:Hey don't look at me! I'm invisible remember?
As sophie giggles as she dragged the elve along the stone floor by the top of the elve's hat by the bell atop of it's uniform while the elve looked at north for a plea of help.
Toothiana:Don't worry bunny I bet she's a fairy fan
When tooth flies over to sophie and tooth doing pulling a pose to show her fairy wings to please sophie before sophie looking at the multicolor fairy and being distracted by tooth while sophie dropped the helpless elve.
Toothiana:It's okay little one
Toothiana:Awww! You know what I got something for you! Here it is!
When tooth pulls out something out and opened her hand to reveal of freshly fallen teeth's from the others children while tooth was showing it to sophie.
Toothiana:Look at all the pretty teeth with little blood and gum on them!
Sophie: *screaming* WAAAHH!!!!!!!!!
Sophie ran away from tooth and screaming while tooth didn't know what's quite seems to be the problem.
Lunar girl:Blood and gums?
Jack: *laughing* Blood and gums? When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?
Jack sat upon a carved bolder and quizzed his fellow friends about hanging out with children as sophie was running around the warren, exploring, and playing with the eggs under jack. While sophie pokes her head under the carved stone.
As sophie's voice echoed throughout the small gap under the carved stone, terrorizing the eggs, and the eggs fled from their not so safe hide hole and flee to their master. While bunny quickly pushed the few eggs in the direction from behind him.
North:We are very busy bringing joy to children we don't have time...for children
Lunar girl:I've spent more time on my moth's and usually hang out with jamie, his friends, and his little sister sophie too!
Jack:If one little kid can ruin easter, then...we're in shape than I
As jack forming a snowflake and which floats towards sophie and sophie tries to grab it and she followed the snowflake as jack leads it over to bunny.
Sophie:Weeee! Weee! Weee! Weee!
As the snowflake lands on bunny's nose and bunny's concerns suddenly seems to slip away from jack's magic is taking affect. While bunny and the others started preparing for painting some easter eggs and bunny decided to have some little fun sophie and letting luna and sophie to help with preparing easter with him and the guardians.

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