The North pole/Calling the guardians

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Eight hundred years later mim choose north, bunnymund, jack frost, toothiana, and sandy to protect the children of wonder, hope, fun, memories, and dreams as long as the children believe in the guardians. In the north pole north was in his workshop he was making a new ice train with his ice train model set while he was listening to his russia music in instrumental music while north grabbed his pair of tongs and grabbed a block of ice with his pair of tongs. While he slammed the block of ice on his stone work table before he puts up his pair of tongs and grabbed a chainsaw and shears the block of ice into a little block of ice for his ice train after he shears the block of ice into a little block north chuckle for waiting for his cookie's while the three elves were eating of north's cookie's before he asked the elves for bringing his cookie's.
North:Still waiting for cookies!
As north walked into his rolling chair the elves lowered the cookie's from their mouths and their frozen faces in fear. Before the two elves ducked out from north who launched himself across the floor on his rolling chair while north humming his russia music before the two elves goes over to north's working ice train model desk for his cookie's. While north was in his working ice train model desk and making his ice train with his work tools while he groped furiously his work tools and finally grabbed his miniature hammer for his ice train. As north continues to humming to his russia music while he delicately chiseling to the little block of ice after he almost done with his ice train he grabbed his magnified in a jeweler's eyepiece and delicate sculpting tool cuts fine details into his ice train. North blows his finish ice train model put it on the curving ice track when he did that his ice train moves into a ice locomotive it belches ice vapor and chugs down the track picking up speeded.
As north watched his ice train he heard the jingles of a bell when he knows that was his two elves and he glad that his cookie's was here by the two elves who was held up the plate with christmas cookie's.
North:Ah! Finally!
As north was glad that his cookie's are here the elve gives his cohort a look at the second elve and points to the plate as the second elve chews out with a mouth full of cookie and unfurled it's tongue then let's the half eaten morsels spilling out onto the plate. While north didn't notices that he took a star christmas cookie and took a bite of it and leaned over to the ice tracked when he did north chuckles as the ice train hits a loop and it launches off a ramp into a midair then it wings unfolds into a jet engines spout and ignited as the ice train lifts off by the tracks. But until the door slammed opened by north's brown yeti before the brown yeti tells north about the globe by yetish.
Brown yeti:Arghbal
When north's brown yeti tells north about the globe the ice train skidding onto the floor in broken pieces. North exclaims in disappointment gasped about his ice train being broken into pieces while north's brown yeti coving his mouth of shame about breaking north's ice train before the brown yeti exclaims in disappointing gasped too. Then north exclaiming fearfully about his broken ice train and then north's brown yeti stopped coving his mouth and exclaiming fearfully about north's broken ice train. Before north sighted about his ice train being broken into pieces by his brown yeti and he looked down at his broken ice train and takes a moment to collect himself.
North:How many times have I told you to knock?!
When north asked his brown yeti about "how many times have he told him to knock" north's brown yeti tells north about the globe in yetish.
Brown yeti:Warga blarghgha
As north's brown yeti tells north about the globe north understands his brown yeti telling him about the globe and was curious about something's wrong before north asked his brown yeti and the globe.
North:What...? The globe?
North leaps out of his rolling chair to what's wrong with the globe before he grabbed his huge scimitar sword from the sheath and heads out to the globe. Meanwhile in north's globe room the yetis and the elves goes over to the globe while north's elves see the north was coming towards them before the elves panicked and part away from north's huge boots stomped through to them.
North:Shoo with your pointy heads! Why are you always under boot?
As north pushed of his couple yetis workers away and see what's wrong with the globe when they're looking at it with fear. When they looked at the globe and see that the globe of belief covered with lights blanking the continent's but north notices that they all at once hundreds of lights suddenly going out.
North:What is this?
North was curious about the lights were blanking while the the lights were snuffing them out by thousands with something. While north's concern grown about the lights are going out before north asked his brown yeti about the lights going out.
North:Have you checked the axis? Is rotation balanced?
North's brown yeti shrugged his shoulders about not knowing what's going on with the globe before the brown yeti replied to north about the lights in yetish.
Brown yeti:Wardle bawddrel
Before north's brown yeti could finish about the lights but then there's a wind whipped up from out of no where north stares in outraged as a blanked of swirling pitch's black sand crawls over the lights and shrouded the entire globe in the sky darkness. While the elves scurrying in panicked then pitch's black sand whooshed up off the globe and rushes up through the ceiling as the remaining pitch's black sand bursts into a puffed off the smoke and dissipates into the air. As the wind gone the scattered pieces of debris settled into the ground and the globes lights came back on. North whirled to see a huge pitch's shadow flash across the floors and curving walls of his fortress it quickly disappeared and leaving nothing but the distances echo of pitch's laughing voice. North was frozen after pitch's black sand and looking up into the darkness gravity of thinking that pitch was backed from the dark ages before north thinking about pitch is up to something of no good.
North:Can it be?
As north realized that pitch was back with his nightmares to fear the children while north decided to calling the guardians of emergency. Before he called his elve named dingle for making of preparations for north's friends.
When north called his elve dingle the four elves stepped forward gleefully pointing to themselves as if were "dingle" when the excitement quickly turned into a confusion. Before north tells dingle to make preparations for his friends the guardians.
North:Make preparations! We are going to have company
North reaches out for the larger emergency lever, twisted it, and presses it when he did that the globe pulses with energy of aurora borealis to summon the guardians while it lights up and zoomed up towards the roof. The aurora borealis was in the tallest spire of north's fortress while the aurora borealis radiates outward for the first time in decades the guardians call goes out meanwhile in nighttime in a child's bedroom the little mini fairy of tooth's fairy comes in a little boy bedroom for the teeth while she was carrying a golden coin and flies over to the sleeping boy and she quickly ducked over the pillow for the tooth and puts the golden coin under the pillow before the little mini fairy grabbed the boy's tooth in her hand and returned to tooth's palace to put in the boy's tooth inside the memory box. In tooth's palace in the daytime they were a hundreds of mini fairies fly towards of a hollow mountain in tooth's palace it was a majestic site while the mini fairy puts the boy's teeth inside of a memory tiny wooden drawer and gets another golden coin for the next child while toothiana sending her little mini fairies to each country to gets collecting teeth's in each country states.
Toothiana:Eighteen central incisor, moscow, sector nine, twenty two incisors, eighteen premolars, uh-oh heavy rain advisory, des moines, we've got a cusped at twenty three maple head out!
As a hive of activity and at the center a winged figure barks out orders while toothiana sending her little mini fairies to collecting the teeth's one of her little mini fairy flies over to toothiana and dropped the girl's little first teeth in toothiana's hand and she's gazing at the girl's little first teeth with dreamy adoration. The surrounding of mini fairies tweeted with excitement while her little mini fairies was continuing their work behind them.
Toothiana:Wait! It's her first tooth! Have you ever seen a more adorable lateral incisor in all of your life?! Look how she flossed!
Toothiana's mini fairy turned to concern and turning toothiana's attention to north's aurora borealis signal before she gasped. Then she flies over there to find out what's wrong while her little mini fairies followed her in accompanied before north does a prologue's about his fellow guardians.
North:My fellow guardians, it is our job to watch over the children of the world and keep them safe
When north was doing his prologue about his friends the guardians meanwhile it was still nighttime in a child's bedroom a little girl was sleeping and dreaming about being a soccer girl. But until sandy's dream sand was swirling over the girl's head while the girl was smiling at her dream of being a soccer girl and have a dream sand shaped of the girl playing soccer. In the clouds sandy was on his glowing golden of dream sand shimmering among the clouds while sandy was doing his job by delivering dream sand around the children in their dreams. While north was still doing his prologue about his friends the guardians.
North:To bring wonder, fun, hope, and dreams, and so I have called us all here for one reason and one reason only, the children are in danger
When north was still prologue about his friends the guardians suddenly sandy turned to look and his eyes narrowed when he see's north's aurora borealis signal and decided to goes to the north pole for find out what's wrong. Sandy closed his eyes and in an instant the dream sand cloud to make a biplane by his dream sand then he swirled his dream sand around him and changing form into a biplane before sandy got into the cockpit and put on his golden airplane goggles and he barrel rolls the biplane into a dizzying dive through the spectacular cloudscape and flies off to the north pole. Meanwhile in russia federation jack was dropping off some snow on snow day before he dropped off snow in burgess but until he was done dropping off some snow when jack spotted a russian boy who was approaching to the water fountain with his friends there while jack got an idea of having fun with the kids in having a snowball fight. Before jack squats down on the post office box and magically creating a snowball for him to threw it at the russian boy while the russian boy got up to the water fountain and turned the handle and moves for a sip until jack threw the magically snowball at the russian boy and then his friends saw a magically snowball from no where before the magically snowball hits the russian boy head and he landed on the water. Jack laughed at the russian boy for throwing his magically snowball at him until the russian boy friends heard of jack's frost voice and turned around to find out where that voice came from but jack flies out of the post office box before the russian boy friends see there's nothing there but the post office box they were confused about jack's voice of where it came from. Until they heard of the russian boy laughing at his friends of thinking that his friends threw a snowball at him before he approached his friends with a snowball at his hand.
Russian boy: *laughing* Hahahahaha! Okay which one you guys threw that?!
When the russian boy asked his friends about "who threw that" at him, his friends threw their hands in defense of telling the russian boy that it wasn't them who threw the snowball at him before telling him that it wasn't them.
Girl one:It wasn't me
Girl second:I didn't do anything
When the russian boy friends tried to tell the russian boy that it wasn't them the russian boy throw a snowball at the girl one. Until he did the girl one was covered in snow when the second girl couldn't help but laughed at her friend who was covered in snow but until she got hit by another snowball by the russian boy. The girl one laughed at her friend when she got hit by a snowball and she created a snowball and throw it at the russian boy for payback for threw a snowball at her then she got hit by another snowball by the second girl and laughed at her. The russian boy and his friends started to have a snowball fight with each other until jack chuckled at the kid's when he created another magically snowball and threw it at the russian boy in the back of his head before the russian boy turns around and see who threw a snowball at him and jack created another magically snowball and throw it at the russian boy friends. When jack did that he watched as the russian boy threw another snowball at his friends then his friends threw another snowball at the russian boy for then him and his friends having a snowball fight with each other while jack laughing at the kids for having fun with them and flies away from them and leaving them with their snowball fight. Jack flies over to the cathedral spire and takes a few of the town until he saw a writer men in his study sits next to a stacked of papers then jack got an idea to messed with the writer men and then he swings open the window and he causes a gust of winded and sending the papers flying out of the window while the worker men cries out of his papers and trying to catches them. Jack laughed at the worker men reaction about his papers flying out the window as jack got up atop of the cathedral spire and takes a view from the town of the full moon bathes the city in moonlight before jack watched the children having fun with the snow jack enjoyed the children as they were building snowman, sledding down on the hill, and having snowball fight with each other with their joy, laugher, and their fun.
Jack:Oh! Now that, that was fun!
As jack enjoyed of watching the children until he turned around and saw north's aurora borealis signal then he smiled at north's aurora borealis signal and wondering what's the emergency all about.
Jack:Hmm? I wondered what's going on about? Hey wind!
Jack chuckled as he called the wind the trees were beginning to sway away and the leaves flying into the air. Jack grabbed hold on the spire and smiled as the wind past before he tells the wind to take him to the north pole!
Jack:Take me to north's place!
Jack smirked as he lets go and the wind carries him into the air and through the clouds when jack flies over to the north pole.
As jack flies over to the north pole meanwhile in bunnymund's warren one of bunny's easter eggs pop out of the ground their little eggs carry them out of the way. Until bunnymund was speeding through of his subterranean tunnel on to the north pole while north was still prologue about his friends the guardians.
North:An enemy we have kept at bay for centuries has finally decided to strike back we alone can stop him
When north stopped prologue about his friends the guardians bunnymund races at blinding speed, leaping, and zigzagging through the tunnels and made his way to the north pole. In the snowy expanse in the north pole a hole opened in the snow and a pair of bunny's ears pop out and bunnymund climbed out of the hole and brushed off the snow in annoyed until he immediately hunched down shivering in the freezing wind.
Bunnymund:Ah! It's freezing!
As bunnymund shivering until he heard a laughed and he knew that laughed above him before he looked up and see's jack laughing at him.
Bunnymund: *yelling* FROSTBITE!!!!!!
When bunnymund yelled at jack while jack still laughing up above him when he looked at bunny shivering at the cold before he asked him.
Jack:Do you always do that cottontail? Come up all cool then start hunching down shivering?
Bunnymund:No and we have a meeting to attend to
Bunnymund glared at jack about the meeting with the others while jack smirked before he tells bunny to go inside the workshop because bunny's feet will gets numb which it already did.
Jack:Alright bun-bun we may as well get inside before your feet numb out completely
Bunnymund:Their already numb
Jack smirked even widened about bunny's feet were numb and jack could beats bunny to the north pole today while they're on a meeting with the others.
Jack:Sad...that means I'll beat you to the north pole today!
Bunnymund:Oh you really don't want to race a rabbit mate
As jack and bunnymund took off to the workshop for a meeting with the others while bunny yelping about he couldn't feel his feet.
Bunnymund: *yelping* I can't feel my feet! I can't feel my feet!
As bunny yelping as he couldn't feel his feet jack couldn't help by chuckled at bunny while they went into the distance of north's workshop. The ornately decorated and dimly lit palace built into the side of a mountain of ice.

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