In jamie's bedroom

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In the night of burgess town in jamie's bedroom, luna, jack, and tooth were inside of jamie's bedroom, collecting jamie's teeth while luna looked at jamie seeing jamie sound a sleep in his bed, jack looks at jamie's drawing of himself during the snowball fight on the wall, jamie's midair, and jamie's friends with snowballs, and tooth grabbed jamie's teeth under the pillow and explained jamie's sledding accident to luna and jack.
Toothiana:Left central incisor, knocked out in a freak sledding accident, I wonder how that could have happened jack?
Jack laughs as he turned luna and tooth before he stopped looking at jamie's drawing and watched luna keeps looking at jamie.
Jack: *laughing* Kids huh?
As luna and jack watched tooth rolls the coin over her fingers and then puts the coin under jamie's pillow, tooth hovers over jamie as stirs in his sleep, and then a dreamy smile comes over tooth as she gazes down at the sleeping boy. When tooth remembers the feeling of actually going out, seeing the kids, giving the kids little gifts in person, and generally just enjoying herself.
Toothiana:This was always the part I like most, seeing the kids...why did I ever stop doing this?
Tooth spends most of herself time locked up in her palace, she always trapped someplace because it was 'more efficient' for tooth to stay in one spot, and tooth telling her mini fairies where the children's teeth's are since she was the only one who could sense them. While jack see's how much tooth means and goes up luna and tooth.
Jack:Hmm...It's a little different up close huh?
Lunar is
As luna turned to tooth and knows what it feels like to seeing the kids every day and night before tooth gives luna a look that's jack's right and flies down to luna.
Toothiana:Thanks for being here luna, I wish I had known about you memory, I could have helped you
Lunar girl:Yeah well...
When luna's smile dropped and thinks about her memory, she really wants her to get to know about herself, and jack looks down on luna and touches luna's shoulder and smile at her.
Jack:Look let's just get you girl's taken care of then it's pitch's turn
Luna smile at jack and tooth until suddenly luna turned to the window and she saw north with his large sack over his shoulder and struggled to climb in through the small window.
North:Here you are!
Lunar girl:Hey guys! Look it's north!
When luna pointed at north with her finger and jack turned to north while tooth shushed luna for not talking so loud in front of jamie in his sleep.
Toothiana: *shushing* SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH! Luna used your whispering!
Lunar girl: *whispering* Oh...! Sorry....
As north carries a large sack over his shoulder, and struggling to climb through the small window, and when got in jamie's bedroom before sandy, luna's pets silk moth's, and baby tooth climb in after. While luna and tooth shushing north for his noises and not waking up jamie in his sleep.
Toothiana: *shushing* SSHHHHHHHH!
Lunar girl: *shushing* SSHHHHHHHH!
As tooth and luna show north and the others to not waking up while jamie was still sound in his sleep and luna's silk moth's flies over to luna.
North: *whispering* Oh! What gives slowpokes? How you feeling toothy?
Toothiana: *whispering* Believe in!
North: *laughing* Haha! That's what I want to hear
When Suddenly luna and the others saw bunny comes through a rabbit hole in the floorboards before bunny thinks that luna and the guardians are working together and getting bunny last place in the race.
Bunnymund:Oh I see how it is...all working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place
Lunar girl: *whispering* Bunny!
Luna, tooth, north, and sandy shushing bunny for not waking up jamie in his sleep except jack and jack comes up to bunny before he lifted up his sack of children's teeth's.
Jack:You think I need help to beat a bunny? Check it out peter cottontail
Luna saw jack's sack of children's teeth's and she thinks that the boys are gonna wake up jamie in his sleep while luna tries to make the boys be quiet.
Lunar girl:Um...guys-?!
Luna was interrupted by bunny who was still in the race of the competition of who's got the larger sack wins before bunny showed his larger sack to jack.
Bunnymund:You call that a bag of choppers? Now that's a bag of choppers
When bunny show his large sack of children's teeth's to jack and wins the competition as luna felt that she was invisible to the guardians and tries to make's jack and bunny be quiet and puts her hands on her hips.
Lunar girl:Now guys-?!
Luna was interrupted again by north who was reminding jack and bunny that isn't about race competition and tells the others that this about tooth getting believe in.
North:Gentleman! Gentlemen! This is about tooth it's not a competition!
Lunar girl: *sighed* Finally! Thank you north!
Luna let out a sighed of relief and thinking that north was on luna's side to make jack and bunny to be quiet but until...
North:But if it was...
North puts down his sack of children's teeth's and revealed that the sack was even larger full with children's teeth's and make's luna jaw dropped and seeing north's larger sack.
North:I win! YEEEEEHAAAHH!!!!!!
When north strikes a russian dancing pose as he celebrated that he won the race competition while luna tries to make north quiet and not waking jamie up.
Lunar girl: *shushing* SSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! North! Be quiet before you wake up-?!
Suddenly a bright circle of light is cast on luna and the guardians, as the others turned around and they were shocked that jamie was awake, and they saw jamie was wake up and holding a flashlight in his hand.
Lunar girl:Jamie....!
North:Oh on...!
Jamie: *gasped* Santa claus....
As luna and the guardians continues looked at jamie while jamie was sitting up in his bed and still holding his flashlight and widened awake and beaming in disbelief. While jamie see's north, jack, sandy, bunny, and tooth and baby tooth except luna and her pets silk moth's.
Jamie:The easter bunny...? Sandman....? Jack frost....? The tooth fairy! I knew you'd come!
Tooth: *giggling* Surprise! We came!
Lunar girl:He can see us...? He....He can see us?!
Luna was so surprised and she smiled that she hopes that jamie could see luna and the others while jamie was amazed and continues to looked at everyone but luna and luna's pets silk moth's.
Bunnymund:Most of us
As the guardian turned to luna and luna realized that jamie could only see the guardians but her and her silk moth's. Luna smiled dropped and she was sad that jamie couldn't see her and believe in but jack put his hand on luna's shoulder. Jack gives luna a small smile and he always hope that luna could get believe in in his faith before luna could feel jack's faith in his heart and smiles back at jack.
Toothiana:Shh! You guys he's still awake
Bunnymund:Sandy knock him out!
Bunny orders sandy to put some dream sand to put down jamie and gets him back to sleep, when sandy nodded at bunny and turns to face jamie, then sandy pounded his fist into his other hand, and giving jamie a determined glare. While jamie was confused and didn't understand the situation was all about.
Bunnymund:With the dream sand you gumbies!
But then jamie's greyhound rises up into bunny, fully awake, and it's nostrils flaring at the scent that he's picked up.
Jamie:No stop that's the easter bunny! What are you doing abby? Down!
Bunnymund:Alright nobody panic
Jack:But that's a um, that's a greyhound, do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?
Bunnymund:I think it's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me
While sandy forms a dream sand ball for jamie and jamie's greyhound, while jack rolled his eyes and notices that luna was next to an alarm clock on the bedside table, and jack got an idea came up to his mind and decided to have a little fun before he grins at luna.
Jack:Hey luna you're standing next to a alarm clock
Lunar girl:Really? What does it do?
Jack:It's rings every time that you touched it
Lunar girl:Really jack?
Bunnymund:Six foot one, nerves of steel, master of tai-chi and the ancient art of-?!
Bunny was interrupted by luna when luna reaches over stealthy and sets off the alarm clock with her hand. And that made jamie's greyhound growling at bunny and was about to attack bunny and see's him.
When bunny runs off, the greyhound chases bunny right on his tail, bunny running laps in the small room, and the greyhound barking at bunny before sandy was amused make's a dream sand ball to stop the greyhound but bobbled it as the greyhound past him while jamie tries to stopped his greyhound abby.
Jamie:Stop! Sit! Down girl down!
The others stand out of the way as bunny and abby runs up to the walls and over the bed, and while luna tries to silence the alarm clock and jack can barely contain his laugh. While sandy takes aim at bunny and the greyhound run circles around the others.
Lunar girl:How do you shut off this crazy thing?!
North:Sandy! Sandy! Ah!
The greyhound jumped past north, knocking north back, as sandy winds up to the greyhound, but the greyhound smacked right into sandy before the dream sand ball goes flying.
Toothiana:Hey this is not proper tooth fairy behavior!
When luna ducks out of the way as the dream sand ball sails towards her, the dream sand ball smack tooth and baby tooth right in their faces and explodes into golden dust, tooth and baby tooth fall onto the ground as a golden tooth's takes shape above their heads. While luna tries to gets abby off of bunny's chase and streams of dream sand makes tooth and baby tooth way around the room.
Bunnymund:Ah! This thing's rabid! Get this dingo off me!
Then bunny gets a whiff of the golden sand while the image of a carrot quickly takes shape in front of bunny's face.
Bunnymund:Oh no.....
Bunny falls over asleep with a thud, then the greyhound gets hit by a dream sand ball and thuds onto the floor, and luna stopped chasing abby and then turned to north and saw north tries to scramble out of the way but he got hit by dream sand ball.
North:Candy canes...
When north teetered for a moment as a dream sand candy canes appears before him, then north falls and landed on the end of jamie's bed, and which jamie catapulting through the air as luna tries to catches jamie.
Lunar girl: *gasped* Jamie!
As jamie lands on sandy's arm's , jamie was about to get off sandy's arms but sandy knocked out jamie with his dream sand and jamie went goes back to sleep, and luna saw jamie was safe in sandy's arm's and let out of a sigh of relief that jamie okay. While jack, luna, and sandy looked at jamie in his sleep again and then they looked around the others in their sleep and snoring.
Lunar girl: *sighed* You can saw that again...
As luna turned to bunny and saw bunny was snuggled up to north, then luna saw the golden a carrot and candy canes made of dream sand, and the golden carrot dream sand holds a candy cane and dance above bunny's head, and made luna and jack laughed at bunny's dream.
Jack: *laughing* Oh I really wish I had a camera right now
When sandy smirked at jack and luna, but then sandy's eyes suddenly widened and luna and jack saw the look on sandy's face before they stopped laughing, and luna and jack turned and saw a nightmare staring through the window without hesitation before jack jumped out of the window chasing after the nightmare.
Jack:Guys c'mon! We can find pitch!
Lunar girl:Jack wait! What about the others?
Luna turned to her pets silk moth's and the sleeping guardians, luna decided to helped sandy and jack to chase the nightmare, and goes up to her silk moth's and tells them to wake up the guardians.
Lunar girl:Moth's go wake up the others! I'm gonna helped sandy and jack to chase the nightmare!
Luna's silk moth's nodded at luna and they luna used her levitation spell on herself and jumped out of the window and flies right over to jack and helped him to chase the nightmare.
Lunar girl:Jack wait for us!
When sandy saw luna's silk moth's that the silk moth's started waking up bunny first and think that luna's silk moth's got this when sandy follows luna and jack's lead. Meanwhile the silk moth's was about to waking up bunny first but until heard jamie's bedroom door open and the silk moth's saw sophie toddles in jamie's bedroom. When the silk moth's continues seeing sophie and they saw sophie toddles over to north and sophie giggling. Sophie climbs at north's rotund belly and then she notices something she reaches into north's pocket and pulls out a snow globe.
As the silk moth's was shocked and thinking that sophie might do something really dangerous to snow globe if she shakes it and put sophie's life in danger. When the silk moth's flies over to bunny's ears and pulls it to make bunny awake but bunny waves the silk moth's with paw. Before sophie looks over to see bunny and a sound asleep on the floor before the silk moth's tries to wake up bunny again.
Sophie:Bunny! Hop! Hop! Hop!
Then suddenly the silk moth's notices that the snow globe lights up, sophie's eyes widened as she looked at the beautiful vista inside the globe that it was bunny's warren, as sophie takes the globe and toddles off for the door but she tripped again by abby the greyhound, and the snow globe smashed onto the floor.
Then a flash of light, the silk moth's and sophie looks up to see a magical portal opened in front of sophie, a gust of wind comes blowing out of the portal and sophie giggles and toddles through the portal, and the silk moth's were stocked that sophie would put herself in danger before the silk moth's flies over to sophie to stopped and protecting her but it was too late the portal closes up before the silk moth's and sophie got into the portal. While north bleary eyes pop open mid snore.
When north looked at bunny and tooth but he see no sign of jack, sandy, and luna wasn't here before north goes wakes up bunny and tooth and tells them to get into the sleigh and starts searching for luna, jack, and sandy.

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