Jamie and sophie's bedtime/Luna plays in the dreamsand

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In the night of burgess in jamie's bedroom jamie was playing his toy robot and he explained his amazing sledded rided story to his mom and his little sister sophie while jamie's mom was putting jamie to bed in a minute and sophie was just listening to jamie's amazing sledded rided story. While jamie was still playing his toy and moving it as he explained to his amazing sledded rided story.
Jamie:It was awesome! So then I was falling down this hill and it was like whoosh, whoosh, through these cars and then this sled hit these thing and it was like way up in the air! And then, bam!, the sofa hit me...
As sophie listen to jamie's amazing sledded rided story jamie puts his finger in his mouth and showing his loose tooth came out his mouth while he was still explained about his amazing sledded rided.
Jamie:And see? My tooth came out!
When jamie showed his loose tooth and stopped explained his amazing sledded rided story sophie chuckled and tries to put her finger in jamie's mouth but she falls on jamie's bed when jamie moves. While jamie's mom just about to put jamie and sophie to bedroom before she asked jamie about putting his loose tooth under his pillow.
Jamie's mom:Alright? You tooth under your pillow?
Jamie sets his toy robot on his nightstand and then grabbed his stuffed rabbit next to his pillow and grabbed his flashlight for seeing the tooth fairy before he replied to his mom about his loose tooth.
Jamie:Yeah I'm ready
Jamie's mom:Now don't stay up trying to see her jamie or she won't come
Jamie:But I can do it this time! You wanna help me soph? We can hide and see the tooth fairy!
Sophie:Hide! Hide! Hide! Hide!
Jamie's mom:Uh-uh straight to bed now mister
Jamie: *groaning* Mom...
As jamie's mom picked sophie up and goes to her bedroom to her to bed and lifted her over into her shoulder while abby the greyhound dog gets up and begins to licking jamie's face. While luna was outside hanging upside down watching jamie, sophie, and jamie's mom through the window as she watched jamie and sophie's bedtime after walking into the woods. Luna watched as jamie and sophie were going to bed her eyes were filled up with tears in her eyes and enjoyed watching jamie, sophie, and jamie's mom but until luna's silk moth's came to burgess and squeaking and asked her about where has been. Luna looked at her pets silk moth's and understands them what they're saying before she flips onto the roof and she makes her and her silk moth's towards the roof's peak.
Lunar girl:Oh! Sorry moth's I was so distracted on jamie and the others for a while...
As luna looked at the moon in full view and it lights up the night sky. Luna listen to mim's voice and as luna asked mim why's she's her for a very reason.
Lunar girl:If there's something I'm doing wrong...can you...can you just tell me what it is? Because I've tried everything and no one ever sees me
But when she asked about why's she's here but luna listen to mim's voice and listen closely mim tells that she's "luna...you'll figured it out soon". Luna was getting frustrated and upset about what mim said before she asked mim about she doesn't ever understands why she's still here.
Lunar girl:You put me here! And the least you can do is tell me...tell me...?
As luna asked mim about why's she's here for a very reason she listen to mim's voice again then mim told her that "you've been chosen to be a guardian one day luna and one day someone will believe in you if you have faith in your heart". Mim's voice was gone after everything that he about "you've been chosen to be a guardian" and lefted luna in frustration and sadness about after everything that mim's said before luna's silk moth's comfort her in her frustration. And as the moon shines silently down and luna and her pets silk moth's turned away at the moon in frustration and sadness and goes back home for easter sunday tomorrow.
Lunar girl: *sighed* I knew it....
As luna used her levitation spell on herself and her pets silk moth's leaps off the roof, onto the a telephone pole, and begins walking across some telephone wires and luna was about to opened up her portal on her and her pets silk moth's the way home. Until her silk moth's squeaking to luna about the sandman aka sandy have arrived in burgess town and delivering dream sand around the children in their dreams. Before luna turned around and saw a stream of dream sand zips behind her and her silk moth's, then another, which swooped around in front of her and her silk moth's. Luna smiled on her lips as she watched sandy's dream sand were streaming into every child's bedroom window's before luna took off her inuit hoodie and turned towards the dream sand.
Lunar girl:Right on time sandman
As the dream sand descended from the sky and drifts windows around the town of each children's houses. Luna and her silk moth's flies along the telephone wire until she can reach out and intercept one of the passing stream. When she touches the dream sand an adjacent turned the stream into shape of a moonlight blue dust sand of a big moth which one of luna's favorite animal. Which turned towards to luna and her silk moth's before turning to moonlight blue dust sand while luna was playing the dream sand and giggles at her moonlight blue dust sand big moth for fun and joyful and her pets silk moth's were attracted and drawn to luna's moonlight blue dust sand because silk moth's are confused animals but except for one silk moth named mothiana who was luna's pet silk moth when she was named by luna. Mothiana was so attracted and drawn to the stream of dream sand while she followed the one of the stream into cupcake's window. As mothiana drawn at the dream sand floats to the window before she got into cupcake's room cupcake was in bed, in her dark pink nightdress, and hugging her stuffed unicorn in her sleep. The dream sand swirls over cupcake's head and morphs into a dream sand of cupcake riding a unicorn mothiana squeaking happiness as drawn to cupcake's dream sand while cupcake smiled at her loving dream as it flies around her bedroom. Until the bedroom was darkened as it's wispy and then a shadowy figure with pitch's laugh from under of cupcake's bed mothiana squeaking in scared as flies over to cupcake's pink bedroom curtains and hides before she peeking at someone. As pitch's crawled out from under cupcake's bed and continues to laugh when he rises up and heard a "clippity-clop of a unicorn" from cupcake's dream sand.
Pitch:Ohhhh I thought I heard the clippity-clop of a unicorn what an adorable dream!
Pitch's face softened and seemingly moving to cupcake's dream sand while mothiana listening closely to pitch and mischievously looked at him before pitch leaned down to cupcake.
Pitch:And look at her, precious child, so sweet so full of hope and wonder, why there's only one thing missing...a touch of fear
Pitch reached into cupcake's dream sand with his bony dancing fingers and touching it when mothiana still looked closely at pitch until she notices that cupcake's dream sand was shuddered then it turns to ashen and into black. Mothiana was so shocked and scared that cupcake's dream sand was turned into a black while cupcake flinches in her sleep and having nightmares and pitch snickers in delighted.
Pitch: *snickering* Hahaha! That never gets old!
Pitch swirls cupcake's dream sand around and it all turned into a black sand corrupted nightmare sand as pitch was about to turned the nightmare sand into a nightmare black horse.
Pitch:Feel your fear, come on, come on, that's right
Mothiana looked closely at the black sand in shocked when the black sand morphs into a horrifying shadowy bucking nightmare horse. That scared mothiana and squeaking in fear before she flies out of cupcake's window and warning luna about pitch.
Pitch:Yesss what a pretty little nightmare!
Pitch grabbed his nightmare horse and tell it to go get the others nightmares horses of pitch's before he gleefully looked at his nightmare horse.
Pitch:Now I want you to go tell the others the wait is over
The nightmare horse goes out of cupcake's window and whinnying to the others nightmares horses. Then a poses of nightmares horses coursing through the streets as they take off and flies into the night sky. As pitch steps out of cupcake's bedroom and steps out into the streets from an adjacent ally and avoiding the rays of moonlight. When he looked up to the sky and stares to the moon.
Pitch:Don't look at me like that old friend, you must have known this day would come, my nightmares are finally ready, are your guardians
As pitch glare at the moon and tell it that him and his nightmares horses are ready to fear the children around the world and make the kids stopped believing in the guardians and taking the guardians down while he sends his nightmares horses to attack in tooth's palace by taking tooth's fairies and stealing the children's tooth boxes and even luna's tooth box with her memories inside of them.

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