Luna and the guardians vs pitch!/Sandy's Death!

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In the night of burgess town in the neighborhood, the three nightmares zigzag along the rooftop searching for a victim's, luna and jack loves the chase is in the hot pursuit with sandy who's was riding along on a streak of dream sand, and luna notices that the three nightmares are heading for the town and luna thought of a game to have some fun with jack and sandy.
Lunar girl: *laughing* Hahahhaa! Come on slow pokes! Last one who doesn't get to the nightmares is a rotten egg! Hahahahahaha!
Jack: *laughing* Hahahahaa! Oh it's on kiddo! Hahahaha! Wahooo! Haha! Yes!
When jack, sandy, and luna was in a race of chasing those three nightmares on who's gonna defeat the nightmares wins. Then one of the nightmare splits off and angling for a bedroom window, and the nightmare flies right through the window and sandy does after it, then the other one nightmares angles up over the house's roof to evade jack, and the other one nightmare was on the house's roof and luna took out out her moonlight shamshir sword and sliced the nightmare opened with her moonlight shamshir sword and luna having the best time to defeat the nightmare while the nightmare turns into moonlight blue dust sand then it exploded from luna's moonlight blue dust.
Lunar girl:Waaahahoooo!
When luna defeat the first nightmare with her moonlight shamshir sword and goes after the third nightmare, while the windows below of flashes of golden and sickly green light race through the house as sandy battles the nightmare, the third nightmare, jack, and luna zoom away from the house while luna and jack goes after the third nightmare, and then sandy and the second nightmare blast out from the window while sandy was on the second nightmare and wrestled it until sandy touched the second nightmare with his golden hand and sandy transformed the second nightmare into a golden dream sand which the second nightmare quickly transformed into a sting ray while sandy was riding the golden dream sand sting ray. Meanwhile in downtown burgess, luna and jack flies through the town on the heels of the final nightmare of the race with these two spirits, while luna spotted the third nightmare making it way to the alleyway, luna gives jack a devious grin on her face and flies away from him then she takes out her moonlight shamshir sword and goes after the third nightmare, and jack followed luna and the final nightmare into the alleyway, while the third nightmare veered up to the wall of the wall and onto the rooftop, luna raised her moonlight shamshir sword and flies down to the third nightmare to slice it, but jack whips a blast from his staff and hits the last nightmare before the third nightmare disappears from view. And luna stopped flies down to the frozen nightmare and frozen in defeat of jack in the race while jack laughs at luna in her defeat and wins the race before he rubbed it in luna's face.
Jack: *laughing* Hahahahaaa! I got it! I win!
Lunar girl:Awwwwwww! No fair jack! I saw it first!
Jack: *laughing* I guess now you're slow poke and a rotten egg on these one kiddo! Hahaha!
Lunar girl:I'm not a slow poke and a rotten egg! You cheated jack!
Jack: *laughing* Hahahahaaha! Not in a million years you're not! Hahahahaha!
Lunar girl:Hey!
Luna crossed her arms and pouted in frustration at jack for calling her 'slow poke and a rotten egg' while she floats down onto the rooftop and stopped using her levitation spell on herself and landed on the rooftop. While luna walks over to the frozen nightmare and jack jumped up onto the roof and prods the frozen nightmare with his staff.
Jack:Look at this thing!
Lunar girl:Woah
As luna was curiously looking at the frozen nightmare with her curious light blue eyes while jack can barely contain his excitement as he and luna inspects the nightmare. But until pitch lurches out from behind an air conditioning unit on the rooftop.
Lunar girl: *gasped* Pitch?!
When luna turned around and saw pitch behind her and jack, jack blasted a wave of frost across the rooftop, but pitch easily dodges it and reappearing behind luna and jack on the adjoining rooftop before luna take out her moonlight shamshir sword and gets behind of jack of protecting defending herself and jack from pitch.
Pitch:You know for a 'neutral party' you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdo luna this isn't her fight jack
Jack:You made it her fight when you stole her teeth
As jack's eyes narrowed, then holds out his staff, and gets ready to strike, before luna holds out her moonlight shamshir sword and gets ready to strike too. While pitch was regarded jack and curiously about luna's teeth.
Pitch:Teeth? Why do you care about her teeth?
Lunar girl:You should know! You're the one who stole them from me and...Sandy!
Luna was interrupted when she saw sandy was calmly standing on the rooftop next to pitch before pitch turns around and saw sandy and quickly sidesteps and moving away from sandy. As luna tries to get sandy away from pitch but jack grabbed luna's arm and moves her to stay close to him before pitch chuckled at sandy.
Pitch: *chucking* Now this is who I'm looking for-?!
Before pitch can say a word, but until sandy pulls out his dream sand whips, and around pitch and forcing him to duck and dodge from sandy's attack.
As pitch disperses a stream of nightmare sand, then turning it into a gigantic scythe and swings it back at sandy, jack and luna ducks down and avoiding injury as sandy pushes back against the ledge, then sandy quickly grabs pitch with another dream sand stream and yanked him off his feet and slamming him repeatedly against the tops of the buildings until finally throwing pitch off the rooftop, and then pitch bounces off the ground as he crashes into an empty street as sandy dusts his hands and calmly stepped off the rooftop to follow while jack and luna looked astonished at sandy's amazing strength of attacking pitch.
Lunar girl:Nice one sandy!
Jack:Remind us not to get on your bad side
As luna, jack, and sandy got off the rooftop, pitch shakes off the crash and trying to back up as sandy touches down and moves towards him while luna and jack followed sandy, and pitch cowers on the ground in fear as luna, jack, and sandy approaching while pitch looks up to sandy and pleading to him.
Pitch:Okay easy! You can't blame me for trying sandy, you don't know what it's like to be weak and hated, it was stupid of me to mess with your dreams, so I tell you what...
While sandy continues forward to pitch but suddenly pitch stopped stops cowering and stands up before pitch's tone changes.
Pitch:You can have 'em back!
Lunar girl:Oh that's good! You can finally have your dreams back again sandy!
Pitch: *chucking* Oh it's truly is doesn't it luna?
Before luna, jack, and sandy can react, a nightmare shoots up through a storm drain as several other nightmares gathered in the alley behind them, and luna, jack, and sandy looked around as hundreds of nightmares descended from the surrounding rooftops to encircled them.
Lunar girl:You've gotta be kidding me?!
As luna took out her moonlight shamshir sword and gets ready to fight the nightmares with jack and sandy. While jack looks at luna and sandy in worried and holds up his staff and gets ready to fight too before he muttered to luna and sandy.
Jack:You two take the ones on the left I'll take the ones on the right?
Lunar girl:If you say so...
Meanwhile pitch rises up from off the ground as onyx takes shape underneath him and pitch grabbed onto onyx's mane as onyx snorted and snarls before pitch then leaned forward to luna, jack, and sandy.
When pitch's army of nightmares begins to change and luna, jack, and sandy started to fight back, then suddenly the sound of bell's and reindeer's echoed in the distance north's sleigh burst through the clouds, and luna and pitch looks up into the sky and as it circles overhead.
Lunar girl: *gasped* Look!
As the sleigh turned toward pitch, then it's only fly a few feet over pitch's head, before pitch turns as the sleigh passes over him while pitch was slightly confused, meanwhile in the sleigh north was at the wheels of his sleigh along with tooth, baby tooth, and bunny in the sleigh while they're still sleeping in their dreams of sandy's dream sand and snoring in their sleep, and suddenly the sleigh clips one of it's sky as the sleigh flies over to city hall and hitting the a large metal object and making the three guardians wake up from their sleep. While north, tooth, baby tooth, and bunny waked up from sandy's dream sand and bunny woke up with a fright from his bad dream about nightmares was in his warren before he realized that he's awake now.
Bunnymund:Get outta my warren! Huh?
Meanwhile luna, jack, and sandy were still battling the nightmares, sandy propels luna and jack into the air with a stream of dream sand and launch luna and jack away from the nightmares, then sandy decided to move luna out of the way because what if luna gets hurt one of the nightmares or pitch might hits her one of his nightmare arrows or might be capture her and locked her prisoner in the nightmare king lair and for luna own safety before luna used her levitation spell on herself and watched jack quickly orients himself and knocks an oncoming nightmares with his staff, and then luna cheers to jack for amazingly knocking an oncoming nightmare with his staff and tooth quickly jumps off the sleigh and she flies toward jack and sandy, and while jack knocks away a few more nightmares with his staff and luna jack looks up and see's tooth suddenly flies into the view through the swarm of nightmares and slicing them apart with her wings and causing the nightmares to exploded into black sand.
Lunar girl: *cheering* Whoo! Go tooth!
As pitch gives a signal and leaps into the air, leading another wave of nightmares after the guardians when pitch smirked unpleasantly, the guardians were hopelessly outnumbered by nightmares they didn't stand a chance, meanwhile in the sleigh bunny jumps out and lands on a nearby roof, then bunny quickly tossed his boomerang which disintegrates every nightmare in it's path, and bunny catches his returning of his boomerang and leaping off the roof and grabs the skids of the sleigh as it passes by, meanwhile north stands up onto his sleigh, drawing both his scimitar swords, and dicing the oncoming nightmares to bits as they attack.
North:Ha! Ha! Ha! Come on!
When luna was about to heads back to the sleigh, when suddenly she saw two oncoming nightmares was about to attack her, luna quickly levitates down of two nightmares as they almost attack her, as luna continues her levitation spell on herself and levitates down and then she suddenly blindsided by another nightmare which knocks her out and lost control of her levitation spell on herself and knocks the moonlight shamshir sword from her hands, and for the moment luna was in a state of panic as she find herself in a free fall.
Lunar girl: *screaming* Aaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!
When luna quickly used her levitation spell on herself again and control her descent and she finally managed to grabbed her moonlight shamshir sword and lands on the sleigh as the sleigh flies past before she stopped using her levitation spell on herself.
Bunnymund:You might want to duck
Lunar girl:Huh?
Luna ducks down as a nightmare reared up behind her, but luckily one of bunny's boomerangs blasted through the nightmare and the boomerangs zips back to bunny's waiting paw. Meanwhile sandy high up in the clouds and does his best to contain the mass of nightmares that are swirling around him when pitch rises from behind a group of nightmares. While luna and the guardians watch as more nightmares speeds away to join their herd while sandy looks overwhelmed by the onslaught.
Lunar girl: *gasped* Sandy! We've gotta help sandy!
As north cracks the reigns, turns the sleigh, and luna and the guardians heads toward the swirling cloud of dream sand and black sand. Until suddenly pitch stretches his arms as an arrow of nightmare sand forms behind sandy, then pitch takes aim and release the nightmare sand arrow, and as the nightmare sand arrow flies through the air and into sandy's back and exploring on impact before luna and the guardians looks on and looked horrified.
Lunar girl: *yelling* NOOOO! SANDY!
Luna leaps ahead of the sleigh as she used her levitation spell on herself and flies toward sandy and tries her best to saving him in time.
When luna was trying to save sandy's life, sandy feels the shock and turns around to pitch, and a patch of blackness starts to slowly spreading across of sandy's body before pitch laughs as him and sandy lock eyes.
Pitch: *laughing* Don't fight the fear little man! Hahahahaha!
In the sleigh north tells tooth to get luna and jack go save sandy in time while the guardians continues to speed toward sandy.
North:Tooth go get luna! She might get hurt by pitch! Jack you go save sandy!
Jack:On it north!
When tooth was about to get luna and jack was about to save sandy, but nightmares begins collided with the sleigh and slowing their progress, and so north changed his mind and tells luna to save sandy in time.
North:Hurry! Hurry luna!
Pitch:I'd say 'sweet dreams' but there aren't any left
When pitch relished this moment of triumph, sandy's eyes filled with terror falls to his knees as the patch of blackness continues to spread, luna presses on trying to reach sandy as fast as she can, sandy stands up accepting his fate and closes his eyes, as sandy and his dream sand cloud are consumed by the writing blackness of nightmare sand, and as luna and the guardians were sad shocked that sandy's gone and killed by pitch, sandy's beautiful golden dream sand was now black and merges with the rest of pitch's nightmare sand.
Luna was horrified clenches her moonlight shamshir sword and her eyes were filled with tears of anger and sadness before she flies towards pitch.
Lunar girl:No...NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
As it beyond delighted pitch's plan actually worked, when pitch then notices that luna was flying towards him, glowing light blue energy emanating from luna and her moonlight shamshir sword, pitch raises his hands and sends a massive wave of nightmares towards luna, the guardians are fixated in horror as they watch the loss of their second friend, then luna quickly realizes that she's in over her head as the attacking nightmares begin to overtake her and she's engulfed by nightmares and there's nothing but silence, and then pitch looks on with a smile until a bolt of thunder moonlight lightning and suddenly erupted from within the wringing black sand.
Lunar girl: *screaming* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly a gust of wind blows past pitch, quickly followed by a massive wave of moonlight blue dust that's rockets back up the stream of nightmare sand toward pitch, and culminating in an explosion of moonlight blue dust.
As luna was unconscious and lost control of her levitation spell on herself while she free falls back to earth and holding her moonlight shamshir sword on her hand.
Jack and tooth quickly rescues luna and sets her back down in the sleigh while luna woke up quickly from her unconscious.
Jack:We gotcha kiddo
Toothiana:Luna? How did you do that?
Lunar girl:I...I didn't know I could...
As luna looks down on her moonlight shamshir sword and see's herself in gray silver steel and a tear drop fall on her moonlight shamshir sword, lifted her head up and cries on her sadness of failing of saving sandy's life and cries into jack's chest of sadness in her, jack hug luna and rubbed on luna's back and feeling her pain and sadness, meanwhile pitch pulls himself laboriously from the mud, weeds, and amongst trees where pitch's crash landed and oddly he seems delighted, then pitch looks up to see a bright glow of north's snow globe portal as the sleigh zooms into the portal and the sleigh winked out of burgess town, and pitch shakes the moonlight blue dust from his arms as scores of nightmares swarm behind pitch regrouping after the blast while pitch at the center seems as pleased as can be.
pitch:Finally! Someone who knows how to have a little faith!
As pitch and his nightmare army goes back to pitch's lair of the victory of killing the sandman and next they're going to take over the world with his fear and destroying the four guardians and lunar girl in pitch's next plan.

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