Luna in pitch's lair/Luna's mistake

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In pitch's lair luna, luna's pets silk moth's, and baby tooth were in pitch's lair because luna want to find out what the little boy's memory voice is. Luna heard the little boy's memory voice before and she recognizes that voice and luna was trying to find it and figure out what that little boy's memory voice was. And luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth continues along the long dark tunnel close behind and eventually the labyrinth opens up to reveal a huge underground cavern. While baby tooth and the silk moth's tugs on luna's inuit hoodie and tries to get luna's attention and tries to get her out of the lair for luna's safely and luna waving off her pets silk moth's and baby tooth.
Lunar girl:Moth's! Baby tooth! Girls come on! I have to find out what that is
As luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth are at pitch's inner sanctum, luna can't believe her eyes that her, the silk moth's, and baby tooth saw a dozen of huge bird cages were hanging from the ceiling and in them are the mini tooth fairies. When the mini tooth fairies saw luna they immediately perk up tweeting and flitting and luna used her levitation spell on herself and luna, the silk moth's, and baby tooth flies up onto one of cages then quickly leaps and holds onto the side of the another. While luna tries to keep the mini tooth fairies quiet and was about to free the mini tooth fairies out of the cages.
Lunar girl: *whispering* Shhhh! Keep it down, I'm gonna get you out of here just as soon as I-?!
Luna was interrupted by the little boy's memory voice, luna turns away from the mini tooth fairies and looks down and see's the tooth drawers from tooth's palace, the mounds of them heaps of the ceiling, and inside the drawers are the missing baby teeth's box. While luna was distracted and she realized that her memories were in the tooth drawers and decided to find her memories box and find out who she was.
The little boy's memory voice:Taqqiq!
Lunar girl:As I can...
As luna flies down to a mound of tooth drawers and stopped using her levitation spell on herself before she dropped down. Luna begins rummaging through the tooth drawers and looking at the names of the boxes and trying to find her memory box. In an instant luna forgets her duties, the mini tooth fairies, the guardians, and everything except those teeth's and the chance to finally gets her memories back. The cavern suddenly goes darker than it already was, luna finally looks up, and as a shadow of pitch crawls up in a nearby column.
Pitch:Looking for something?
When luna took out her moonlight shamshir sword from her moonlight purple sheath waist holder and was about to attack pitch but pitch isn't there. Luna used her levitation spell on herself and takes off and follows the sound of pitch's cackled as it echoes throughout the chamber. As luna rounds the corner as she see's pitch's shadow glide across the walls into a shadowed corridor.
Pitch:Don't be afraid luna I'm not going to hurt you
Luna continues along a shadowed corridor and she see's pitch on a bridge across the cavern and heads after him.
Lunar girl:Afraid? I'm not afraid of you!
Pitch:Maybe not but you are afraid of something
Lunar girl:You think so huh?
Luna steadily approaches, cautious, and alert to pitch, before pitch finally turns face to luna, and tells luna her greatest fear.
Pitch:I know so, it's the one thing I always know, people's greatest fears, yours is that no one will ever believe in you
The panic flashes in luna's eyes as luna backs away, the chamber fills with shadows and luna is spun around. Luna disoriented as she thuds into the wall and which flips to reveal that it's actually the ground. Pitch is unseen now and chuckles, luna unsure of where she is and she looks back to see the cavern entrance which luna right back where she started.
Pitch:And worst of all, you're afraid you'll never know why, why you? Why were you be like this?
As luna discovered that the entrance has been blocked with bricks as pitch's shadow encroaches on luna.
Pitch:Well fear not for the answer to right here
Pitch is now directly in front of luna and holding out luna's tooth box, luna's eyes widened at the sight, the face of a young girl etched into the box, and luna realized that it's her memory box with all of her lost memories inside of her tooth box before she gasped softly.
Lunar girl: *gasped* My memories...!
Pitch:Do you want them luna? Your memories?
Pitch holds them out to luna and luna stares and fighting the impulse to grabbed her memory box.
Lunar girl:Oh I do but....
When luna close her eyes and struggles to make a decision on getting her memory box from pitch before she scoffs.
Lunar girl: *scoffing* No....
But when luna opened her eyes again she see's pitch has disappeared, pitch's shadow moves across the pillars of the cavern, luna used her levitation spell on herself and flies down a corridor, and cast shadows from the mini tooth fairies cages everywhere.
Pitch:Everything you wanted to this little box
Pitch's face moves in and out of the shadows over the following, every time luna turns pitch disappears again, and multiple pitch's shadows has appeared on the walls around luna and they're closing in on her.
Pitch:Why did you end up like this? Unseen, unable to reach out to everyone, you want the answer so badly, you want to grab them and fly off with them, but you're afraid of what the guardians will think, you're afraid of disappointing them, well let me ease your mind one thing, they'll never accept you...not really
As the shadows have overcome luna while luna trying to scrambled away from pitch's shadows and tries to ignoring pitch's lies.
Lunar girl:Stop it! Stop it!
Almost reluctantly the shadows back away and pitch appears before luna aims her moonlight shamshir sword at pitch.
Pitch:After all you're not one of them
Lunar girl:You don't know what I am!
Pitch:Of course I do! You're lunar girl! You make a mess whatever you go
Lunar girl:That's not true! That's a lie! You're lying!
Pitch:Oh why you're doing it right now
When pitch tossed the the memory box to luna, luna looks up and terror comes into her eyes, and as luna realized what have pitch do.
Lunar girl:What did you do...?
Pitch:More to the point luna what did you do?
As pitch begins to back away, becoming one with the darkness and laughing as he disappears, luna charges toward pitch only to be swallowed whole by one of pitch's black holes, luna flies out of pitch's shadows and ready to strike back at pitch but she thuds onto the ground and when she got off the ground she realizes that she forgotten her pets silk moth's and baby tooth.
Lunar girl:Moth's....! Baby tooth!
When luna turns around and re-enter the hole in the wall only to find herself face to face with one of bunny's stone emblems, luna turns to her memory box and was about to opened it, when she did luna tries to opened up her lost memories by turning the memory box opened, but when luna stepping onto something and hears a egg crack then as she looked down saw a broken egg shell right next to her feet, and then luna gasped and suddenly her eyes filled with dread as she realizes where she is, and when she finally lifted her head and she saw a thousands of broken egg shells lay strewn and forming a path toward the light at the end of the tunnel. While luna realized that pitch have used luna's tooth box to lured luna to pitch's lair and used luna's fear of not being believed in and the nightmares destroyed the easter eggs on today's easter.
Lunar girl:No....! Oh no!
Luna puts her moonlight shamshir sword back into her moonlight purple sheath waist holder, used her levitation spell on herself, and makes a portal outside of bunny's tunnels and goes over to the guardians and see's if there's a chance that there still easter eggs made it out of the tunnels or will it be no easter eggs didn't made it out of the tunnels.

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