Lunar girl's oath ceremony

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In burgess town at the frozen pond the moon pale and faint in the day, but oddly close and welcoming, and is that the barest hint of a face on the moon. As luna smile as she looks up at mim, she hears tooth's laughs and turns around to find north, tooth, bunny, jack, and sandy, and seeing their faces shining with pride. Tooth comes flying in to give luna a hug, she lifts her off the ground as they embrace, as they share a moment and tooth soon recoils with giddy smile and as baby tooth interjects, and luna acknowledge her pets silk moth's and baby tooth and gently pats them on the side of their face as north steps forward and asked her about her official to become a guardian.
North:Are you ready now, luna? To make it official
As luna look at her pets silk moth's above her shoulder and with a question look on her face to see if her silk moth's tells her that she's ready, and as the silk moth's nodded their heads and squeaks at luna for telling her that she's ready to make it a official to becoming a guardian, while luna turns back at north and the others on making a official to them as a new guardian.
Lunar girl:Yes, I'm ready now!
North:Good! Then is time you take oath
Then a yeti hands north the guardians oath book and north starts reading the guardians oath to luna.
North:Will you, lunar girl...vow to watch over the children of the world in your age?
As jamie and his friends along with a crowd of yetis, elves, abominable snowman's, and eggs all make their way across the pond to the rest of the group, and as they approached jamie who was stands at the center of the group.
North:To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are all that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever be
When luna takes a second to look at jamie before she gave his answer to north, and as jamie gave her a nod of approval, and luna then turns back at north before she answered to be the new an official guardian.
Lunar girl:I will!
North:Then congratulations, lunar girl, for you are now and forevermore...a guardian
When north closes the book and gives it to tooth, jamie and his friends cheering wildly and so as the yetis, elves, the abominable snowman's, and the eggs, as everyone cheering and celebrating luna for becoming the newest guardian, luna was smiling at north and leaps off the ground to give him a big hug, while she tries to wrap her arms around north's big belly, and north was surprise at first but then he burst out of laugh and hugs back to luna, while he picks her up from the hug and about to give her kisses on both cheeks.
As north given luna kisses on both cheeks, luna recover from shocked and then looks at north with a smile and laughs, imitating north an elf picks up the elf standing next to him gives him a kiss on the cheek, after an awkward pause the elf punched the elf in the face, while luna looks to see her pets silk moth's and several fairies hovering nearby and forming the shape of a heart to luna.
Toothiana:Keep it together, girls!
The group looks up to the sky as north's sleigh comes in for a landing, the tie-dye elf rescues a lone egg from the reindeers as the sleigh glides across the icy pond. As the kids walks over to the sleigh and awe in total amazement that the sleigh was repainted and was fixed up by childrens beliefs.
Bunnymund:Everyone loves the sleigh
When north turns away from bunny and put's his hands on jack's shoulder and telling him that is time to go.
North:Time to go
As the kids look on it wonder, sandy throws up his hands and creating a fireworks of dreamsand, and which drifts down on luna and the children. Meanwhile bunny hands sophie an egg to her.
Bunnymund:Happy easter ya little anklebitter. I'm gonna miss ya
Sophie:Bye, bye, bunny
After sophie giggles and pats bunny on the nose, jamie realizes that luna the guardians were leaving, while luna turns around to see jamie with wistful and worried.
Jamie:You're leaving? But, what if pitch comes back? What if we stop believing again? If I can't see you-?!
Jamie was interrupted by luna who was putting hand on jamie's shoulder and looking jamie in the eye for her attention.
Lunar girl:Hey, hey, slow down, slow down. You telling me to stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?
Lunar girl:Okay, well do you stop believing in the sun when clouds block it out?
Lunar girl:We'll always be there, jamie. And now...we'll always be here. Which kind of makes you a guardian too
Jamie smiles and was proud, and luna makes her way towards north's sleigh but she is stopped by jamie who was calling her name.
Lunar girl:Yeah jamie-?!
Luna was interrupted when jamie runs over to her and wraps his arms around luna, for a moment luna was astonished and shocked that jamie was hugging her, and luna smiles and then gives jamie a warm embrace. While luna used her levitation spell on herself and as her and pets silk moth's flies over to the sleigh, and as luna and her pets silk moth's gets in the sleigh with the rest of the guardians.
Luna and the guardians look towards the kids as the sleigh takes off, jamie and the others runs behind the sleigh and waving luna and the guardians goodbye, as luna was waving bye at jamie and the others, and the sleigh takes off into the sky and jamie and the others stopped running and stills waving at luna and the guardians. While luna epilogue her story of becoming the guardian of faith and having a new family.
Lunar girl:My name is lunar girl, and I'm a guardian now. How do I know that? Because the moon told me so. And when the moon tells you something, believe it and have faith in it
Luna was happy, happy to have helped to defeat pitch and to finally know who she really was before she became lunar girl. And she finally haves a new family and jamie and his friends believe in her, and as long as she protected the children their hopes, dreams, and wishes, she'll be here to protect them from everything from danger, and luna always gonna have faith in them and her friends and family.

 And she finally haves a new family and jamie and his friends believe in her, and as long as she protected the children their hopes, dreams, and wishes, she'll be here to protect them from everything from danger, and luna always gonna have faith i...

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