Lunar girl rebirth prologue

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In the year of three thousand years ago mim decided to rebirth to little inuit girl for saving her little inuit brother she died at the age of ten so mim decided to create a moon stone opal for the little inuit girl to use her moon powers for good and evil. Until he was done made it for her mim used his telescope cannon for him to sending it to the little inuit girl so he opened his telescope glass len to put the moon stone opal in. When he did that he gently puts the moon stone opal into the telescope making sure it doesn't break before he did that he closed the telescope len and goes over to the eyepiece to spotted the little inuit girl from earth. He searched into around in arctic of greenland in the year of three thousand. Mim kept searching for the little inuit girl's lake until he finally found her lake so he send the moon stone opal to earth by using the moonlight for it to spotted it and sending it. Before he did it mim watched as the moon stone opal falling from out of space to spotted it and sending it the little inuit girl. In the night of arctic of greenland the moon space opal crash into the lake from the day the little inuit girl death from the day before she save her little inuit brother. While the moon stone opal was in the lake it flows over to the little inuit girl until it did it's goes into her body and transformed her into a half moonlight and half human spirit the moon stone opal transformed her hair dark blue, her inuit clothes to moonlight spirit inuit clothes, and her brown eyes to light blue eyes. After the moon stone opal transformed her into half moonlight and half human spirit the little inuit girl started to float above the frozen lake and started to breathe in into the cold frozen water before she prologue her backstory.
Lunar girl:Darkness...that's the first thing I remember
As lunar prologue to her backstory she started to feel the frozen water she started to open her eyes a little bit and see's that she was inside of a frozen lake with no memories or why she was here in the frozen lake. Lunar girl was cold from the frozen water and she scared of the dark while she continued her backstory.
Lunar girl:It was dark, and it was cold, and I was scared
When lunar girl was prologue her backstory she started to open her eyes a little more and see's a moonlight above the frozen lake. But until she saw the moon the man in the moon lunar girl could hear of mim's voice of naming her lunar girl and made it chase the darkness away. While above the frozen lake started to ice crack into spider wed by the magically moonlight for lunar girl could get out of the frozen water as the ice continues to crack but finally a hole splinter open while lunar girl floats out of the cold frozen water before she breathes out of the frozen water and continues her prologue her backstory.
Lunar girl:But then...then I saw the moon, it was so big and it was so bright, and it seemed to chase the darkness away, and when it did...I wasn't scared anymore
As lunar girl continues prologue to her backstory she looked at the man in the moon for questions about why's she here before she floats back down on the ice crack that she just came out of when she was rebirth by mim. When Lunar girl landed on the ice crack her moonlight blue dust turns into ice and closes it up underneath her but she wasn't notices her moonlight blue dust she was looking at herself and her moonlight inuit clothes while she's continues prologue her backstory.
Lunar girl:Why I was there, and what I was meant to do...that I've never known, and the part of me wonders if I ever will
When lunar girl was still prologue her backstory she looked around curious about why's she here but then she looked up at the moonlight as dims a bit to lunar girl. She looked at the man and the moon and hear his voice to her but when mim was talking to her about renaming her to "lunar girl" for her new named of her spirit named. Lunar girl gasped at herself for having a spirit named for the first time she doesn't know what's going on and why she was here lunar girl smile for having her own first name "lunar girl" before she talked back to mim for liking her new spirit name.
Lunar girl:Lunar girl...! Oh I like my new name! Man in moon!
Lunar girl chuckled at the man in the moon for liking her new spirit named while she notices that she got some few frozen water drops on her cheeks. Lunar girl whipped out the frozen water drops off by hands until she did she notices that her hands are covered with moonlight blue dust while she was curious about her hands being covered with moonlight blue dust. Her hands started to glowed brighter and she looked at her hand when didn't know they're glowing but until then her glowed even brighter than usual. Lunar girl closed her eyes and looked away from her hands while she did that her moonlight blue dust magically shoots out her hands while they're moonlight blue dust across on the frozen lake and turning it into frosted lunar girl opened her eyes and she's shocked about the moonlight blue dust that she shoots out from her hands while the moonlight blue dust frosted goes across on the frozen lake. She didn't know that she could do moonlight blue dust she looked at her hands again and she see that they were still moonlight blue dust in her hands while lunar girl decided test her new moon powers. She went into the forest for testing her new moon powers she looked at the tree and goes over there to touch it with her hands until she did lunar girl touched the tree and she saw that they're moonlight blue dust on the tree and turning the moonlight blue dust into frosted. Lunar girl was a amazed that she could do moon powers she smiled while she touched another tree she saw another moonlight blue dust she smiled wider that she did another moonlight blue dust while she looked at the moonlight blue dust turning it to frosted lunar girl started to laugh at the moonlight blue dust frosted. She looked both of the trees and she watched as the moonlight blue dust frosted are sending them up to their tree trunks while lunar girl laugh and smile even wider as she looked at her hands again and she see that she's still have moonlight blue dust on her while lunar girl keep laughing at her hands she started to run off to the frozen lake because she wants to have fun with her moon powers. While she left the forest started to swing herself with her hands shooting out of moonlight blue dust she keep laughing and run into the frozen lake with her hands shooting out of moonlight blue dust while the moonlight blue dust turned into frosted when lunar girl got into the frozen lake she started to run and kept laughing and having fun with her moon powers. Lunar girl couldn't stopped running and laughing while she was having fun with her moon powers and swinging around the frozen lake with her moonlight blue dust but until she felt wind coming from the air before she stopped running and she swinging a twirling around but until she mysteriously magically used her first levitation spell on herself and she floats into the sky and see's her moonlight blue dust frosted on the frozen lake. Lunar girl was so amazed that she didn't know that she had a levitation spell with that smile on her face while she was enjoying her first levitation spell on herself but until she stopped using her first levitation spell on herself and falls on to the ground while she was screaming for her fall into the ground.
Lunar girl: *screaming* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! OH! OH NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!
Lunar girl almost at the ground falling to her fall but until she mysteriously magically used her her portal on to the ground before she got into the portal and the portal sends her into the tree branches. She falls into the tree branches while lunar girl screaming and grunting from falling into the tree branches but she holds onto the tree branch while she couldn't believe that she used her levitation spell and portal that made her smile and laughed. But until she saw some inuit people and some igloo houses lunar girl goes over there to introduce herself and asking them where she is before she tries to float straight by using levitation spell on herself while she has trouble doing her first levitation spell while she got into the inuit people igloo houses.
Lunar girl:Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Lunar girl got into the inuit people igloo houses before she stopped using her first levitation spell on herself while she fall onto the ground and she tipped herself into a piled of snow. She got off the piled of snow while she's brushes herself off and laughing and introduced herself to the inuit people and asked them where she is. When she goes up to the inuit people she see their igloo houses, their sleds, their burning firewood, their foods of fishes, their wolf dogs, and their family and friends before lunar girl tries to talk to them and asked them where she is.
Lunar girl:Hello! Hello!
When lunar girl introduced herself to inuit peoples they didn't notice her but she goes to the inuit woman to introduce herself to her while the inuit woman was talking to her inuit husband before lunar girl was talking to her when she got to her.
Lunar girl:Good evening, ma'am, ma'am?
But when lunar girl tries to get the inuit woman to her attention to introduce herself and asked her where she is but the inuit woman doesn't hear her. Lunar girl doesn't know why the inuit woman doesn't hear her but until she heard a wolf dog and a little inuit boy before she turned to them and she see's that the little inuit boy was chasing to his wolf dog. Lunar girl decided to ask the inuit boy where she is before the wolf dog runs past to her and she goes to the little inuit boy and asked him.
Lunar girl:Oh, uh, excuse me? Can you tell me where I am?
When lunar girl asked the little inuit boy and came up to him but until the little inuit boy just runs walked right through to lunar girl while he's chasing his wolf dog. Lunar girl screamed and gasped in shocked when the little inuit boy was walked through she was scared that she thinks that she a ghost. While she's walked backwards in shocked until she felt a inuit men just walked right through her and lunar girl was even more shocked and scared before she used her first levitation spell on herself before inuit peoples walked through to her. Lunar girl tries to called to them to the inuit peoples to get to her attention and trying to get them to hear her while she was so scared that she's a ghost.
Lunar girl:Hello?! Hello?!
But when she tries to called to the inuit peoples and tries to get them to hear her but no matter what she does to get to them the inuit peoples doesn't hear her or see her. For the first time lunar girl realizes that the inuit peoples doesn't see her because she's a half moonlight and a half human spirit that made her sad, scared, and she felt all alone before she prologue her backstory.
Lunar girl:My name is lunar girl
When lunar girl prologue her backstory she puts on her inuit blue hoodie with sadness and used her first portal to return back to the forest when she was rebirth. While she's still prologue her backstory.
Lunar girl:How do I know that? The man in the moon told me so...or mim as short, but that was all he ever told me. And that was a long, long time ago.
Lunar girl stopped prologue her backstory before she got into her first portal on the way to the forest while she used her first levitation spell on herself on the way to the forest with her sadness.

Lunar girl stopped prologue her backstory before she got into her first portal on the way to the forest while she used her first levitation spell on herself on the way to the forest with her sadness

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