Jamie Believes!

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In the night of pitch's lair luna's pets silk moth's were locked up in the bird cages with the mini tooth fairies and the mini tooth fairies can't fly because the children stopped believing in the guardians. When the silk moth's squeaks and the mini tooth fairies twitters as luna flies out of the portal, jumped from cages and cages and opening them as she goes, and luna opened another cage and notices the mini fairies still standing while luna took off her inuit hoodie off her head.
Lunar girl:Come on! Let's go!
When luna looks around and notices that all of the mini tooth fairies are still in their cages and the silk moth's flies out of the cages and flies over to luna.
Lunar girl:Wh-What's wrong?!
The silk moth's tells luna that all of the mini tooth fairies can't fly and luna looks at the mini fairies again and saw the fairies are just standing around listless.
Lunar girl:None of you can't fly?!
The moth's and baby tooth direct luna's attention to the globe at the base of pitch's lair and luna gasped when the lights are going out fast.
Lunar girl:The lights...!
Meanwhile in the north pole in the factory floor the yeti very carful sets the last of the group of newly painted red robot dolls on the shelf and the yeti breathes a sigh of relief when he done painting the robots red. Suddenly the entire factory begins to shake and knocking the red robot doll to the ground but luckily the yeti catches it before it hits to the ground and suddenly the streak of black sand whoosh up into the around the factory. The dark sand snakes it's way up and around the globe, causing the yetis and elves to scatter and knocking out the toys to the ground, and the yetis and elves look up in horror as the black sand now covering the globe, gives rise to pitch, and pitch was standing happy of victory that the children stopped believing in the guardians before he's cackling and telling the yetis and elves that they all free to go.
Pitch:You're all free to go! We won't be needing any christmas toys this year thank you! Nor ever again!
The yeti with the red robot in his hand sinks his head and sighs in defeat that pitch has already won and the lights going out. Meanwhile in pitch's lair luna floats to the ground, she stopped using her levitation spell on herself, now standing before pitch's globe looks almost completely devoid of light.
Lunar girl:They're all going out...!
In the north pole in the factory floor pitch looks at the six lights and was happy that the children stopped believing in the guardians and pitch was about to dances across north's globe in a victory dance.
Pitch:Only six left! Six precious children who still believing in the guardians with all they're h-!, make that five!, ooh four!, three!, Two!
After pitch practically dancing around north's globe and he was giddy and stepping into the lights when he makes them goes out. When pitch snaps his fingers and stares down at the last light and waiting for it to go out, pitch snaps his fingers a few more times but still nothing happened, and pitch's smiled fades and realizes that there's one more child that stills believes in the guardians.
In pitch's lair luna used her levitation spell on herself and jumps up onto the globe to closely inspect last light. And luna smiles and realizes that the last light was jamie who was still believing in the guardians.
Lunar girl:Jamie!
Luna takes mothiana and baby tooth out of her inuit tunic and puts baby tooth onto the floor, luna tells the silk moth's to get the mini tooth fairies out of the cages and tells them that luna will get jamie still believing in the guardians. As mothaina and the silk moth's nodded and as they get each one of the mini tooth fairies out of the cages and while luna flies out of pitch's lair and goes over to jamie's house. Meanwhile in jamie's bedroom jamie was in his pajamas, he's sitting up in his bed, and talking to his old stuffed rabbit and whispering about always believed in the easter bunny and the guardians.
Jamie:Okay look, you and I are obviously at what they call a crossroads, so here's what's gonna happen
When luna appears outside jamie's window, still using her levitation spell on herself, and moves closer to get a better look and listen closely about jamie saying.
Jamie:If it wasn't a dream and if you are real, then you have to prove it like right now, I've been believing in you for a long time okay? Like my whole life in fact so kinda owe me now, you don't have to do much, just a little sign so I know, anything...anything at all
As jamie picks up his stuffed rabbit and holds it close, he was waiting for a sign or anything that easter bunny was real and he waits, and then he finally excruciating from believing that the easter bunny and the guardians were real and stopped believing.
Jamie: *sighed* I knew it...
Jamie dropped his stuff rabbit in the floor, luna gasped that jamie was about to stopped believing in the guardians and watched as the light slowly fades from jamie's eyes, then luna has hope and faith that she will make jamie believed again and knows what to do before she enters the room, and then jamie notices the window as the panes of glass freeze over and the image of an easter egg suddenly appears.
When jamie looks down at the stuffed rabbit on the floor, he can barely comprehend what's he seeing, jamie looks back to the window as more of the window panes moonlight blue dust over and jamie's eyes get huge with amazement.
Jamie:He's real!
As luna was excited and continues to exert herself trying to bring life to her drawings and when she does the moonlight blue dust rabbit comes leading off the window.
Luna was amazed and laughs as jamie but jamie's amazement turns to confusion when the moonlight blue dust rabbit exploded and the moonlight blue dusts falls.
Jamie:Blue dust?
When a moonlight blue dust lands on the tip of jamie's nose and in that moment a moonlight blue dusts sparkle comes to jamie's eyes. Then he heard little girl's laughing voice and when he turns around and was shocked when the little girl was actually lunar girl who laughing when the moonlight blue dust continues to falls. And jamie was seeing hearing luna for the first time and can't believed that lunar girl was real before jamie calls luna moon girl.
Jamie: *whispering* Moon girl...?
Luna stopped laughing when she heard jamie called her moon girl and turns around and seeing jamie was standing there and seeing luna for the first time.
Lunar girl:Did he just say...? You said-?!
Luna was interrupted by jamie who was still seeing her for the first time and jamie calling her moon girl again.
Jamie:Moon girl!
Lunar girl:That's right! But-but that's me! Moon girl! You just called me moon girl! My name's lunar girl!
Jamie:Wait? Your name is lunar girl?
Lunar girl:That's right! That's my name! You said my name!
As luna seeing jamie was grins at her and luna realized that jamie can see her for the first time and hearing her.
Lunar girl:Wait...can you see me?
Jamie nodded at luna and still grinning at her and luna flies closer to jamie's face and asked him if he can hear her.
Lunar girl:Can you...can you hear me?
Jamie nodded at luna again as makes luna happy and can't believe that jamie can see her and her for the first time as tears of happiness comes out of luna's eyes.
Lunar girl: *laughing* He sees me...! He sees me!
As luna does a backflips in joy onto jamie's table and the room suddenly explodes with even more moonlight blue dusts from out of luna's hands while jamie couldn't believe it that lunar girl was really real.
Jamie:You just made blue dust?
Lunar girl:Moonlight blue dust!
Jamie:In my room?!
Lunar girl:I know!
Jamie:You're real?
Lunar girl:Yeah! Who do you think that makes the stars brighter?! And makes the moon even brighter as a shooting star?! And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?
Jamie:That's was you?!
Lunar girl:That was me!!
Lunar girl:Right?!
Jamie:What about easter bunny?!, Jack Frost?!, and the tooth fairy I mean-?!
Jamie was interrupted by luna who was telling jamie that the guardians was real before she picks jamie's stuffed rabbit.
Lunar girl:Real! Real! Real! Every one of us is real jamie!
Jamie:I knew it!
As jamie happy that he was right about the guardians were real and luna so happy that jamie see's her and has a first believer for the first time before jamie's mom calls down the halls and asked jamie about who's he talking to.
Jamie's mom:Jamie who are you talking to?
Jamie:Um...moon girl
Jamie's mom: *chuckles* Okay
When jamie's mom walks away down the halls, luna and jamie continues to smiling at each other until suddenly the sound of thunder and north's sleigh, and luna and jamie looks to open the window and luna realizes that the guardians has arrived at burgess town and jamie's house and gets jamie to safety. While luna flies out of jamie's bedroom and gets to the guardians and jamie runs out of his bedroom and runs over to the guardians too.

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