Luna arrives at the North pole/Luna meets the guardians

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In the night of burgess town luna and her silk moth's flies along as they watched the dream sand disappeared into the sky as luna was about to get some sleep and gets ready for easter sunday tomorrow.
Lunar girl:Come on moth's let's go! I'm getting some goodnight sleep for the easter egg hunt for tomorrow!
Luna's silk moth's agreed with luna about getting some sleep for luna's easter sunday tomorrow as luna was about to opened up her portal on their way home. But until mothiana rushed to luna and her silk moth's to warning luna about pitch before luna and the silk moth's notices that mothiana that she was flying fast.
Lunar girl:Mothiana? Where you've been? You supposed to stay here with the others
The silk moth's agreed about luna said about "stay here with the others" when mothiana squeaking luna and the other silk moth's about pitch is planning something really bad about sending nightmares to children. Luna was confused about pitch she never heard of "pitch" before in her life when she was curious about it before she turned to mothiana in a serious look on her face.
Lunar girl:The...The boogieman...?
As mothiana squeaking to luna and the silk moth's about pitch when suddenly a shadowy figure and an unfamiliar noise zipped by luna, mothiana, and the others silk moth's.
Lunar girl:Whoa!
Luna and her silk moth's leap over a house to an adjacent tree to investigate but until her and her silk moth's felt a strong cold wind above them. Luna looked up into the sky to search who's caused that strong cold wind until she heard a familiar voice snicker from the ally. It was jack who was snicker from the alley when north send bunny and jack to get luna from burgess town before bunny tries to keep jack quiet.
Bunny: *whispering* Shhhhh! Pipe down frostbite! She'll hear us!
As luna and her silk moth's listen to an familiar voices from the ally but then something zoomed behind her and her silk moth's. Luna flies over to find out what that is when she jumped down from the tree and onto a car in the alley. Luna and her pets silk moth's arrived at the street of burgess luna tried to search for the mystery familiar spirit from the street until the shadow flashed and whoosh by knocking over a trash can. Luna jumped down from the truck and stopped using her levitation spell and take out her moonlight shamshir sword from her moonlight purple sheath waist holder and used her moonlight shamshir sword to fight to started her first fight while her silk moth's and mothiana hides luna's inuit hoodie incase some spirit tries to steal luna's pets. Luna backed up out of the alleyway into a clearing before she heard a familiar voice of bunny's voice from the light step.
Bunnymund:Hello sheila
Luna turned around and ready to strike and fight to the unknown spirit before she squinted as into the light step. It was bunny who was getting luna's attention to get her into the north pole but bunny know luna girl for three hundred years ago from the midnight of sixty six. In the year of sixty six it was the middle of the night bunny was in burgess town hiding the eggs in the easter sunday for tomorrow morning but until luna portal to burgess town in the middle of the night to watch some shooting star's when notices a giant rabbit was in the middle of the night and she wondering why's there a giant rabbit in the middle of the night. Luna decided to flies over to the giant rabbit to sneak up to him she flies down to the ground before she stopped using her levitation spell as she did that she quietly sneaks up to the giant rabbit when bunny ears were twitched as he heard something behind him. When luna quietly stopped sneaking up to the giant rabbit when she was mischievously looked at the giant rabbit before bunny could smelled the scent of luna as he turned around and looked at the young half moonlight and half human spirit girl. Bunny was shocked when he saw luna for the first time and luna was shocked when bunny see's her when bunny asked her "who are yer and what you doing in the middle of the bloody night ankle biter" but when luna realizes that bunny can see her and hear her when eyes filled up with tears of joyful about the first time. When bunny asked her again "who are you and where are yer parents" luna replied to bunny and tells him that she's a moonlight spirit and she a spirit girl and used her levitation spell to show it to bunny before bunny was shocked and his jaw dropped when luna showed it to him. Bunny was so speechless when he saw luna used her levitation spell on herself while luna levitation spell on herself she spotted a easter blue egg and so flies over to there to see it before bunny notices that luna flies over to his easter blue egg and runs off to stopped her. But when luna got there she picked up the easter blue egg then she unwrapped the blue paper from the easter blue egg and when she unwrapped it she saw a delicious chocolate egg with the blue paper from underneath it then she smelled the chocolate egg and smiled and sighed in good taste of the chocolate egg when she was about to taste it. But suddenly bunny took it from her hand when he was standing behind her luna turned to bunny and tells him to give her back her chocolate egg while she jumped up and down when she tries to take the chocolate egg from bunny's hand when she tried to bunny tells her that she have to wait for easter sunday for tomorrow. Luna was confused about "easter sunday" before she asked bunny about "easter sunday" bunny explained to her that every year that he delivered the easter eggs to children for in the morning for the children can find the easter eggs that bunny hides them for children can find them for the easter hunt tomorrow morning. But when bunny was explaining to luna about "easter sunday" he notices that the chocolate egg was gone from his hand then he looked down to see luna took the chocolate egg from him but then when he looked down he was so shocked that luna was gone then run over to his easter basket and see that his easter eggs were only a few eggs in the basket. Bunny was so mad that his easter eggs were stolen he thinks it's luna when she took the chocolate egg from him but then he heard luna's voice from above the sky bunny looked up and see's that luna using her levitation spell on herself and was laughing at him for stealing his easter eggs while she was holding a few easter eggs from hands and opened up a portal for her way home. Bunny was angry that luna steals his easter eggs from him and yells at luna to give him his easter eggs and when he was yelling at luna for her to come back but suddenly bunny got hit the ground by a sandy's dream sand ball because sandy was doing his work to delivering dream sand around the children in their sleep but when notices that bunny was yelling for a reason sandy think that bunny trying to waked up the children in their sleep so he created a dream sand before he hits him in the back of his while a cloud of golden dream sand exploding and transforming into a ring of carrots above the sleeping bunny while sandy goes back to his work leaving bunny in his sleep. Back in the present north send bunny, jack, and and his two yeti's to get luna to the north pole before bunny talks to luna about the "midnight of sixty six".
Bunnymund:Been a long time, midnight of sixty six I believe, easter sunday wasn't it?
When bunny came out of the shadows to revealed himself to luna, luna was completely bewildered and relief when she recognized bunny for the year of "midnight of sixty six" when she stole the easter eggs from bunny. Luna shy smile to see bunny again when her silk moth's and mothiana peek out of luna's inuit hoodie and relief that they see bunny before luna puts her moonlight shamshir sword back to her moonlight purple sheath waist holder.
Lunar girl:Bunny! You're still not mad about that are you?
Bunny whips out his boomerang and casually looked at it as he holds it in hands before tells luna about something else to kidnap her to the north pole.
Bunnymund:But this is about something else
Lunar girl:Well I love to talk to you bunny but I need to get some rest for the egg hunt tomorrow morning
When luna was about to opened up a portal for her and her pets silk moth's on way home for get herself some sleep for easter sunday but bunny stopped her before she got to opened up a portal.
Bunnymund:You're not going anywhere sheila, and don't you even think about taking one of my googies for this morning, and you don't want the tooth fairy see yer cavities when you eat too much bloody candy
Lunar girl:Oh don't worry I floss my teeth every day and night bunny so anyway I'm gonna go now so...back
Luna and her silk moth's walked away from bunny and luna was about to opened up her portal again but bunny stopped her again when luna turned her head and looked before he talked to her again.
Bunnymund:Oi! Your not going anywhere sheila I told ya about "something else" for you
Lunar girl:Oh yeah? Then who's gonna stopped me? Huh?
When luna turned away from bunny and was still about to opened up the portal but until she saw a mischievous bare foot hoodie spirit was standing in front of luna and she take a steps back away from the mischievous spirit before the mischievous spirit talks to her.
Jack:Me kiddo
The mischievous spirit walked in front of luna and it was jack before he reveals himself to luna with a smirk on face and here to kidnap her to the north pole. Luna and her silk moth's was confused and wondering who's the unknown spirit.
Lunar girl:Who are you?
Jack:Oh come on?! You don't recognizes me?
Lunar girl:No...?
Luna didn't know who's the mischievous spirit was when she mischievously raised her eyebrows and saw jack kneeling down to luna and introduce himself and her a smile on his face.
Jack:Don't you know that I'm jack frost, the mischievous winter spirit, I delivering snow around the world, and don't want to nipping at your noise do you?
Jack leaned towards to luna's face to nipping it to give her a hint of him when he leaned towards her face jack touches her noise and pressing her noise. Luna was curious about the mischievous spirit was gonna "nipping at your noise" until she takes a few steps back when she realized that it's jack frost was here in burgess town before jack get back up.
Lunar girl:Jack...? Jack frost?
Jack:Yep! That's me kiddo!
Lunar girl:Well I love to know about you jack but I'm really, really, really need to get some rest here. Can I? If you won't mind?
Jack:Oh sorry kiddo...but I'm not gonna let you go anywhere
Lunar girl: *chuckles* Okay...I don't want to do this the hard way
When luna was about to opened up a portal from underneath jack so can send him back to antarctica from where jack lives there but bunny stopped luna just in time before she opened up a portal from underneath jack.
Bunnymund:And we don't want to this the hard for yer sheila...fellas
Lunar girl:Fellas...?
Before luna realizing jack puts his fingers in his mouth to make a whistle to called for north's yetis when he whistled luna turned to jack about wondering why he whistled but suddenly a huge yeti's hand reaches down to luna's inuit hoodie then grabbed luna and lifted her off her feet before luna realizes that she been kidnapped by jack and bunny.
Lunar girl:Hey!
Yeti:Durbha wahla!
Luna has been snatched up by north's two huge yetis luna grabbed her inuit hoodie and tries to let go of inuit hoodie from north's two huge yetis.
Lunar girl:Put me down! Moth's help! What the?!
Luna's silk moth's flies over there to rescue her but her and her pets silk moth's been shoved head first into a sack. Then north's yeti whipped out a snow globe and smashed it onto the ground before north's yeti skating and tell the snow globe to send jack, bunny, luna and her silk, and north yetis back to the north pole in yetish.
Yeti:Durtal bardla burdlew!
As north's yetis smashed it onto the ground and an magic portal opened in front of them when jack and north's yetis made way for bunny to leap in.
Jack:After you roo
Yeti:Dwbard urghwetee?
Bunny laughed derisively about jack and north's yetis made way for bunny but he refused to get the magic portal before he stopped laughing and replied to them.
Bunnymund:Not on your nelly see you back at the pole
Bunny stamps his foot twice on the ground and the ground swirled opened a rabbit hole magically appeared. Bunny leap into the rabbit hole and disappears along with the rabbit hole and in it's place from out from out of the ground grows a small green pink flower.
Jack: I bet he's too much of a scary cat kangaroo! Okay boys! Throw her in!
Jack goes through the magic portal and waits on north's yetis to throw luna and her pets silk moth's into the portal.
Yeti:Bwardla arghl!
North's yeti throw luna and her silk moth's through the magic portal while luna screamed as she and her silk moth's portal to the north pole. North's yeti charges into the magic portal and disappear into the magic portal meanwhile in north's library the magic portal opened into the library and jack jumped off to the magic portal and tells the guardians that him and bunny got luna. While north smiled and chuckled at jack for getting luna and her silk moth's while tooth was too busy on telling her fairies to collecting the teeth's in each state before the sack flies out of the magic portal and landed on the floor. In the darkness luna and her silk moth's heard north's voice as she and her silk moth's was about to struggled out of the sack.
North:She's here
As luna and her silk moth's struggled out of the sack and all she and her pets silk moth's see north's two elves staring at them but they run away from them after they staring at luna and her silk moth's.
Toothiana:Walla walla washington! We've got a trampoline mishap at one thousand three hundred forty ginger lane
Luna and her silk moth's looked up to see north and sandy looked down on luna and her silk moth's while tooth was by her fairies and was still to busy to telling her fairies to collecting the teeth's in each state.
Toothiana:Canine, lateral and central incisor, ouch!
North clears his throat as the guardians turned to luna and her silk moth's when they all turned to a bewildered of luna.
North:Hey! There she is! Luna girl!
As north holds up his arms to welcome luna to the guardians while jack, sandy and tooth was happy to welcome luna except bunny. Luna glazed at the guardians and meeting them for the first time and was so speechless about seeing them for the first time before her pets silk moth's flies out of the sack.
Lunar girl:Woah....santa claus....the sandman....the tooth fairy....?!
As luna looked at the guardians north's yetis helped luna grabbed by the shoulders and gets her off the sack and lifted her up onto her feet while luna used her levitation spell on herself to floats back down on the floor.
Lunar girl:Hey! Hey! Whoa! Put me down!
North:I hope the yetis treated you well
Lunar girl:Oh and my moth's loved being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal
North:Oh! Good! That was my idea! You know jack and bunny obviously
Bunny stands off to the side grumbling with his arms crossed and jack stands off to the side with a grin on his face and knowing luna that well. While luna give bunny and jack a unamused face glared to them.
Lunar girl:Obviously
North:And the tooth fairy?
When luna still using her levitation spell on herself and stopped giving unamused face glared to them tooth and her fairies flies over to introduce herself to luna while her and her fairies gliding to her.
Toothiana:Hello luna, I've heard a lot about you, and your teeth!
Lunar teeth?
Toothiana:Open up! Are they really as white as they say? Yes...
Tooth touches luna's mouth and seeing her sparkle white teeth's before tooth realizes that it really is luna's sparkle white teeth and telling her to her fairies.
Toothiana: *gasped* Oh they really do sparkle like falling shooting stars!
Several of swooning tooth's fairies flutter around a confused luna and batting their lashes and screaming about luna's sparkle who teeth when one of tooth's fairy came to see and luna's teeth's and right before tooth tells her fairies to pull themselves together.
Toothiana:Girls! Pull yourselves together! Let's not disgrace the uniform
As tooth and her fairies flies away from luna and gets back to work while north  introduce to sandy but sandy sleeping while he snoozing quietly.
North:And sandman....sandy! Sandy! Wake up!
North yelled sandy for waking him up but when he did sandy bolts up awake from north and stepped up to smiling luna before luna asked the guardians why is she here.
Lunar girl:Hey! Does anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?
When luna asked the guardians about why she's here sandy got luna's attention and replied it to her. But when sandy trying to explain to luna why she's here while he makes a forming wisps of dream sand above his head morphs into a barrage of images dream sand as sandy trying to explain to luna. While luna trying hard to decipher sandy's pictures of dream sand above his head but luna couldn't understand what sandy trying to explaining it to her.
Lunar girl: *stammering* Uh? That's not really helping but thanks...sandy
As luna walks away from the guardians thinks and wondering why's she here until she thinks that she done something good for today in burgess town while her silk moth's flies over to the elve with a tray of cookies as the elve marches past luna before her silk moth's takes one cookie from the tray of cookie.
Lunar girl:I must've done something really good to get you five together. Am I on the nice list?
North: *chuckle* On nice list? You hold record! But no matter, we overlook, now we are wiping clean the slate
Lunar girl:How come?
Bunnymund:Ah! Good question
North:How come? I tell you how come! Because are guardian!
Lunar girl:A guardian...?
As luna was confused about north said about "guardian" but suddenly north's yetis held up a light of ceremony torches with a whoosh and then north's elves leaps from the columns, unfurled homemade, and celebratory banners as they descended as luna's first guardian ceremony. Luna's silk moth's notices that tooth's fairies flies over to luna and put a necklace with white and blue paper stars that they made for luna but luna brushes off the fairies when they try to present to her.
Lunar girl:Hey! What are you doing?! Get that off of me!
Luna's voice drowned by out loud sound of horns and drums by north's elves when they were ceremony music of luna's first guardian ceremony.
North:This is the best part!
As north marched when his elves were doing a marching band strikes up, marching into the library room of luna's first guardian ceremony, north's two yetis move luna onto the designated spot and the floor. Luna looked down and find an north's elve pointing at luna's inuit moonlight shoes and then the elve then directed her attention to two approaching elves carrying a new pair of moonlight ceremonial boots for luna before she north's yeti hands north an old large book. North blow off the dust of the large book, opened it, and begins to clearing his throat for he can start official of luna's first guardian ceremony but luna clenched her jaw as she scans the room while jack and sandy smiled at luna for her first guardian ceremony but except for bunny he's apathetic and north looked on with pride. But suddenly luna used her moonlight blue dust to stopped her first guardian ceremony before she screamed.
Lunar girl: *screaming* STOP!!!!!
Luna's moonlight blue dust sending a blast of blue dust and wind across the room while the torches goes out then the music peters out of luna's moonlight blue dust. After that luna's silk moth's flies over to luna before guardians were confused and looked at luna while luna asked the guardian about what's thinks that she wants her to be a guardian.
Lunar girl:What's make you guys think I want to be a guardian?!
North burst out of laughter about luna what's thinks that she wants her to be a guardian and he still holding the book in his hands before he stopped and looked luna with a stone face.
North:Of course you do! Music!
As north tells his elves to play the music again for luna's first guardian ceremony when an elve plays their trumpets again for celebration but luna tells the guardians and elves no music.
Lunar girl:No! No! No music!
As luna tells them "no music" the music peters out again when an angry elve throw his trumpet on the ground then push the elve with a sousaphone out of the way and storms off before luna that she's not a guardian.
Lunar girl:Look this is all very flattering and all, but you don't want me, you're all hard work and deadlines
Jack:Hey! I maybe hard work and deadlines like the others kiddo but I'm snowballs and fun times
Lunar girl:And I'm just an spirit child and fun times too jack...I'm not a guardian
Bunnymund:Yeah that's exactly what I said!
Bunny tries to convince that luna wasn't meant to be a guardian but north and the others wouldn't listen to him before tooth flies over to luna and tries to explaining to luna about what they do.
Toothiana:Luna...I don't think you understand what it is we do
As tooth flies in and turned luna's attention to the massive globe room and shows luna about what they do.
Toothiana:Each of those lights is a child
Luna look up at the globe, taking in the enormity of this, north suddenly moves to luna's side as he explained to her about what they do to bring joy to children.
North:A child who believes, good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them
As north explained to luna about what they do to bring joy to children when north hears that luna's voice caused by tooth who was so exclaimed about luna's teeth's before north tell tooth about her fingers out of luna's mouth.
North:Tooth! Fingers out of mouth
North turned tooth and seeing tooth was so exclaimed about luna's teeth's before north's told her about her fingers out of luna's mouth.
Toothiana:Oh sorry! They're beautiful
Luna moves away from the globe and back towards the center of the room as north and the guardians were serious about telling luna about pitch.
North:Okay no more wishy-washy! Pitch is out there doing who knows what!
Lunar girl: *scoffs* Pitch? Who's pitch?
North:You never heard of pitch?
Lunar girl:No I don't santa
North:My name is not santa or claus it's nicholas st. north but you can call me north luna
Lunar girl:Okay north....but who's pitch?
Jack:Pitch it's like a old man, grumpy like the kangaroo and he's the boogieman, but we took him done from the dark ages
Mothiana flies up luna's ear and squeaking about this is what she's been talking about when luna understands her and knows about pitch.
Lunar girl:The...the boogieman?
North:Yes! When pitch threatens us he threatens them as well
North point to the lights on the globe as he showed it to luna about pitch but luna refused to be a guardian when talks to the guardians and tells them to pick someone qualified.
Lunar girl:All the more reason to pick someone is more qualified
As luna turns away from the group and was about to opened up a portal for her and her pets silk moth's home but north explained to luna that mim chooses the guardians to protect the children not pick.
North:Pick?! You think we pick?! No you were chosen like we were all chosen! By man in moon
As luna was about to opened up a portal for her and her pets silk moth's but when she heard about north's said about man in moon chooses the guardians before luna looked at the group in a confusing way.
Lunar girl:What...?
Toothiana:Last night luna he chose you
Lunar girl:Man in the moon...he talks to you guys too?
As luna and her silk moth's looked up to the skylight taking in the awesome sight of the moon as it shines down on earth to luna.
North:You see you can not say no it is destiny
Luna is still confused about mim choose luna to be a new guardian to the group and doesn't understand why she's chooses her.
Lunar girl:But why...why wouldn't he tell me that himself...?
Lunar girl exasperated exhale thinking that mim finally give her an answer for eight hundred years before she talks to the guardians about her answer.
Lunar girl:After eight hundred years this is his answer?! To spend eternity like you guys cooped up in some, some hideout thinking of, of new ways to bribe kids?! No! No! That's not for me mim! No offense guys.....
Luna turned to the guardians about not spending eternity on like the guardians while the group were stunned about what luna said except for bunny who was relieved by this turned before he looked at the others.
Bunnymund:Ho-Ho-Hows is that not offensive?! You know what I think? I think we just dodged a bullet I mean what this ankle biter know about bringing joy to children anyway?
As bunny stretches his cheek with his foot luna was mad about bunny said about "bringing joy to children" when she started a fight with him before she looked back at him with a grin on her face.
Lunar girl:Uhh? You ever hear of a shooting stars? I mean it's a shooting star falls in the sky and some kids wish for something that they wish for. I know it's no hard-boiled egg but kids like what I do
Bunnymund:But none of 'em believe in you do they? You see, you're invisible sheila, it's like you don't even exist
When bunny leans into luna about "don't even exist" to her when everything went silenced in that time while luna tries not to look stunned by this.
Toothiana: *gasped* Bunny! Enough!
Lunar girl:No the easter kangaroo's right
When luna called bunny the "easter kangaroo" bunny glared about luna called him a kangaroo before jack's jaw dropped of laugher that luna called bunny called him the first time.
Bunnymund:The-The what?! What'd you call me?! I'm not a kangaroo sheila!
Lunar girl:Oh really? Because jack frost here keeps calling you a kangaroo and technically he thinks that you're a easter kangaroo and so yeah I think that you're a kangaroo bunny
Bunnymund:Frostbite just saying that because he's a bloody clown!
Bunny turned to jack and pointing at him right before jack coil hold his laughter and laughing about luna thinks bunny is a kangaroo and thinks that jack thinks that bunny is a kangaroo.
Jack: *laughing*Hahhahahhaha! It's true! Bunny is a kangaroo! Hahhahahhaahhaha!!!!!!!!!
Bunnymund:Shut it! Frostbite! Like I said I'm not a bloody kangaroo!
Lunar girl:Oh really? And this whole time I thought you were a kangaroo, if you're not a kangaroo then, what are you?
Bunnymund:I'm a bunny...the easter bunny! People believe in me
As luna eyes were filled with tears again after what bunny said "people believe in me" before jack stopped laughing and looked at luna and her silk moth's with a sad frown on his face. While sandy was acknowledged the tension in the air and pates north's leg and nudges to him to tell to get luna away from bunny.
North:Luna walk with me
As luna and her silk moth's give a death glared to bunny after what he said to her when she tells her silk moth's to follow north.
Lunar girl:Come on moth's...let's just follow north
Luna and her silk moth's followed north into his workshop before luna wiped a few tears in her eyes and follow north into the elevator to the workshop of the toy factory down to the factory floor.

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