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🖤Aria POV🖤

Three weeks later

The terrible nightmares keep waking me up every twenty minutes, and each time it does my bed was soaked with urine and sweat.

It's been three weeks since I leave the hospital, three weeks since I woke to the heart wrenching news about Theo being arrested for killing his brother.

My life has never been the same from that day I can't stop having nightmares about that horrible day. My heart has not been the same since I heard the news about Theo.

My life was in shambles the only thing that kept me going was my babies but not having Theo around was affecting me so much that I feel myself slowly caving.

After going to see him the day I leave the hospital I broke down right there. Seeing him behind bars because of me was heart wrenching. I should have been the one there I should have fought harder that day, I shouldn't have given up.

All I do these days is weep, I can hardly eat, I'm restless at sleeping because once I close my eyes I see Robert over me and I would wake up screaming.

Mom and Jade would take turns to sleep with me.
Mom cancelled her flight that day and stayed back to take care of me if I didn't have them in my corner I knew I would ran mad.

My sisters, Sasha and her mother my aunt came to visit me twice when I was in the hospital and they came to the villa last week to visit me also.

After what happened at the house in new Kingston I couldn't go back there and Theo didn't want me to either. He told his mother to take me back to mobay but there was no way on earth that I would leave him here in Kingston and go all the way to mobay. He told his mother to take me to his Villa in Spanish town instead.

I have constant headaches, aunty Whitney was here two days ago to check on me and the babies and she told me to try and be strong because I was stressing the babies out and my blood pressure was high but how can I do that when I have sleepless nights and not waking up to Theo make it even worst.

Aunty Whitney made an appointment for me to see a shrink but I didn't want to talk to anyone, I wanted to see Theo, I want him to come home, I want to be with him.

I have exams next week but I can't tell when last I study, I couldn't concentrate I couldn't do anything my mind was million miles away.

It got worst when I was told today that they were going to extradite Theo to the United States to face trial being that Robert was a born citizen of USA and that he could get life in prison.

He will be leaving in there days and Mom was making plans for us to travel even though aunty Whitney told us that it's not a good idea for me to travel that it could be risky for the babies

But it would be more risky if Theo get life in prison because of me and I wasn't there. What if I don't get to see him again I would just die. I love my babies but the love I have for their father was out of this world, I would risk my life and theirs just to be in the same room with him.

God forgive me but it's just the truth

The following day after I pack a small suitcase to travel the next day I went to take a shower. I have been taking cold showers for the past three weeks. Everytime I remembered that day I feel so dirty I would ran to the bathroom night, mid morning and midday just to scrub the disgusting feeling away.

I took a shower and Jade brought me a bowl of cornmeal porridge and fruits but I couldn't find the appetite to eat anything

She tried feeding the porridge to me but I couldn't eat. She went to get me a glass of juice instead and I took one sip and gave it back to her.

I curled up and cried myself to sleep. I woke up in pains my abdomen was cramping I tried sitting up but the pain was too much. I felt something wet between my legs and thought I peed myself again but after wiping my thighs and looked at my fingers it was blood.

I lifted the cover to look and the sheets was soaked with blood, I felt weird, my head felt light and I feel like I wanted to vomit. I tried getting up again but it was no use my lower back and abdomen was in terrible pain.

I lean to the side of the bed when I fell the vomit coming up. I vomited my guts out. After vomiting I took up my phone from beside me and wiped the blood from it and called Mom who was downstairs.

She and Jade rushed in the room a few seconds later and Jade burst into tears I saw the tears in mom eyes but she shield them.

I know I was loosing my babies and I couldn't help them. I just sat there weeping while mom called an ambulance. I couldn't summon the strength to pray because I know they were already gone I could feel it in my heart and by the time the ambulance reached the house and the paramedics get upstairs I was passing huge blood clots.

I was taken to the hospital and the doctor confirmed my suspicion.

I lost my babies at four months and two days old and I was told their gender and that broke me into tiny pieces. I was shivering I felt so cold.

Boy and girl

Theo wish came through in the most hurtful way. I saw him calling me and I declined the call he called me 67 times before I finally turned off the phone.

I couldn't talk to him I felt so hurt that I've let him down, he asked only one thing of me each time he called and that was to be strong and take care of myself and his babies and I couldn't even do that.

I know he must be hurting because he was so attached to them even more than I did.

I no longer have pieces of him growing inside me and just the thought of it send my pressure sky high. I felt so cold, I felt so empty inside and I don't think that I could ever face Theo again. I felt like it was the babies that was holding us together but now that they were gone I don't think he will ever forgive me or want to have anything to do with me.

I felt myself spinning, my world was getting dark and I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was so tired I needed rest I just want to sleep so I shut my eyes and welcome the darkness.

It was the beeping sound from a machine that signal the doctors and nurses.

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