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🖤Aria Pov🖤

On my way home with my bundle of joy from G-west I was still furious that he took care of my hospital bills and signed Ava's birth certificate, he have no right to do that without talking to me first even though I would decline if he had mention it.

He just Walt's in doing things like he cared

I was glad that he at least leave before I was fully discharged because I really didn't want to see his face for another second his presence irritates me even though I am still in love with him

It's better to show no feelings

I looked down at my beautiful sleeping princess and smile even in her sleep she is the spitting image of him. I look at Malique who still seems upset about something, I asked him if he was okay back at the hospital and he said he was but I'm now realizing that he was lying.

Whatever it is that have him this upset seems to be something serious because he's not his usual jovial self today, maybe he just don't want to talk about it.

He parked at my gate and got out to help me with my bag and the key. I got out of the backseat of his Lexus with my baby girl and walk to my  door which he had already open.

I brought Ava straight to her room and lay her down in her crib, closing the mesh around it and turning on the AC I made my way back to the sitting room, on entering I heard malique on his phone and from what I gathered the conversation he was having with the person on the other end was not pleasant, when he see me he told the person that he'll call them back.

"Thanks for everything Malique I really appreciate it" I told him honestly

He smile and walk over to me and take my hands in his

"No need thanking me beautiful I did it from my heart" he said, he then bring my hands to his lips and brush a kiss on them

I don't know how I feel about his actions I just hope he remember that we are just friends nothing more

"Can I fix you something to eat before I leave?" He asked

"No that's okay my sister's is on their way over with something for me to eat but thanks for considering it" I said as I gently thug my hands out of his still smiling

"Okay I'll call you later, get some rest and kiss that beautiful baby for me please" he said

"I will" I reply

He walked through to the door and out to his car and just then I saw my sister's and Sasha getting out of a taxi.

"Mr lover boy na left yuh out eh" Kadian said as she enter the house  grinning

I simply roll my eyes at her

"Where is my niece? I'm dying to see her" Sashauna said walking to the kitchen to drop some bags on the counter then wash her hands

"She is sleeping and please don't wake her sis" I told her

"Yuh can't tell mi that sorry" kadian said going to the kitchen sink to wash her hands then disappear into Ava's room followed by Sashauna

"Hey congratulations cuz your now a mother" Sasha said smiling before pulling me into a tight hug

"Thanks Sasha, I still can't believe that I'm a mother" I grin

"Come I want to meet her" she grin pulling me towards Ava's room

"You go ahead I want to see what you'll brought me to eat I'm starving" I said walking to the kitchen

"Yam, banana and dumplings with callaloo mi cook man gwaan go stuff you face" she said laughing

Washing her hands she too went to meet Ava

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