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💔 Aria POV💔

I sat on the bed and watch as he pack two suitcases I was too weak to stand. What have come over him? is he really leaving me for another woman? Have he been playing me all this time? Was this relationship a sham? Was my babies apart of this game? Is this the reason he didn't want to get me pregnant again? Who is she? Who is he leaving me for?

So many questions swirling around in my head

I rub my hand over my stomach

I must be dreaming, why am I not crying? Tears where are you? This is a dream I know it is. Please God please wake me up now please. This dream is heart wrenching God please wake me up.

I close my eyes a minute then open them. I'm not dreaming.

Getting up from the bed I walk over to the couch where he is sitting still packing

"Theo what has come over you? Why are you hurting me like this, what have I done to you?" I cried sitting down beside him

He didn't answer just continue packing

"Theo!" I cried

He stopped and looked at me strangely, his once dreamy eyes did not look dreamy anymore the look in his eyes were cold.

I shivered just looking into his eyes. His eyes fell to my lips and for a minute he dip his head to kiss me and my heart flip but then he pulled away and shook his head and close his eyes a brief moment before opening them.

"Babe please talk to me, what's going on? Are you being blackmail or something? Or you doing this to protect me or to hurt me?" I asked tears still running down my cheeks

"I've found someone better someone I've never gotten over, my first love Destiny, now that Robert is out the way I can finally get her back, I can start the family he robbed me of"

"It's her who my heart belongs to not you Aria, I love her not you, I've never stop loving her. You were just one of my sheet warmers, a distraction nothing else, I never loved you everybody knows that Destiny is the only woman I've ever truly love" he told me calmly

I couldn't breathe, dear God I can't breathe what's happening to me. Counting to five I tried to breathe but it was useless

I watch as he got up from the couch and head to the door with his suitcases, I wanted to go after him but I couldn't move, my entire body felt weak. My eyes became blurry and I know the tears was finally coming, this is not a dream.

Theo went through the door without looking back leaving it open behind him.

Destiny omg omg omg

A sound came from my mouth I didn't know if it was a cry or a shout, placing a hand over my heart I try to keep it from shattering but it was no use I felt something rip from my chest and I couldn't breathe, I felt like I'm going to die.

I place my hand over my stomach and knowing that I don't want to die and that I couldn't lose this baby again I close my eyes and within my mind I said a prayer for myself and my for my baby.

Asking God for strength which he did gave me I curled up in the couch and weep softly.

Sometime later I heard my phone ringing I got up from the couch and went to the bed to see who was calling.

Looking at the caller ID and saw that it was his mother calling I refuse to pick it up.

Did she really knew that his son was playing me? Could she be that wicked knowing she also have daughters?

I let the phone ring to voicemail it rang a couple more time before I turned it off and lay down on the bed and cry my eyes out.

I didn't know when I fell asleep but I did for 19 hours, maybe I blocked out I didn't know but I've never sleep for 19 whole hours in my entire life well apart from being in coma.

Turning on my phone I saw 197 missed calls from mom, Jade and Davia. Missed WhatsApp calls and text, voice notes and voicemails.

I swiped them away went into my contact it was some minutes to seven I should be getting ready for work but instead I called out sick again.

After calling in sick I went through my contacts looking for Raj number. Raj was a very close friend of mine who is a real estate agent, we've been friends for so many years

Calling him he pick up on the second ring

"Good morning Aria what's up" he answered

Wiping my running eyes I smiled a little at the friendly voice

"Hey Raj I hope I didn't wake you"

"Oh sweetheart I could wake up to the sound of your voice everyday even if it's over the phone" I could tell he was smiling

I sniffed. The tears just wouldn't stop

"Aria what's wrong? Why are you sounding like this?" He asked and I could hear the concern in his voice

"Umm could you help me find a one bedroom apartment by the end of the day please raj?"

"What's your budget?" He asked

"15-20 Grand maybe" I replied

"No sweetheart I can only get you something between 30 G up, and I can get you the keys in two hours"

Thinking for a minute I did a quick calculation in my head I didn't got 1 in mathematics for nothing.

With my salary being $58,000 every two weeks after tax I could get the apartment for 30 Gs. Paying the two months in advance that would be 60 Gs

"Umm raj, does the apartment come furnish?" I asked

"Yes it does and there are two rooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, porch and a nice yard space"

So I wouldn't have to buy any furniture for now. Okay I have around $122,000 in my personal account and that's just from my salary for the past month.

Theo opened three accounts for me recently a Us account, a British account and a local account, they all have so many zeros in them. I've never spent a dollar from any of them and it's going to remain that way.

"Okay raj I'm going with one for 30 Gs but can I text you an address and you come get me and my things when you get the keys please?"

"Of course hunny I'll do anything for you, you know that" he said and I know it was true

"I'm going to send you an account information make the payment there and don't you worry I have the perfect apartment for you how do you feel about Coral Garden?"

"Okay that's okay"I told him

As far away from this house is what I want.

Out a site outta mind

Well not completely out of mind with his child growing inside me.

"Alright I'll see you in two hours love and Aria whatever you're going through just know that I'm always here for you and if you don't want to tell me you know you can always talk to Jennifer"

"I know, thank you Raj" I said ending the call

His wife Jennifer is really a sweet lady but I don't want to talk to anyone this is my mess and I'm going to get through it by myself.

I spent the next two hours packing and crying, well I spent half an hour packing because there is not much to pack since I won't be taking anything that Theo or his family bought me.

The only reminder I'm bringing of Theo is my unborn child and he or she I will love unconditionally for the rest of my life.

Raj text me and let me know that he was at the gate. With tears running down my cheeks I looked around the room one last time remembering all the memories Theo and I shared here

I took the engagement ring off and place it on one of the night stand then leave his room, his house, this lifestyle.

Entering Raj car with my tear streak cheeks I told him to make a quick stop at a phone store.

Not was I only changing the chip but also the phone, I took my sim card from the phone and leave the phone behind because he also bought it.

Starting over is going to be hard but I'm going to do it and I know God is going to help me.

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