Mixed Emotion

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🖤Aria Pov🖤

Looking into the eyes of the man I use to love brought back so many memories both good and bad but the hatered I felt towards him now clouded the good memories.

I've grown to hate him so much but still I can't tear my eyes away from his.

He looks like he was crying but for fucking what

Crocodile tears I'm guessing

"Doctor Slowly what is he doing here?" I asked tearing my eyes away from him and looking at the doctor

He stuttered before answering

"He has been here all night miss James, he requested to see you"

He's been here all night how? How did he know that I was here. That's not even the fucking point right now

"I didn't request to see him, I don't want him here. Where is Malique he is the father of..." I was saying

"Nuh mek dat drop out a yuh mouth Aria" he said cutting me off

"You know she is my baby" he added still rooted in the same spot

"She is not" I said with trembling voice

"Why are you even here?" I asked

"I want to talk to you" he said looking at me with a look that I couldn't read

"There ain't nothing you have to say that I'm interested in so can you leave!" I said slowly losing my temper

He bit his bottom lip and close his eyes briefly and when he opened them they were clouded with tears. I could read the raw emotions in his eyes and they were giving me mixed  emotion.

He slowly walked towards me and I panicked my heart racing and tears welding up in my eyes

"Please don't come any further" I warned more like begged

Why am I feeling this weak towards him

He stopped in his track still looking at me

"Aria please just hear me out" he plead

"Doctor can you call malique please?" I asked

"Doctor can you give us a moment please?" He asked instead

The doctor looked from me to him

"Miss James I'll be right back" he then said hurrying out the door

"Uggh! Why is everything so hard with you, I don't want to see you, we have nothing to talk about please leave" I almost shout

"Babe I'm sorry I wasn't.." He was saying

"Theo I don't want to fucking hear whatever shit you have to say" I cried cutting him off

"You choose her, you walked out on me for another bitch after all the promises you made to me" I continue

The tears fell from his eyes and I watch as he kneel down on both knees

"Aria do you think I would ever hurt you intentionally? I love you" He cried

His tears ripped at something inside my chest but I fight the feeling that it was threatening to bring

"But you did and there ain't no coming back from that. I've grown to hate you so much Theo" I said holding onto my tears

"You don't mean that" he said still on his knees

"I do, I really do. I'm in love with someone else" I said looking away

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