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🖤Dela Vega Pov🖤

It's over an hour since I read the email and I still didn't know how to tell Aria or if I should even tell her.

I watched her bath and dressed Ava and I fed her and put her to bed, she called and ordered fast food and I was watching her eat while a million things was running through my mind.

"Jade and mom want to come and see you and Ava since you don't want to come to the house" I told her building up the courage to tell her what I really wanted to

She stopped eating and look at me

"How are they?" She asked

"Apart from missing you they are ok" I told her smiling

She sighed and put the food on the glass table

"I don't know if I can face them after what happened, I avoided your mother calls and change numbers on them I-

"No one blame you babe you were hurting they understand" I told her

"How is jade baby and what gender did she have?" She asked sending me the first heart warming smile

"She had a son, his name is Jayden and apart from preventing everyone from sleeping when he is at my house he is good"

"So did you forgave Wayne?" She asked looking at me and I looking at her lips

"I did who am I to fight against love" I replied

She was silent before she got up and brought the plate to the kitchen

"Tell them to feel free coming by whenever they want to" she then said

"Aria there is something you need to know" I told her unable to keep it any longer

"Yea what's that" she asked rinsing the plate out

"Can you come sit beside me first please?" I asked

This is it

This is the day, the moment, the time when I would find out if I've lost the love of my life for a child that I fathered with another woman unwillingly

Thursday April 15 2017

I checked the time on my watch

4:53 pm

I watched her dried her hands and walked back to where I sit then sat next to me

"What is it?" She asked looking at me

I held eye contact with her for the longest time mesmerising her beautiful face, eyes, her cute little nose that I miss kissing her on and her seductive lips.

"The child is mine" I finally said still looking at her

Her face was expressionless, I couldn't read it

"When did you find out?" She asked looking away now

"An hour ago" I confess

"Oh" was all she said as she ran a hand through her hair

"Aria I need more than an oh"

"Congratulations?" She asked getting up and I held on her thigh keeping her from moving

She looked at my hands on her thigh and then in my eyes then turned her head away but the tears in her beautiful eyes was now evident and it broke my heart

"Babe I'm sorry, I would never do anything like that if I was in my right mind, please don't let this ruin the love we use to share, please don't hate me and shut me out because of this, I can't loose you" I plead

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