Epilogue (III)

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You think you'd get used to seeing your girlfriend's baby bump grow. But you don't. It just gets weirder and weirder.

I hadn't heard from my father but my mom was excited as hell and kept sending boxes of baby stuff to our apartment.

Yeah, it was ours now. We bought it. We thought it would be better for the baby and obviously for us if we lived together, so Cara finally gave in. We both liked the place and it was big enough for just the two of us and the baby so we decided to put an offer on it.

"What is it now?" Cara asked walking to meet me in the hallway. I was pushing a big box that had just arrived. I couldn't help but smile at her. She was wearing denim overalls and was caressing her bump. She was seven months pregnant now and I was thirty years old tomorrow. I still couldn't believe I was going to be a dad.

I kissed her belly as I kneeled down and she rolled her eyes. "What is it?"

"I don't know." I sighed, sitting up and resting my arms on my hips. "Let's find out."

After having a little fight with the scissors, we managed to open it. It was a baby crib. Cara didn't look so pleased.

"But I thought we were using my family's."

"There's nothing wrong with having new things." I stated, putting the boxes away.

"Yeah, but- how are we gonna pay her back?"

I laughed. "Do you really think my mom would let you? They're gifts, Cara."

She frowned. "You know how I feel-"

"You don't like people buying you stuff. I get it." I cut her off. "But sometimes people like doing it. It's my mom's way of saying she loves the baby. She won't say it, she'd buy things."

"I don't want my baby boy to be spoiled." She rubbed her bump.

"She won't be." I corrected her. We still didn't know the sex but she wanted it to be a boy and I wanted it to be a girl. She said boys were easier, she was used to them. And I, for some reason, wanted to have my own mini version of my girlfriend. I just hoped she'd get her features. "You didn't even let me buy you a birthday present."

"I rather you make me something." She grunted, sitting down on the armchair.

"I hope that means your birthday present for me will be made by you, too." I smiled, turning around the instructions of the crib. I'd probably have to ask Luca or Martina to set this up. They liked these kind of things. Although I don't know if it'll be too painful for her, seeing that Ace and her were still trying with no success. It'd been ten months already. I knew Ace wanted to see other options, but she was still stubborn about it.

"There's still a lot left for your birthday." She yawned. "I'll think about it."

I chuckled. "So funny."

She frowned as she looked at me. "Why?"

Did she really forget about my birthday being tomorrow?

I shook my head. "You just are. Are you hungry?"

I tried not to feel hurt, I mean, she was pregnant, she had a lot on her plate. She usually forgot things, too. That was just her. I knew I shouldn't feel this way, but I felt like things weren't just the same around us anymore and I was scared that when the baby came everything would change.

Everything was now about the baby and Cara, but, where did I fit into the picture?


"Happy birthday, my boy!" Luca got into the apartment almost yelling and throwing himself at me.

I shushed him as I laughed, catching him on my arms. "Cara's asleep."

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