Chapter 2

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As I cooked my food, I was looking at the clock ever so often just to make sure I'm at the post office early but not too early to pickup my uniform,

As I finished breakfast it was around 10:30-10:40 so I decided to clean up and head into town as my apartment is kinda on the edge of town but whatever it's not busy at all, which is probably why I picked the place in the first place.
As I grabbed my keys I locked my apartment door and went into the elevator which leads me to the main lobby, I greeted Quinn the girl who checks people in and out. She is actually really sweet I think anyone with really sweet sounding names are just so kind and sweet like candies.
As I pushed open the door I walked right up to my truck and unlocked it, I put my shit in the passenger seat, and connected my phone to my trucks radio using Bluetooth.

As I was just jamming out I realized the time was 11:11, 'hey grandpa..' I said under my breath, with a smile on my face.
My grandpa on my mom's side passed away when I was 8 and I miss him very much, he was mine and mom's world. So every time I see 11:11, 1:11, 4:44 I always think he's checking up on me, because that's usually when he would call or text..

As I started seeing the post office in site I started to slow down so I could turn I put on my signal light indicating I was going left, as I turned I saw someone's car that I recognize. "Is that Danika??" I spoke out loud to myself, Danika and I are very close with each other as we're only 2 years apart.

As I pulled into the parking lot and parked my truck and saw that it was Danika's GMC as I walked into the post office I saw Danika waiting in line as she was at the end of the line, so I snuck up on her as she didn't notice me. "Sup Dannyika!" I said which scared the shit outta her, "Jesus Christ have mercy on me (y/n) we're in a post office for gods sake!" Danika said while she couldn't stop smiling I just laughed, "hey I'm your little sister what else am I supposed to do? Not scare the shit outta ya? Because if I didn't that wouldn't be me." I said and Danika nodded, "I guess you're right about that. I think you not scaring me would be more concerning to me than anything else, so anyways how's living on your own? Mom and dad texted me when you turned 16 that you decided to live on your own, I must say you moved out way earlier then I thought you were gonna move out." Danika said, "oh yeah well my plan was to stay there until my 18th birthday, but I had my shit together so I said fuck it." I spoke which made Danika laugh, "yeah getting fired from your job really sounds like you've got your shit together." Danika spoke more like laughed out, "oh shut up I've got a new job already! It's a night job, and that's why I'm at the post office I'm getting my uniform. Then I'm heading home to prep myself for night shifts, this shit is either gonna suck or be fucking awesome." I said, Danika gave me a look which I could read off of it, it was the 'okay good luck with that look' I laughed, "Danny I've got this! I'm a big girl now, I ain't no 2 year old!" I said Danika giggled, "I know but you're still my little sister! Plus Ivan and Matthew are our big brothers so you know how it goes, they'll kick anybody's ass for us. So you be careful with this whole nighttime job, and call me or Ivan, Matthew or mom or even dad! We want to help you no matter what." Danny spoke, as she hugged me.

After we were done our conversation Danika was at the front of the line getting her package from Amazon.. Danny and her fucking obsession with online shopping, but I still love her. I thought to myself, then I was next. "Hello Miss. (y/l) there is a package for you that came in from, Fazbear Entertainment?" The lady spoke with quite shock, "yup that's my uniform." I said with a smile, "um miss.. Do you actually work for Fazbear Entertainment??" The lady said with quite worry in her voice, "um only for Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals. I swear it's only for that place no Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." I spoke while I grabbed my package, and I was about to  leave when Danika pulled me to the side. "You work for Fazbear Entertainment?!" She spoke, "yes I'll be fine and if I need help I promise I'll call you up." I spoke while leaving and going to my lovely truck, as I put my package in the passenger seat Danny came running up to my truck. "Sis you've gotta quite that job it's so dangerous you could die there!" Danika spoke with quite worry and sadness in her voice, I looked at her with my well known death stare. "Danny I'm doing this job, I need the money and plus I feel bad when mom and dad give me money. So I want to be seen as an independent woman, because that's who I am. Even if the job is dangerous I'm reckless and I'm dangerous myself so this job is perfect for me. So just drop it," I spoke coldly which Danika backed away from my truck with tears in her eyes, "fine.. But it's your death wish, make sure you say hi to grandpa for all of us." Danika said and left, which I'm not gonna lie that creeped the fuck outta me. But I know I'm not gonna die from that shit, as I put my truck into reverse I started backing outta of the parking space I parked in.

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