Chapter 8

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Once I put up the lights and plugged them in as well as the galaxy projector, I also grabbed out my light show Bluetooth speaker. As I put on my favorite song, by Alan Walker - Diamond Heart. Not too loudly, because then I won't be able to sleep.

As it played I began to get comfy, but before I got too comfy I turned on my leds and set them to (f/c) then I turned on my projector and put it also at (f/c).
Which thank god they both had a dim light setting, so I put them on dim.

As I was beginning to fall asleep I heard footsteps get closer to me, so I opened my eyes a bit to see Freddy and Bon-Bon standing over me.
Which I don't think they knew my eyes opened, as Freddy sat down next to me and started playing with my hair, then Bon-Bon curled up in a ball where my arms were.

This made my heart melt, so I closed my eyes again and drifted off to sleep.


As I began to wake up, I looked around to see Freddy and Bon-Bon still in the same position as last night. But they were in rest mode, as both or their eyes were closed. So I turned my leds and projector off, and looked at the time on my phone.
It's only 2:33am?! Wow I'm actually quite surprised that their in rest mode, I would've thought that they would be gone. I thought to myself, as I looked at them again and yup their asleep aka in rest mode.

Then I looked at the door, and there stood Yenndo and Ennard.. Umm okay weird, then they came closer to where I was.. Which I began to panic, they seemed to be walking towards me as if they were hostile and very aggressive..

"Remember him (y/n), he'll kill you like he did with your best friend. He'll make us turn against you, if he's tired of you." Yenndo spoke, in a echoey kind of voice which gave me goosebumps.

"H-He'll want you gone if you stop listening to him, he'll find-find out your helping us! Be careful, we have a party today.. O-Or should I say Freddy, Ballora, Fo-xy and B-B-Baby have a party today. Watch all of them, you-you can see what h-h-h-he created us for.. Because yo-u got away, he kn-kn-knows you and he wants you d-d-d-dead.." Ennard spoke, which gave me the chills down my spine..

"U-Umm are you guys okay?" I asked, they shook their heads no.

"We want out of here, can we even trust you? Baby does, we will because she's our boss.. But please help us, we need you so we can hide. We need you so that we can look like you, if they find us like this we won't be able to try this again.. We won't be able to try again because he'll kill you, be careful.." Ennard and Yenndo spoke in unison, which gave me more goosebumps..

As I woke up from a cold sweat, I felt someone grab me which I whipped my head behind me to look behind me.
Which Freddy was there, and he looked extremely confused and concerned.

"H-Hey (y/n) everything okay? You're crying, and y-yo-you sat up really fast."

"I-I don't know what happened, t-the dream I had.. S-Someone wants me dead Freddy, Yenndo and Ennard kept saying he wants me d-d-dead.. I-I don't know who he is, I haven't even m-met my boss at all.." I stuttered out, which Freddy began to rub my back.

As I began to take deep breaths in and out, I turned to face Freddy with a smile which he smiled as well.

"Hey Freddy what time is it?" I asked, which Freddy grabbed my phone for me and handed it to me.

So I proceeded to turn on my phone, and my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.. It was 2:33am, as my breathing began to pick up I looked to the Breaker Room door.

There stood Yenndo and Ennard, as I was about to faint Freddy turned me around. "(Y/n) focus, snap out of this you're going to be okay. Okay? Nothings happening to you, Yenndo and Ennard are here because they needed to get me. I'll leave Bon-Bon with you, I need to go. Okay?" Freddy spoke, as he began to rub my back in a calming way as he began to draw circles on my back.

As I began to calm down, I leaned on Freddy for a bit as my heart rate began to slow down and I was about to fall asleep again.
"I'll see you when I get back, and I'll come right back here nowhere else." I heard Freddy say, as he gently laid me down.

Then I felt Bon-Bon snuggle my arm, which I smiled and fell back asleep.


As I began to wake up, I noticed Bon-Bon wasn't snuggling my arm anymore. So I sat up and turned off all the lights I had on, and looked around the Breaker Room. To find Freddy and Bon-Bon weren't even in here, then remembering back to my dream.. 'They have a party today, fuck what time is it??' I whispered to myself, as I grabbed my phone and turned it on.

It was 7:36am, so I got up and made my bed. Then I grabbed some clean clothes, and all my shower stuff.
Then I walked out of the Breaker Room, which I started my way towards the control module as all the animatronics were talking. Freddy seemed to notice me,

"Hey (y/n) whatcha doing??" He asked, which I giggled.

"I'm just going to have a shower so I can start my day, I'm coming right back down here after I eat something."

"Hmmm well just to make sure your not lying, Bon-Bon or Bonnet can go with you." Freddy spoke as Yenndo walked over to Freddy with Bonnet,

Which I wasn't comfortable with Bonnet, I chose Bon-Bon just because I was comfortable with him.

As I began my journey to the surface with Bon-Bon, it was silent. "Hey (y/n) don't you have family, won't they be worried about you?" Bon-Bon asked, which as I thought of it.. It wouldn't take Quinn long to call my parents, then the news spreads throughout my siblings..

The one sibling I was worried about finding out I lied, was Danika.. She would try and find Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals just to find me..

"Um yes Bon-Bon, because I'm the youngest kid my parents have.. The whole town knows about me, so they always will tell my parents everything about what I'm doing.. It's honestly kind of annoying nowadays," I spoke as sighed. Which Bon-Bon just snuggled up to my arm, which made me smile as I gave him head scratches, which Bon-Bon of course started giggling.


As I started making some breakfast for myself, the thought of Danika finding out gave me the chills down my spine, then an uneasy feeling came over me..

I was guessing, Bon-Bon sensed this feeling as he put his little metal animatronic paw on top of my hand. As I looked at him, he smiled and so did I.

As I began to focus more on my food then my thoughts, because this has happened before and I burn the food..

As I finished up and plated my food, I placed the plate of my pancakes and bacon on the small kitchen table. As I left the burning hot pans on the stove off the hot burners, then I grabbed Bon-Bon and placed him on the kitchen table.

As I was eating I noticed Bon-Bon kept staring at my food, "you okay Bon?" I asked which he looked at me in my eyes,

"What's it like to eat human food?" He asked,

"Oh um, it depends on the food you like because all humans have likes and dislikes. So um I would say it's an experience, if your wondering that when you guys become humans." I spoke, to which Bon-Bon's face lit up with happiness. Which I giggled, god why does he have to be so damn cute?? I thought to myself as I smiled at the little bunny.

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