Chapter 18 (Count the Ways)

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"Y-You can see me?... H-H-How I'm dead, am I dead?? Pinch me!" I freaked, which Ballora moved her metal hand up to my arm as she attempted to pinch me, but her hand phased through me...

"You're dead, but how can you do this? How can I see you now, how much spiritual energy have you saved up?" Ballora asked, which I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I'm physically attached to Freddy.. Like my spirit has locked it's mind to Freddy, and it's like I feed off of him."

"I-Oh no, (y/n) you're feeding off what he's doing?! He's been out there doing what?!..." Ballora freaked, which I shivered.

"He's been killing, he's killed so many innocent children.. His last victim was Millie, and I guess I fed off that energy... W-What happens if I become angry, what happens if I start hurting or even killing people?!" I screamed out of pure panic, which Ballora seemed uneasy.

"Has Freddy ever seen you before?" Ballora asked, which I shook my head.

"No.. You're the only one who's seen me, I don't know if I want to face Freddy yet..."

As I spoke, a door opened and in pure panic I vanished into the shadows as I hid. Which the technicians came out of the Breaker Room, which they seemed all banged up.

"Fuck what happened to Freddy, he's never been this aggressive before.." The first guy spoke all shooken up, which the second guy nodded.

"Yeah maybe he has to be scooped, because honestly dude.. I'm not too sure he's fixable, as (y/n) has been found dead about how many years ago? Ugh whatever, if she was still alive we wouldn't have this problem!" The second guy spoke up, which the first guy agreed.

As they walked out of the underground, all the animatronics came out of their rooms beside Freddy and Bon-Bon. As they were all in what seemed to be a meeting I decided to stay invisible to their eyes until the time was right.

"Alright, Ballora I heard you talking to yourself spill the beans, because honestly it sounded like you were speaking to a person." Foxy exclaimed, as everybody looked at Ballora.

"Ummm don't call me crazy, but (y/n) is here like her spirit, her ghost! I'm not crazy I swear, I'm not joking." Ballora spoke, to which the Breaker Rooms door slammed open.

"Ohhh B-Ballora, s-s-sweet swe-et Ballora. (Y/n) is d-dead, she d-died I've got her b-bl-blood in my metal to pr-prove it. She cr-crossed over to h-heaven, s-she's no longer w-with us." Freddy exclaimed, as I watched this it broke my heart.. Freddy seemed, so lost and angry.

"I-I'm not lying I swear!" Ballora yelled, as she twirled off her stage. To which Freddy tried to launch himself at her, which Foxy, Lolbit, Blake and Emmy held him back.

"YOU-YOU LAIR S-S-SHE'S GONE (Y-Y/N)'S D-D-DEAD AND SHE'S NOT COMING B-B-BA-CK, F-F-FUCK YOU Y-Y-YOU BITCH!!!!" Freddy swore, which I stood there in shock.

But something that wasn't helping was that I was feeding off this energy, as I began to become angry. Which I teleported in front of everybody, which Freddy looked at me in shock.

"C-C-Cupcake?" Freddy blanked, which I looked at him with anger.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Freddy?! Now I definitely know what you're designed to do, killing kids?! Ugh, Freddy I'm so disappointed in you!" I exclaimed in anger, which everybody looked at me.

"A-Are you disappointed in us?..." Everybody asked me, as they were all designed to do the same thing. They hated it and tried to resist it, but their programming is greater.

"I'm not disappointed in any of you, just Freddy and Bon-Bon. I'm still here, I've been here since I left my body. I promised you that I would find a way, I'm still here trying to figure out how to get a body!" I exclaimed in agony, as I started to disappear again.

"N-No (y/n) d-d-don't go!" Freddy cried, but it was too late.

"She's gone..." Freddy cracked, as he walked away from everyone as he got engulfed back into the Breaker Room..

Third Person POV

"She should've known, we're all designed to kill kids to get remnant..." Baby exclaimed, as everybody nodded.

"I just wish, a certain someone didn't go all insane. If you kept calm Freddy, this would've never hap-" Foxy was sassing, but Freddy snapped.

"Y-You don't kn-k-know what y-you're t-t-t-talking about, I-I'm do-doing th-t-this for h-her!" Freddy started glitching so bad, that his circuits and bolts started heating up.

"Freddy don't get angry, you're ruining your insides." Ballora twirled, as she gracefully patted Freddy's back.

"M-My insides?... A-AA-Are already, b-b-broken..." Freddy cried, which Everybody looked at one another.

As Freddy left with Bon-Bon, he looked back one final time. As he sighed, everybody was so depressed and not the same. Ever since (y/n) came into their lives, happiness was a thing that she invented for them.

But now that she's gone, it's nothing but a cold dark room filled with darkness in the void. Especially for Freddy and Bon-Bon, she impacted Freddy more.

He thought he wasn't capable of love, but he always felt off around her like something was missing everytime she left or was gone.

His heart needed (y/n) and she only figured she needed him, when he was human. She loved him, but she wanted to wait, until he was human to make it official.

But now (y/n)'a out of time, she's out of time to tell Freddy how she really felt about him. How he made her feel, how she felt like this new adventure was going to change her life forever.

It did, just with a sad ending...

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