Chapter 17 (Count the Ways)

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Ballora's POV

It's been almost a week and none of us have seen Freddy or even Bon-Bon, but what was weird was the monitors started glitching out one day. It seemed like Freddy's memories were playing on them, and maybe some of Bon-Bon's memories as well.

They were mostly about the good times, with (y/n) and all of us. We all couldn't get why Freddy's memories were playing, unless he was planning something.. No he couldn't be planning on, killing Afton.... Could he? I thought to myself, as I twirled around my room. I heard something skittered across my room, so I twirled the direction.

"Ballora?" I heard Bon-Bon speak, so I opened my eyes but to reveal.

Embit(Emmy)'s POV

As I looked at Ballora she opened her eyes, which none of us have ever really seen. Which she seemed disappointed, which I was wondering why..

"I-Oh h-hey Emmy, I thought you were Bon-Bon." Ballora spoke, as she twirled one more time as she out stretched her hand. Which I took it, then it wasn't until Foxy and Lolbit bursted into the room.

Lolbit's POV

"G-Guys we have to hide, the technicians are here..." I spoke worriedly, as none of us has seen Freddy or Bon-Bon...

"Y-You don't think they have something to do, w-with Freddy and Bon-Bon's disappears?..." Emmy finally spoke, which me and Foxy looked at each other and frowned, then looked back at Emmy.

"We have no idea Ems but we'll find out sooner or later." Foxy spoke, as we went to go hide.

Somewhere, where the controlled shocks won't get to us. Which of course Baby was in the office, so we all went to the main control office not the private room office.

As we all waved at the cameras, Baby started opening up secret passages. Once we all made it to the main control security office, she was waiting and told us to be quiet which we all nodded.

Circus Baby's POV

As we all stayed silent to see if these technicians had any clues of what happened to Freddy and Bon-Bon, as we watched closely we all began to get nervous.

"So Freddy went missing, have you told Mr. Afton yet?" The first guy spoke, which the second guy shook his head.

"Nope, but I've gotten a call from a grandfather saying that an animatronic that matched Freddy's description trapped his granddaughter, and killed her in his stomach.." the second guy spoke, the first guy seemed to gag.

"Jesus that's not good, what was the girls name?"

"Well he said her name was, Millicent Fitzsimmons. Well that's her full name, her nickname was Millie." The second guy answered, which we all felt the first guy shiver.

As they all walked around looking for us, which they all seemed confused. As they all began to panic, as they frantically looked around for us.

One went to a the control panel and hit the control shock button, and we weren't in range so none of us felt anything.

As they began to give up and lose hope, they actually left we heard the elevator go up and we all left...

"What is happening with Freddy, I thought he wasn't even capable of going insane?!" I shouted out, which everyone looked at me and looked down in disappointment.

"Honestly Baby that's what we all thought..." Blake spoke, which everyone nodded.

Ballora's POV

~time skip~

A few days have past and we all went to our stage, and two different technicians came down. Which it seemed that they weren't here for us, but they went to the breaker room?

As I kept the feeling of just twirling off my stage to investigate, I heard the lift from the breaker room being lowered. Did they find Freddy and Bon-Bon already? I thought to myself, as I twirled off my stage as I couldn't contain myself anymore.

"Did you boys find Freddy and Bon-Bon already?" I asked, which they both jumped at me.

"Oh Jesus! O-Oh... Oh Ballora it's just you.." Wilbur spoke, which I giggled.

"Y-Yeah we did, well we didn't it was Gina." Wilson spoke, as the two brothers looked at me as they have been working here for about two months now.

They're still not used to us animatronics having personalities, as I twirled back to my stage I felt a presence with me.

"Hello? Is someone there?" I spoke, which I felt a breeze on my metal.

(Y/n)'s POV

As I watched Freddy kill an innocent girl, and all the horrible killings he's done.. I couldn't stand it, I wanted to go home and be at peace...

As we got picked up by two young twins, we got transported back to the underground of Circus Baby's Pizza World.

As I followed Freddy down to the underground from his lift, he seemed all run down as his purple turned into a pink. He had dirt all over his body, along with scratch marks all over his body as well.

~~little some skip~~

I sighed and walked around as there's no point in staying with Freddy, so I walked through Ballora gallery.

It seemed Ballora felt me, or my spirit something around that. As I saw her twirl in confusion on her stage, as she cocked her head like a confused puppy.

"Hello? Is someone there?" Ballora spoke, to which I used my supernatural powers to move next to Ballora. As I touched her arm, hoping praying she could tell it's me.

To which Ballora opened her eyes, and her eyes were glowing a lot more brighter than when I was alive.

"(Y-Y/n)?... Is that you?" Ballora spoke, as she looked directly at me. Which I waved my hand in front of her face, not sure if she could see me or not.

"Oh haha, (y/n) I can see you! I-I can see y-you...?" Ballora spoke, becoming more and more confused...

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