Chapter 6

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As I left for the elevator I hooked up the card in my second phone, why do I have two phones you may ask? Well because ones just for music so I'll just hook it up to that one, since my main phone has offline music on it now.. "Hello?" I spoke into my phone, which I heard a giggle come from my phone.
Which I was guessing that it was Bon-Bon, "hiii (y/n)!" I heard Bon-Bon as I got to my truck and unlocked it, then getting into it.

"You remember what Baby said?" I heard Freddy speak, "yup don't stay out later than 11:30pm!" I spoke as I started my truck and put it in reverse, which I had to pay attention to what I was doing so I wouldn't damage anything on the property or my truck!..
Because I can't pay for either of them at the moment as I had just paid for bills and groceries, fuck that's right my groceries! Might as well give it to the food bank, because I'm not quite sure if there's a fridge in the underground.. Wait a minute! I thought to myself frantically,

"Hey Freddy do you think there's a fridge somewhere in the Rental shop?" I asked, then I heard mumbling probably Freddy trying to figure out if there is.
"Oh! Yes there is, but it's unplugged right now.. But nothings wrong with it, if your wondering there are showers, laundry washers and dryers! I think there all up in the main area where you have to go to get into the underground, so there's a stove/oven as well!" Freddy spoke excitedly, which I giggled.

"Thank god because I bought not a whole lot of groceries, but enough for myself." I spoke, "oh so Ballora's just stealing extra food for you? That's fine,  like what do you have in your fridge?" Bon-Bon asked, "um milk I think apples and oranges, yogurt, Reese puffs and Oreos that's really all I have at the moment not a lot of food.." I spoke, "woah.. Well don't worry we'll take care of ya!" Freddy spoke as he giggled, "it's not that you guys need to take care of me it's just I don't have the money to take care of myself, there's a difference!" I spoke as I laughed a little, which made both Bon-Bon and Freddy laugh as well.


As I started nearing my apartment, I told both Freddy and Bon-Bon to be quiet so they wouldn't get caught which they understood.
So I parked my truck as I made it to my apartment room, as I packed all my shit and food.

"Hey Quinn sorry to bother you but I'm moving to my parents house they really need me, so here's the key I cleaned everything and you have a wonderful day!" I spoke softly to Quinn which she seemed upset about this but understood, even though I was leaving for the total opposite reason..

As I packed my shit in my truck, I got in "okay guys I'm back. Do you know when Ballora will be back? Because I'm quite curious how she can leave the way she did." I spoke as Bon-Bon giggled, "we're shape shifters! We can take the form of dead things, it's actually quite fascinating how it works!" Freddy spoke which I was confused at first, "um okay? So you're shape shifting animatronics, that's something you don't hear everyday.." I spoke, as I giggled.

Which made both Freddy and Bon-Bon laugh, as I started my truck and made my way to the rental shop.
Then I got a phone call.. It was Danika, shit oh fuck not now Danny!!! I thought to myself,

"Hey Freddy can you and Bon-Bon please be quiet, my sister is calling me." I spoke,

"Oh yeah no problem we'll stay quiet!" Bon-Bon giggled out, then they went extremely quiet.

So I answered the phone, "hey Dannika! How have you been??" I asked all excitedly,

"Have you quiet that job? Because I didn't expect you to be alive right now," Danika spoke bluntly which I just scoffed.

"Wow is that all you wanted to say? Because I'm still working there, it's been the same boring routine." I spoke with quite a bit of anger in my tone,

"What?? Bruh people work there and never come back, then they're reported dead a few days after they've started work there!!"

"Danny, I'm alive okay look I'm tired so I've got to call you later."

"Oh you're not getting away with this (y/n), as soon as you wake up we're talking again." Danika spoke bluntly, to which I just hung up on her.

"God she's a pain in my ass.." I spoke,

"Hey! Language!" I heard Freddy say from my other phone, which I laughed.

"Sorry Freddy, but it's true I cannot say it! Also I'm nearing the rental shop, so I shouldn't be too long." I spoke, which Bon-Bon giggled.

"Yay! Because I think Ballora should be back in a couple more minutes if not in half an hour," Bon-Avon spoke.


As I parked my truck I got out and grabbed my stuff, then I locked it.
Which once I got into the building I actually was stunned, as I haven't seen what it looked like during the day.

There was a bathroom up here mens and womens, which was a large change room with the showers Freddy. Then there was a big kitchen with a stove top and oven, with a microwave, and other kitchen stuff you need like a toaster, blender, popcorn machine and there was even a pantry!

God who designed this place, it's a literally big ass pizzeria house!

As I walked in more in the kitchen, there was a fridge but it wasn't plugged in. So I walked over to it and plugged it in, then I put my milk, yogurt, apples and oranges in there so they wouldn't go bad. (Idk if u guys put ur oranges and apples in the fridge but I do, and they stay fresher longer than in the fruit bowl ones..)

Then I walked over to the pantry and put my Oreos and Reese Puffs in there, then as I was exploring I came across another bathroom, but it just had the washers and dryers that Freddy was talking about.

As I was done exploring I realized there was a big open area with tables stacked along the wall, 'maybe I should take them up here to play some games or something..' I spoke to myself, as I went over to the elevator and punched in the code.

As I entered the elevator and it started going down, Handunit never came on which was a relief for me as I would go insane if I heard his voice again....

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