A Spicy Christmas Special

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(Y/n)'s POV

As I helped the Funtime animatronics decorate the underground with Christmas decorations, I began to feel the spirit of Christmas. As they all seemed like they were all having fun, I mean Focy literally chugged all the eggnog which I chased him around the whole underground as I fucking love eggnog! So I wasn't going to forgive him that easily, unless he can shapeshift and get me more eggnog. (Guess the song reference, it's a FNaF song of course!)

As I helped Ballora and Baby bake cookies in the surface after we were all done in the underground, as they wanted to make sure my first Christmas in the their care was going to be the best Christmas ever!

~~time skip~~

As we were all playing games on the surface as it was midnight already, we all played would you rather and truth or dare. As these two games became our favourite time passing games, which of course me and Freddy had been dared to kiss almost every round we've been picked. As everybody shipped us like hardcore, we all laughed and joked about it as me and Freddy were an officially a couple.

"Okay okay, come guys if you're going to make me and Freddy kiss one more time you have to dare us something that Freddy's programming wouldn't let him do." I say, which they all looked at me like I was crazy, but then they all had a devilish smirk.

"Okay then, since we're technically all going against our programming Freddy I dare you to fuck (y/n)." Foxy smirked, which I blushed.

"Does he even have a dick??" I asked, as I was genuinely curious.

Which all the Funtime animatronics looked at me, and giggled.

"Well for being made for children, we all kinda have this feature for some odd reason." Foxy chuckled, which I blushed.

"Well if you say soooo!" Freddy chuckled, and picked me up bridal style and carried me to the Breaker Room lift.

(⚠️Warning⚠️ this part has a Lemon 🍋 aka Smut, if you're not comfortable with this, then what are you doing reading this very dirty Christmas Special? Anyways please enjoy, with caution!)

As the lift went down Freddy started kissing me neck, which of course Bon-Bon stayed behind as he wasn't even attached to Freddy's arm from all the kissing me and Freddy were doing.

As the lift stopped Freddy processed to pin me to the nearest wall, as he began to kiss me like full on French kiss me. I began to melt into the kiss, as he explored my mouth.

Once he was done he pulled away as I gasped for air, which a trail of saliva connected our mouths together.

"Heh a dare is a dare my dear." Freddy chuckled, as he pointed to my bed.

"Now lay on your bed, if you wanna have some fun cupcake." Freddy commanded, which I obeyed.

Once I did, Freddy then proceeded to take my shirt off which he had some trouble taking my bra off so I helped him. Then he started to kiss and suck on my neck while massaging one of my breasts.

As I began to moan softly, this seemed to make Freddy happy as he started to make a trail of kisses leading to my other boob as he started to kiss, suck and nip of the nipple which I moaned, but it came out louder than I thought so I covered my mouth.

This made Freddy giggle, as he then made a trail of kisses down to the brim line of my jeans. Which he undid them in one quick motion, then he slipped them off along with my panties leaving me completely naked..

"You look so beautiful (y/n) with or without clothes, I scored on you cupcake." Freddy chuckled, as I cover my face.

Then he started to lick and suck on my clit as he inserted one finger, making me yelp from surprise but it turns out the yelp come out like a loud moan.

Which Freddy smirked, and began to lick and explore my slick slit. Which caused me to moan louder, which I gripped my blankets as I was close. But then Freddy stopped, which I looked at him in a daze, this made Freddy chuckle. Then all of a sudden I heard a click and a pop, which I blushed.

"Fr-Freddy was that?" I asked, which Freddy nodded as he blushed a little bit.

As I blushed beet red, I felt Freddy press his tip against my entrance which I moaned a bit from surprise.

As Freddy looked at me and I looked at him, I then nodded which Freddy then slowly pushed his member inside of my wet pussy.

Which I winced at the pain, as he was a lot bigger than I thought he was. As a tear slid down my face, Freddy took quick action to this.

Freddy whipped my tear away and caressed my cheek soothingly. "It's okay sweetheart, everything is going to be okay. I'm here the pain will go away, just tell me when to move and I will." Freddy spoke calmly, which I smiled.

As a few minutes past the pain began to fade away into nothing, which I pulled Freddy in for a kiss.

"I'm okay now, you can move Freddybear." I say, as Freddy blushed at the nickname.

As Freddy thrusted in and out slowly, as to not cause me anymore pain. I began to moan softly, but after awhile of him going slow I wanted it fast.

So I moved my hips closer to him, this caused Freddy to groan a bit. Which this made Freddy stop, and thrust out of me as this made me confused.

But before I could say anything Freddy thrusted back into me going faster, this caused me to moan louder and wrap my arms around Freddy's neck as we kissed and made out while he was thrusting faster and deeper inside of me.

As Freddy began to go at an inhuman speed I hit my first orgasm, which caused Freddy to go crazy and go even fast. This caused my body to get overwhelmed with pleasure, as he went deeper and faster.

As I began to moan Freddy's name, he smirked.

"You like that sweetheart?" Freddy smirked devilishly, which I nodded.

"Y-Yess oh fuck, ahh Freddy!" I moaned out, which this caused Freddy to go faster making me hit my second orgasm.

As my walls began to get real tight and snug around Freddy's member, I could tell Freddy was getting close to finishing from his sloppy movements and that his cock was twitching inside of me as I was about to hit my third orgasm.

As Freddy did one finally thrust he came inside of me, which caused me to hit my third orgasm. This caused my body to be a twitching mess, then Freddy leaned in as kissed me on my forehead.

"I love you so much sweetheart."

"I love you too Freddybear."

As I began to wake up, I realized that I was cuddling Freddy. Which I looked under the covers and I was fully clothed.. Damnit was it only a dream, but fuck it felt so real... I thought to myself, as I began to blush more and more.

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