Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s POV

As I began to wake up, I felt someone stroking my hair and playing with it as I felt a tingling sensation going down and up my spine as I smiled and leaned into Freddy's touch. Which I heard Freddy giggled, which I began to open my eyes and looked at Freddy.

"H-Heh, g-good morning beautiful." Freddy whispered, which I blushed.

"Awww good morning my handsome bear." I giggled, which Freddy malfunctioned as he had to process what I said.

"Heh, should've seen that coming." Freddy smiled, which I blushed.

"U-Umm hey Freddy, can I ask you something?" I asked, as Freddy hummed.

"Does this mean we're a thing?"

"I-I ummm heh.. O-Of course we are, why wouldn't we be sweetheart?"

This made me smile as I snuggled closer to Freddy, as I also felt Bon-Bon stir in his 'sleep' which I smiled. As I had Freddy and Bon-Bon with me, and I was extremely happy that everyone here loved me and wanted to protect me. I felt like I was actually happy, and I felt safe.

As I began to rest my eyes, my phone started to ring. As I opened my eyes in shock, as I've never been able to get cellular service down here. Which I looked at Freddy in confusion, which I think he was even more confused than I was.

As I grabbed my phone I realized it was my sister, Dakota. Which I quickly answer so she wouldn't suspect anything out of the ordinary, I began to feel Freddy rubbing my back in an attempt to calm me down which it was working.

"Hey sis, what's up?" I began, this somehow enraged Dakota.

"What's up? What's up?! I'll tell you what's up sister, where have you been?! Did you just pack up and leave, you asshole!!" Dakota yelled, which I was shocked. As I paid my rent yesterday, so why is she at me?

"What the fuck do you mean? I've just been on a vacation is all, I'll be back soon."

"No no you won't, he's got his hooks in you so deep." Dakota shouted in anger, which I rolled my eyes. (Guess the movie reference! In my other book William Afton x Reader, everybody got these thrown at them, they all got it right. Now let's see if y'all can, good luck!)

As I hung up the phone, I just put it on silent mode and laid back down on Freddy as I was stressed. Which I guess Freddy scanned me, so he knew what was happening.

"Sweetie it's okay, I'm not telling you to calm down and I'm not forcing you too. But if you need me, I'm right here." Freddy began, which I smiled at him.

I began to snuggle him again, which this time it was interrupted by Baby coming in. Which she seemed worried, I didn't know why but Freddy knew exactly why. He told Bon-Bon to stay with me, as he left with Baby.

I was confused, but cuddled Bon-Bon for comfort as I really needed it now.

Funtime Freddy's POV

"W-What do you mean he knows?!" I shouted, which Baby and the others shushed me.

"I don't know how William knows, but Gina has hated (y/n) from the start. So let's not get our hopes up, but let's guess it was her." Ballora spoke gracefully in a panic, which everybody agreed.

"So now what?" Embit management to speak, which we all looked at her and thought.

"We have to protect (y/n) at all costs, and if Mr. Afton thinks he can kill her. I'll KILL HIM FIRST, just be on the look out for that bastard." I say, which everybody looked at me funny.

"Did you just say the B-A-S-T-A-R-D word, Freddy?" Foxy shook, which I just nodded bluntly.

"Look who cares if I'm swearing now, ever since (y/n) came into our lives I didn't care about my programming anymore. I cared about her and you guys, so let's make sure this bastard stays far away from her." I sternly ordered, which everybody nodded.

As I went back to mine and (y/n)'s room, I realized she was up and packing certain things. Which I began to worry, as I went over to her I put my hands on hers which made her look at me.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" I asked, she seemed upset.

"Dakota called back, and said she's going to call the police for an investigation if I don't go meet her in 24 hours.." (Y/n) cried, which I hugged her tightly but not too tight as I know my strength.

"It's okay (y/n), I'll give you my chip so you can talk to me whenever, if you're ever in trouble I will always find away to get to you." I say, as (y/n) brought me in for a kiss.

As we kissed it seemed to only get deeper and deeper, as we both melted into the kiss with each motion that was done.

Once (y/n) needed to breath we parted from the kiss, as I caressed her cheek she melted into my touch. Which she gently grabbed my hand and kissed it while she nuzzled it, which honestly was the cutest thing that she has ever done!

As I let her go with my chip, I told the others that hat had happened Baby was scared well everybody was scared actually.

"Let's hope it's just her sister Dakota, and not him." Baby spoke, which everybody nodded.


As we all waited for (y/n) to return I was hoping it was Dakota and not him tricking her, as I paced back and forth. Which everyone was watching me, as they knew if I did the wrong choice she was gone..

"Freddy, it's okay think positive she'll come back and (y/n) will be alive and well!" Bon-Bon tired to reassure me, but I didn't stop pacing.

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