Chapter 10

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As I felt the truck stop, I also felt like throwing up my guts at this point.. Gina was a horrible driver, I even heard some of the guys up there telling her to slow down. But she didn't listen, which sucked because I might have car sickness at this point..

As I heard someone get out and open the door to the back where I and the animatronics were, once I realized who it was I breathed in relief as it was Zachary and Darren. "God who was driving? I think I'm going to be sick.." I spoke as I slowly got off Freddy's lap to which he pulled me back close to him,

"Well that was the point!!" I heard Gina yelled while I think laughing,

"Gina if you keep this up you'll get fired!! You might lose your husband too, because I don't think he wants a selfish rude woman as his wife!!!" Zachary yelled, which made Gina shut up real darn quick.

"Ugh sorry about Gina, she has a problem with night guards that work here.. It's really ridiculous, because it's gotten worse since she met you.. Walker, Zachery or even me should've been driving but she called.. So we're really sorry (y/n), we'll make it up to you." Darren spoke, which I giggled.

"Well don't let me die to a madwoman, because Freddy here had to hold me tight or I would've gotten hurt or even died. Freddy saved my life, well they all did to be honest." I spoke which I could hear all the Funtime animatronics started up in the truck with excitement,

"Thank god, because most of the time they would've let the other night guards die or get hurt." Walker spoke,
"Now let's get these animatronics to this party!"


As we entered the party all the animatronics seemed off, like they were looking for something.. Someone, an opportunity for something.. As I stayed close to all of them, as they did leave each other's sides even the knew animatronics besides Layla.. Her eyes were different, almost hallucinating in a way.. "Layla what's up with your eyes?" I asked, to which she blinked a couple times before her eyes went back to normal..

"I-I can't tell you, all of us can't it'll get you hurt if any of us do.." She spoke with sad wolf eyes, as she looked away.

Which I sighed and nodded, as I stood around checking up on the animatronics from time to time. Then occasionally I would check up on some kids especially the birthday girl, which I knew this kid from awhile back her name is Courtney and her parents used to work with my Auntie Cathy and Uncle Cody.


As the party was halfway done, I went on break for five minutes. But once I was done two animatronics went missing Freddy and Blake... As i went to search for them, they came back before 2 minute which Freddy and Bon-Bon looked scarred, Layla had those hypnotic eyes. Which I was curious why they looked like this, but they wouldn't tell me anything anyways..

So once the party was finally over, I was once again riding in the back with all the animatronics. So I got all of them in the back, which Gina looked like she was done with me as all the animatronics listened to me better then they listened to her. Which I just smirked as finally I got Freddy in the truck, then I hopped back there with all of them.

"Have fun back there! Make sure Freddy is like a seatbelt!" Darren spoke with a smile, which I smiled back and nodded.

Then he closed the doors leaving me and the animatronics in complete darkness, but not for too long as all their eyes started to glow from the darkness. As they all sighed, and looked at one another in worry shaking and nodding their heads. Which every time one of them nodded their head, they all looked scared and sad. Which of course I was very confused, but i shrugged it off, for now anyways..

As the ride back was relaxing I was still confused why all of them were shaking and nodding their heads, did something bad happen that their not telling me?.. Maybe I'll get an answer when we get back underground, but I doubt it.. But one things for sure is, why was Layla's eyes all hypnotic? What were they all hiding from me? Why do they think I'm gonna die if they tell me? Were they all tortured by someone? Was it their creator?

As all these questions ran through my head, I felt Freddy's arms wrap around me as I felt Bon-Bon on my lap shaking with fear.

'I thought that this would never happen again' Bon-Bon whispered, which I raised an eyebrow while Bonnet the smaller puppet hopped up on my lap and nudged Bon-Bon and did an eye thing eyeing up which of course meant, I wasn't aloud to know about this for some odd reason.

"Bon-Bon what happened? Guys seriously what happened?" I spoke, which all the animatronics shushed me I rolled my eyes.

"Wait until we're all back, okay? Then if you haven't been pushy we'll tell u, or I will since they all hate talking about it don't get me wrong I do too. I can just hold myself together better, is all I'm saying." Baby spoke, which I nodded as I sighed.

As I leaned back, Freddy put his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes as I heard him sniffling. 'Please don't hate me or any of us after she tells u..' Freddy whispered to me, which I kinda felt bad that I'm forcing this upon them.. If it's really that bad then I don't want to know, if it means secrets kept..

"You know what never mind, Baby.. You don't have to tell me, if it means secrets kept and.. The unknown stays unknown, I'll bare with it. Because I care, I'm not forcing anything upon anyone." I spoke, which I saw a lot of relived faces.

I smiled, but the feeling dread and wonder filled my head like an ocean of open thoughts. As I started to doze off into a sleep, Freddy held me tight but not too tight not enough to suffocate me. But enough to hold me in place, as I felt my eyes become heavy I drifted off into a light but deep sleep.

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