Chapter 9

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As me and Bon-Bon went back down to the underground, I had a feeling and it wasn't a good feeling at all. So once we got into the control module Bon-Bon in one quick motion moved his way, into the Breaker Room which of course I was confused.

So I followed him, to which Freddy and Bon-Bon spotted me.
"(Y/n), you have to hide!" Freddy yelled without his voice glitching, which then I knew it was serious so I grabbed all my stuff and pulled it all into the darkest corner of the room.

Then the Breaker Room door opened, then came in 2 guys..

"Ugh god this day is going to get exhausting, why did someone rent all of the animatronics?? Even the newer ones as well, we just updated our page a few weeks ago!" One guy spoke out, which I heard the other one shuffle his way towards Freddy.

"Yeah I know, but Mr. Afton also requested for our night guard (y/n) to accompany us. So she should be here any minute now, we need help anyways we only have Foxy, Blake, Baby and Ballora up in the truck.. We need to get Lolbit, Embit and Freddy up in the surface, god this is too much work.." The other guy spoke,

Once he said my name I knew I needed to make it look like I was looking for them, and made it to the Breaker Room.

So I shuffled my way to the door without knocking anything over or making any noise. Then since the Breaker Room door was still opened, I snuck out into Ballora's room.

Then I walked my way close to the control module, then I began to run to the Breaker Room again.

"Hey *gasps* I got the message from Mr. Afton, *gasps* what's up?" I spoke while gasping for air, making it seem I got here as fast as I could.

"Oh hey (y/n), well if you did get Mr. Afton's message he wants you at this birthday party, to watch all of his animatronics." The first guy spoke, which the other guy nudged him.

"Oh shoot sorry about that, I'm Zachary and this here is Darren." Zachary spoke with an embarrassed tone in his voice, which I giggled.

"Nice to meet you two boys, so I can help you guys if you'd like."

"Oh yes that would be amazing, could you get Freddy and Bonnie to the surface, while I get Embit to the surface and Zachary can handle Lolbit."

I nodded my head,
"I can sure do that, is that all?" I asked,

"Um we need to get them in the truck." Zachary spoke, which I smiled.

"Okay, I think I can handle that." I spoke, which the two boys smiled and left me in the Breaker Room.. Alone with Freddy and Bon-Bon,

As I turned to them, they looked.. Scared? 'What's wrong?' I whispered to them, they looked at each other then back at me.

"We don't want to go, the way he programmed us makes us do horrible things.." Bon-Bon spoke,

"Y-Yeah we don't wanna go, b-b-ut we have to.." Freddy spoke with sadness in his voice,

As I looked at them, I felt bad but they had to do this.. So I went over to a lift switch, as I flipped it they started to go up.

Once they were up, I guess they got off of the platform because it came right back down. Then I heard Darren yell for me, so I skipped my way out of the Breaker Room into Ballora's room.

"Okay let's go load them in the truck, then we can start heading out." Zachary spoke, which I nodded.

Then we left the underground and into the surface, once we got up there.
There was 3 other people 2 other guys and a woman.

"Oh by the way that black haired woman is Gina, the guy next to her is her husband Walker, then the guy in the truck is Daniel." Zachary spoke, as he gestured his hand out to the 3 other workers now known as Gina, Walker and Daniel.

As we got closer, I saw that they were struggling to get Freddy in the truck. "Come on Freddy we don't have all day! Get in the truck, or we'll do it with force!" Gina yelled at Freddy, which he backed up.

"Ugh stupid bear, come on there's going to be kids to entertain!" Walker yelled at Freddy, which Freddy backed up more.

I giggled at this, making Gina snap her head in my direction. "Oh you think this is funny, huh?! You try and get him in the truck!!" Gina yelled at me, while Walker held her back. I scoffed at her, and walked in front of them both.

"Hey Freddy I know you don't want to go, but I'm going to be there with you. So please if not for them, will you do this for me?" I softly spoke to Freddy, as I held my hand out to him.

Which all eyes were on me now, which I got a bit uncomfortable at this point but I ignored it. As I had to focus on getting Freddy in the truck, as he began to slowly walk towards me I heard Gina grunt.

"Woah Freddy you'll listen to the night guard, but not the people who's been doing this for over years now!!" Gina yelled, which Freddy stopped and gave Gina the death stare.

"Y-You don't know w-what we've be-been through, s-so shut your m-mou-th Gina." Freddy spoke darkly, as he continued forward.

Once he reached me, he placed his metal hand on my hand. Which I led him into the truck, "okay (y/n) you'll be riding in the back with the animatronics, don't worry they don't bite." Darren spoke, as he closed the doors.

Now all that lit up the dark place were the animatronics eyes, as I sat on Freddy's lap he held me tight.

As whoever was driving stepped on the gas, and sped off. Which I was guessing if Freddy didn't do that I would've been hurt, as there's no seatbelts back here.

"I-I'm sorry about G-Gina she doesn't l-like an-any night g-guards th-that wo-rked here.." Freddy spoke, which I smiled.

"It's fine she just has a problem I can't fix, so it doesn't bother me." I spoke which made all the animatronics laugh, which so did I.

Then Freddy brought me close, "th-this is pr-probably going to be a bumpy ride.." Freddy spoke, which I looked at him confused.

"Why?" I asked,

"Gina's driving, that-that's why I pulled you cl-cl-close she's hoping you get-get hurt.. Because she could-couldn't get me in the truck, but I-I'll keep you s-s-s-safe!" Freddy spoke, which made me giggle.

"Well you better, I'm not dying to a madwoman!" I giggled, which Bon-Bon and Freddy laughed.

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