Chapter 16 (Count the Ways

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(Y/n)'s POV

As I heard what Freddy was planning, I wanted to stop him plead him to not go down that road. But at the same time, it made you want to be with him help him.

I've tried everything to bring myself back to life, it hasn't worked but I need something more. I need a substance called remnant, I needed the purple one but I needed another to sustain me from killing every living thing, which I needed help with this.

As I teleported into William's house, I looked around and realized his computer was opened to a browser like notes of some sort. There were two different types of purple remnant, the light purple almost white substance was the murdering juice but also the immortality juice as well. The slight more of a purple glow than white remnant, sustained the murdering remnant.

But it also kept you to be an immortal, which I decided to give it a try. As I began to slowly write it down, I heard footsteps coming closer to the office. Which I began to hurry a little bit, but made sure I could read it and understand what this remnant does.

Once I was done a little boy and girl came into the office, and they both looked directly at me. Which I froze, c-could they see me?... I thought to myself, so I waved to test this theory, as it's just a theory until I find out.

Which they waved back, which I stumbled back a little bit from shock.

"C-Can you two see me?" I asked, which they both nodded.

"What happened to you? You looked like you took a good beating." The girl spoke, which I scratched the back of my head.

"Lizzie, we're not supposed to talk to strangers." The boy exclaimed, which the girl backed up and so did the boy.

"Oh hey hey, it's okay. I'm not supposed to be here, I'm well a ghost. My names (y/n) I used to work for your father, I think his name is William Afton." I say, which they both looked at each other then back at me.

"Yup that's our father, I'm Elizabeth by the way not Lizzie or Liz my family and friends only call me that." Elizabeth spoke, which she nudged her brother as he scratched the back of his head.

"W-Well u-u-ummm.. M-My name is Evan..." Evan spoke quietly, which I understood him perfectly fine.

"Well I better get going, I guess I'll see you two around!" I say, which they both waved goodbye.

As I teleported back to the underground I realized Freddy and Bon-Bon, were gone.. I panicked and looked around, then the door opened.

Embit (Emmy)'s POV

As it was my turn to check on Freddy, I realized he was gone no where to be seen. One thing that I did notice that his lift was up, which I panicked as I told everyone to get to their lifts.

"What has happened Emmy?" Foxy asked, which I began to burst into tears.

"Freddy and Bon-Bon are on the surface!" I cried, which everyone took quick action.

Oh (y/n) if you can hear me, we need a miracle.. I thought to myself, then I left a hand on my shoulder I looked to my left and noticed Ballora was there.

"It'll be okay Emmy, we can get him back." Ballora exclaimed, referring to Freddy.

I just nodded, apart of me felt like I was letting down (y/n) well I mean we all do. As we know these two love birds need each other, but apparently Freddy has gone insane, and we all think Bon-Bon is following Freddy in his footsteps...

As we all got on our lifts, I waited until I heard a clicking sound indicating the lift was locked in place, and it was safe to exit off of it.

As I exited off my lift, everybody searched for Freddy which didn't take very long as he was crying in the bathroom.. This really broke him and more so it broke Bon-Bon as well, or than it broke any of us... I thought to myself, as Lolbit knocked on the door.

Which we all heard shuffling coming from inside the bathroom, along with a few sniffles.

"G-Go away you guys, we just need a moment.." Freddy groaned from inside, which it was more of a groan of agony.

"Freddy come on, you have to talk to us. If you keep hiding you might lose youself more, what do you think (y/n) will do about it?" Lolbit spoke, which we heard a fist being smashed against the door. Not enough force to break it, but enough for us to back up from it.

"Don't you dare bring my love, MY (Y/N) into this Lolbit." Freddy threatened, which we were all confused as to why was he threatening us now?

Freddy has never threatened any of us, even when it went down he always kept his shit together.

But what made him go this crazy, is it because him and Bon-Bon are reunited...? I mean they share the same pain, so we all thought it would've been better for them..

Well I guess we were all wrong, but now we can't separate them from each other. That just adds more trauma, and we don't need that. I thought to myself, as everybody looked at each other and went to the picnic table.

We all sat down, but once we did memories flooded back when (y/n) was alive.. We all missed her, she brought joy here more than children combined!

We understand Freddy's pain to a certain level, but him and (y/n) just started to become a couple of Freddy crushing on (y/n) for like a damn year!

Then Mr. Afton has to pull this shit, we all wish (y/n) didn't go meet her sister we could've hid her.. We couldn't done something more, than what we did..

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