Chapter 11

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(I changed Layla's name to Blake as that's her actual canon name.)

As I began to wake up, I expected Freddy and Bon-Bon to be here with me. But instead Yenndo and Bonnet were here, which I wasn't too comfortable with these two yet. As I rolled over, just pretending to sleep in hopes they would go away and Freddy would come back..

"I know you're up (y/n), me and Bonnet both know you don't trust us as much as you trust the main 6." Yenndo spoke bluntly, almost coldly.

"W-Well where's Freddy?..." I asked, which Yenndo robotically sighed.

"Ennard has been decommissioned as he couldn't be fixed, me and Bonnet are next. But Lolbit and Embit will still need bodies, you're running out of time (y/n) we need you." Yenndo spoke, then grabbed Bonnet and disappeared.

As I looked around in shock, and figured out how I was going to find bodies for any of them. As I looked at the clock, I realized it was 11:24pm. I smiled a bit, as I began to get some thoughts. Maybe we could go to the Pizzeria upstairs, we could even play some daredevilish games! I thought, as I smiled to myself.

I got up and went to leave the Breaker Room, then the door opened slightly and one of Ballora's Minireenas wondered inside.

"O-Oh you're up! Good, Ballora is wanting to see you along with Baby!" The Minireena spoke, which I smiled and nodded.

As I followed the Minireena, Ballora was dancing around her room and Circus Baby looked worried.

"Hey Baby, are you okay?" I asked, which she snapped her head to me.

"No we lost Ennard and now Yenndo along with Bonnet, you're losing time (y/n)!" Baby yelled, which I thought wasn't even possible.

"Baby I know, Yenndo already told me. But I need to think of a plan, but Since it's night how about we all go to the Pizzeria upstairs and play some games?" I say, which Baby tilted her head but just shrugged.

"I guess we can, I'll tell everyone." Baby spoke, as she walked off.

~~~time skip~~~

As all the animatronics seemed nervous, I'm guessing they weren't aloud above the underground when it's night. Which I sighed, and walked over to them.

"Hey I know this is scary, but I promise you all. You won't get caught, plus you will leave this place when you are all humans!" I spoke, which seemed to lighten the mood.

"Y-Yeah (y/n) is r-r-r-right! We have to at l-least get u-us-used to it!" Funtime Freddy spoke, which Bon-Bon smiled.

As all the animatronics all nodded, and they all went to their stages but Yenndo and Bonnet were nowhere to be found. Which I felt bad as him and Bonnet didn't deserve this, I had to act fast about this.

As I took the elevator up to the surface, all the animatronics were in the center of the room on a couple of picnic tables.

As I smiled and walked over to them, they didn't understand why I wanted to be up here. But knowing them, they would want to try anything to act and be more human once they all become human.

As I thought of what to listen to, I decided to play a song called 'The Way I Are' by Timbaland. As I sat crosslegged on the picnic table, which all the anim looked at me weirdly.

"Let's by Truth or Dare, it'll be fun plus it'll be funner when y'all are humans!" I say, which they all looked at me funny.

"Ummm how do we play this game?" Ballora and Baby asked, which Freddy, Bon-Bon, Foxy, Blake, Embit and Lolbit knew what I was talking about.

"It can either be innocent-" Freddy and Bon-Bon was saying, until Foxy interrupted.

"ORRRR! Dirty, depending on the level of comfortableness! I know this and so does Freddy, or course Bon-Bon, Blake, Embit and Lolbit!"

"It's a very fun game, it's also a game to get to know you and discover everybody's deepest darkest secrets as well!" Foxy went on, as Baby seemed interested, and so did Ballora as she actually opened her eyes. Which wasn't as creepy as I thought it would've been,

"Wow sounds fun let's do it!" Ballora spoke, which Baby seemed kinda confused.

"So who goes first?" Baby asked, which Foxy had a sly grin on his face.

"I will, ummm Blake truth or dare?" Foxy exclaimed, which Blake blushed.

"Huh-um-eh-errr-heh... Truth...." Blake squeaked out, which Foxy thought for a minute.

"Who is your favourite person in this whole room? You have to be honest, plus Blake you're not a very good liar." Foxy bluntly explained, which Blake froze.

"Everyone..." Blake shyly squeaked, which Foxy examined Blake's face.

"That's a lie, I know who it is. It's Emmy, we should all know this." Foxy exclaimed, which Blake blushed and looked away embarrassed.

As everyone giggled, which Foxy comforted Blake as we all know she's a good animatronic and has very human feelings.

"O-Okay I guess it's m-m-my turn..." Blake broke as her voice box cracked like Freddy's voice box, well almost.

"O-Okay Ballora truth or dare?" Blake asked, which Ballora thought.

"Dare." Ballora boldly exclaimed, as everyone said "ohhhh!"

"Okay I-I dare you to scare (y/n)!" Blake spoke, almost guiltly.

"Oh um, may I ask what happens if we chicken out?" Ballora asked, which Foxy smirked.

"Well teenagers usually drink alcohol, but I mean we can do something we hate for punishment." Foxy spoke, which everyone looked at him in blunt shock.

"Ummm okay I'll do it.." Ballora opened her faceplates, and I shivered as I hated it..

As Ballora quickly closed her faceplates and twirled over to me, and she gave me the most genuine hug.

"I'm so sorry, I know it's a dare but I still feel bad.." Ballora spoke as her voice box cracked, as it felt like she was about to cry.

"It's okay, I'm okay!"

As Ballora twirled herself back to her spot, as she thought about who didn't go yet.

"Umm Baby truth or dare?"

"Hmmm imma have to go with truth." Baby said, which Ballora thought really hard.

"Do you want (y/n) dead or do you wanna get to know her, and treat her like she's one of us?" Ballora asked in a serious manner, which I shivered and froze.

As Baby looked at me, which she smiled like in a friendly manner not a murderious manner.

"I want (y/n) to know that she's safe here, but a plan needs to happen. But honestly I have no intentions of killing her, unless she slips up and runs." Baby spoke bluntly, which I just shivered and scooted towards Freddy.

"Okay my turn! Alrighty ummm, Freddy truth or dare?"

"U-Ummm t-t-truth!" Freddy spoke, almost like he regretted it.

"Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?" Baby spoke, which Freddy went silent.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes...." Freddy squeaked out, which he just blushed??????

"Ehhhh anyways, my turn right?" Freddy asked, and everyone nodded.

"Alrighty! Bon-Bon truth or dare?" Freddy spoke wayyy too quickly, which Bon-Bon giggled.


"Okay, do you like cuddling with (y/n) or me?"

"I love cuddling (y/n), buuut I absolutely adore your cuddles Freddy!" Bon-Bon giggled, which Freddy seemed happy.

"Okie my turn! Hmmmm, ummmm, errrr... Ah! (Y/n)! Truth or dare???" Bon-Bon squeaked out in excitement, which I giggled.

As I thought about doing truth or dare, as everyones eyes were on me which I decided on.

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