Chapter 5

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As the Funtime animatronics began to get comfortable around me so did I, well I was already comfortable with Circus Baby, Ballora, Funtime Foxy and Bon-Bon. Not so much Freddy as he did give me quite the scare but I was trying, now can you blame me for trying?

As I realized it was almost 6am I went over to Baby, "hey Baby it's almost 6am I should probably get going." I spoke she turned and looked at me as her faceplates moved, "you can't leave.. I'm so sorry, I don't know if I can trust that you'll come back.." Baby spoke as I looked stunned, "but I can't just live down here! Do you guys know why I'm alive?" I spoke and looked around the room, then Funtime Freddy raised his hand. "Yes Freddy!" I say, "because I didn't kill ya?" Freddy spoke while tilting his head, then Bon-Bon facepalmed..

"Ummm yes but no, not because of that. I'm asking why I'm alive in the first place, how come I'm healthy? Why am I not just skin and bone?" I asked again, then they all went into deep thought about this. "*sigh* I'll give you a hint, what's the nutrients that I need to survive?" I spoke, as they kept thinking. Ballora twirled her way towards me, "is one of them food?" Ballora asked me which I nodded, "yes that's one of them! There's only two more, then comes caring for myself!" I spoke, then Baby raised her hand which I pointed to her and nodded. "My my I forgot food and water is part of keeping you alive, then taking care of yourself is hygiene.. How I forgot how difficult it was gonna be keeping you down here, well Ballora will get some food for you! Then I'll get Freddy to go with you." Baby spoke, I looked at her confused? "How can you guys leave this place?" I asked, "well none of us have shows today as we aren't being rented today! So Ballora can leave! Freddy he's got a card so Baby will walk you through it on how to get it!" Foxy said with a proud and strong voice, which then I began to get nervous.. Why Freddy I'm not that comfortable with him yet!! I thought to myself,

"Okay well please listen closely because I hate and I won't repeat myself." Baby spoke, as I nodded and got a bit closer to Freddy. Then Baby looked at him, "Freddy you're taller than (y/n) so please help her out." Baby spoke to Freddy which he nodded.

"Okay there should be a button right beside Freddy's Right eye, find and press it I'll wait." Baby said and I nodded, which I tired to find which, of course my height was right under Freddy's chin, "Freddy.." I spoke with quite embarrassment in my voice, Freddy tilted his head down and looked at me. "Yeessss?" He spoke with his goofy voice, "I need help.. could you lift me up, please?" I spoke while looking at Freddy, he nodded and did his laugh and lifted me up. Then I found the button and pressed it, "now press the button just above Freddy's left eye." Baby spoke from behind me, which I found the button right away and pressed it.

"Great now get Bon-Bon and press the button just above his nose." Baby spoke, which Bon-Bon climbed up Freddy to me. Which I pressed the button, "now press the button which is Freddy's nose." Baby spoke with a sly smirk on her face, as Freddy began to keep his face away from my hand. "Freddy I need out of here so I can get my stuff so I can help you guys," I spoke softly which Freddy finally faced me as his faceplates twitched and moved from there place for a moment then went back in place, then I pressed Freddy's nose as it made a cute honking sound. Which I giggled and smiled at this, which Freddy laughed to be honest everyone laughed.

"Okay there is a code you must enter in the keypad so you can get the card from Funtime Freddy so he can talk to you into your phone," Baby spoke as Freddy moved me a bit lower so I could be ready for when Baby says the code.

"8." Baby spoke as I pressed the button where eight would be if the number was there, "2, 5, 0, 7, 3, 6, 1." As I pressed the buttons every time Baby said a number, then I heard a small little click.

"Good now take the card in there and connect it to your phone, and I want you back here no later then 11:30pm." Baby order similar to when a mother speaks to her children or child when she wants them back by for supper.

So I had to remember that, because I don't think I want to be on Circus Baby's bad side.. I never actually want to be on any of they're bad sides, especially Funtime Freddy's bad side god I'm going to be having nightmares, about that tonight knowing me and how my brain works yup..

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