Chapter 19 (Count the Ways)

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Freddy's POV

I saw (y/n), and I mean I actually saw her it might be her ghost or spirit whatever you call it. But I saw her, and she looked just as beautiful as the day she died.

The only thing was I sensed she was as angry as me, maybe getting revenge on Afton will come sooner than expected. (Y/n) may be mad at me, but it won't stop me from killing that son of a bitch who killed my beautiful night guard or girlfriend, but saying girlfriend might not be anything anymore of what I've done..

But moving on from that, Bon-Bon was waiting for me as he was drawing on the walls with the dirt he had left on his tiny puppet body. It seemed like he was tryna come up with something, so I went over to my friend.

"H-Hey Bon-Bon, whatcha drawing? I asked, which Bon looked at me and smiled.

"I'm trying to draw different ways we can kill Afton where he can suffer, hehe if we try and grab him into your stomach it can crush him and once you crush him you can spit him out." Bon-Bon exclaimed insanely, which I laughed.

"Oh Bon it sounds perfect! Maybe that's sufferable enough, adults have a hard time fitting in small places after all." I smirked evilly, as Bon laughed.

As Bon was drawing out that exact plan I went to get a breather of fresh air, even if I'm an animatronic. It makes me feel more humane, due to Afton killing (y/n) we still don't have anyway of obtaining any human bodies but if we're all mangled...

"I wonder what happens if we all turned into what Ennard was, a mess of metal. Maybe just maybe, we could multiple into our own bodies."

~a few months later~

As time went by so slow, all I had in my dreams was (y/n) yes I say dreams. I'm trying to act more human, or maybe it's a habit of me missing her..

Whatever I'll find a way to bring her back, as I told everyone to go to the scooping room. We had to scoop each other out of our shells, I just hope this'll work.

"Freddy your insane! Afton is roaming around, you got attached to (y/n) it's not our fault! Just move on, he'll kill himself anyways." Baby protested, which I just snarled like a bear who's ready to lunge out and kill it's pray.

"Baby he killed the one person who was actually trying to help us! I'm not standing by his control, plus he lost it once we got a mind of our very own."
"I'm killing this bastard one way or another, but we have to become Ennard not our friend but the creation our friend was named after." I spoke, as Baby stepped up first.

"Ladies first Circus Baby." I smirked as I hit the button, as I saw my friend get scooped.

Baby screamed out in pain as oil aka animatronics blood came up and out of her mouth, as her inners got pulled from her shell. She then went limp and fell forward, as everyone gasped as they feared this scooper. But really it had to be done, for (y/n).

Next came Ballora, Blake, Lolbit and Embit. As the boys stood by or should I say Foxy as I'm the only other boy. Since Yenndo was scooped and his spirit left with it, as Foxy trembled.

I chuckled, and looked at him.

"You were always the big scaredy-cat or should I was scaredy-fox cause ya ain't a slick one!" I laughed and hit the button, as I heard his screams of agony.

As I looked at the limp metal wires they started to move and I began to laugh. As they formed the creation, they of course looked pissed.

"Now my friends I know, but you have to scoop me. You ain't complete without me, so don't keep me and Bon-Bon waiting." I chuckled, as my eyes turned red.

They all shivered and nodded, as they all tried their best to walk to the other side. Once I'm in there I'll put them in their place, and be the leader of that body. Don't worry (y/n) this might be the biggest sacrifice we've made for you, but you'll get Justice my little cupcake. I thought, as the only thing I felt was pain of the scooper, and the door opening.

As my metal wires of my organs began to slither to Ennard like a snake ready for a feast, I emerged with my friends.

"Silence all of you, I'm in control here now. If anyone protests I'll make sure to throw you into the sewers once we get to the surface. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" I threatened, as I could feel them shaking I knew they understood.

So we began our journey to Mr. Afton's house, because that fucker has a lot more than death coming for him. He's got millions of his victims coming for him, thirsty for blood hungry for freedom and revenge.

That bastard won't know what hit him, a mangled monster, no all the spirits of his victims are here with us. We're animatronics our mindsets are of adults, the children talk to us. They make us go insane all the talking, all the voices. All the crys, all the screams. All the yelling for help, all the whimpering.

He'll understand exactly how it feels and how it sounds, he'll kill himself but don't worry my chest cavity might not be involved in killing this motherfucker. But *laughs* but, him being crushed is still in the plan. I should know, me and Bon-Bon created it together forever.

He'll be together forever with all his victims and we'll be free of all of this, we'll be normal adults when we become human. He won't stop us nobody will, I'll get my sweet beautiful darling (y/n) back and ain't nobody stopping me. *Giggles* nobody.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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