Chapter 14

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As I kept pacing everybody became concerned and worried about me, and even more so (y/n) as they didn't know what to do. Even Bon-Bon had no idea on what to do, it was just a big waiting game that nobody wanted to play or even want to wait.

It was the matter of it needs to end, but something tells everybody that if they aren't ready to attack (y/n) was sure to be gone..

(Y/n)'s POV

As I met Dakota at the park where we used to play as when we were kids, as I waited and waited which I texted her where is she I'm waiting for her. I even sent a picture, and she said I'm at the playground part.

So I made my way there, and no doubt about it there was my sister. She looked pissed right the fuck off too, so I knew she had to know something that she shouldn't know.

So I sat on the bench with her and she didn't say a word, so I didn't either.

"So you're still alive for now." She finally broke the tension, which I just rolled my eyes.

"Yeah and I plan on staying alive."

"Good then quit your job, that's the only way you will." Dakota spoke bluntly, which I began to feel enraged.

"No I will not, I love my job so cut this shit Dakota." I snapped, which Dakota rolled her eyes.

"I would, you know our youngest siblings were twins right? Casey and Ellie, do you remember them?" Dakota asked, which I thought for a moment and shook my head no.

"Of course you wouldn't because he killed them, before their time plus you were just a toddler when it happened. They weren't planned to be twins, but it happened now their gone." Dakota gritted her teeth,

"Now why would I believe you Danny? You just make up anything to get me to quit my job, well guess what I'm out of here and you're never seeing me again." I batted my eyes at her like knifes,

"Well if that's a promise, Mr. Afton will make that promise a reality and kill you off. Heh or better yet, kidnap you torture you." Dakota scoffed, which I just rolled my eyes.

"Sounds like you know a lot, maybe you're going to end up dead."

With that I left to go back to Freddy and the other Funtime animatronics, which I went into the elevator and waited as I thought about what Dakota said. Why didn't she go to the police about William Afton then? Why am I just hearing this now, for fuck sakes if she's actually making me overthink she's got it wrong! I thought to myself, as the elevator stopped and I crawled into the vent. Then once I reached the control module I heard metal pacing, which I knew Freddy must be doing it.

Then I crawled into Ballora Gallery, and then I stood up. Then there was all the Funtime animatronics, they all looked worried but not as worried as Freddy.

Then they all noticed me, but Freddy was the first.

"(Y-Y-Y/n)! You're okay!!" Freddy cheered, as he ran over to me and hugged me.

Which I giggled, as he started to kiss my face all over. Which everyone was in awe, as I guess they all shipped me and Freddy together for a long time.

"So you're okay, do you need to go back on the surface?" Bon-Bon asked, which I nodded but paused.

"Did you all hear the conversation me and my sister had?" I asked, which they all paused and nodded.

"You just have to be extra careful now, so Bon-Bon will go with you. Also keep Freddy's chip in your phone, just me it'll come in handy." Baby spoke, which I nodded.

As Freddy gave me Bon-Bon I headed into the Breaker Room, and grabbed some fresh clothes and my bathroom stuff so I could have a shower and properly get ready as it is 7am in the morning. Which I should've waited a bit to go see my sister, but I panicked and I wanted to be safe.

So as me and Bon-Bon went to the surface I told Bon-Bon whatever he does he should always keep his eyes closed as I'm not going to have any clothes on if he comes in the bathroom. Which he nods, as we make it to the top and I made sure that Bon-Bon could get in the bathroom with the showers. But Bon decided to wait on the other opposite side with the showers on it.

Which I told him he could, which I just undressed myself and got into the shower I made sure the bathroom door was locked so nobody could get in like Mr. Afton. I hope anyways, as I was showering and doing my thing. I had this uneasy feeling dreading over me, which I just tried to shake it off.

~~time skip~~

Once I was done with my shower, I dried myself off and got dressed so the only thing I needed a towel for was my hair. Then I processed to get reader and talk with Bon-Bon, which was nice as I loved both Freddy and Bon-Bon.

Then once I was done with my plain make up and my hair was all nice and wavey, I decided to call it done as I already put on my deodorant and perfume.

As I grabbed everything especially my phone I walked out of the bathroom, and I was about to make my way to the elevator until...

This pain struck me in my lower back as I felt a wet substance flow down my legs, which I realized it was my blood... As I let out a scream I let go of everything and made sure that Bon-Bon was okay as he landed on top of my stuff all safely.

Then Bon ran and hid, as he knew who it was. Which he waited for Freddy or someone to come to the surface, as they would have all heard that.

"Long time no see (y/n), now you get to finally meet your two older twin siblings." William chuckled darkly, as he shoved the knife deeper into my Lowe back.

"You fucking bastard, you know they'll kill you for this." I smirked, which William raised an eyebrow.

"Who exactly? Your animatronic friends? No they won't, they'll never go up against me."

As William took the knife out and stabbed me again, but this time he turned me around and stabbed me in my admin area. As I let out a cry for help, which William laughed historically.

Just then we both heard the lifts for the stages rise as all the Funtime animatronics looked pissed, as the all charged at Mr. Afton as he let go of me quickly and ran off somewhere.

Freddy then quickly got to my side, as blood was everywhere...

"S-Sweetheart?! Oh nononono, pl-please stay w-with me now. (Y/n) I can't live without you.. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME, I DON'T LIKE THE DARK YOU ARE MY ONLY LIGHT IN THIS DARKNESS (Y/N) PLEASE!!" Freddy began to cry out as he pressed his hand on my lower back to stop the bleeding.

"Fr-Freddy, I'll always love you. You-Y-You're the light th-th-that has always shined in th-the dark-ness for me, and y-y-you are my e-ev-every-everything." I spoke weakly, as my vision started to blur.

"N-No (y/n) please don't leave m!" Freddy cried, but I was already gone..

Funtime Freddy's POV

"N-No... (Y/n) wake up! PL-PLEASE I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!!" I pleaded, as (y/n) emotionless body didn't respond.

As I was shaking I held her body close, as it was still warm and it still smelt like her.. As I let out my screams, all my friends looked at me worriedly.

"Fr-Freddy?" Blake spoke, which I just looked at her as oil tears slipped off my face.

"He's going to pay for this." I say bluntly, as my voice grew colder and colder with each word I spoke.

I felt myself being drained away, and being put in insanity.

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