Chapter 12

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"Dare." I spoke, which Freddy began to blush uncontrollably, which I didn't think anything of it.

"Heheheh! Okay I dare you to.... Kiss Freddy!" Bon-Bon giggled, as everyone gasped and Freddy froze as he began to heat up.

As everyone looked between me and Freddy, then everyone looked at Bon-Bon. Which of course the little cute daredevil bunny was smirking cutely, which everyone again looked at Freddy.

"Fred? Are you okay?" I asked, which Freddy looked at me.

"H-Huh? O-Oh I-I-I'm o-o-okay!" Freddy's voice box seemed to be glitching more, and more by each word he spoke.

As everyone was waiting, which it seemed like they have been waiting for this what seems like centuries.. Then all of a sudden a love song started playing, which I went to grab my phone to change it then realized it was missing.

As I looked up I saw that Lolbit and Foxy had it, as they smirked at me. Which at this point I began to blush extremely red, as Freddy was also blushing as well.

As I looked at Freddy, he looked at me and everything began to move in slow motion. As the music and my heartbeat was the only thing I could here, which Bon-Bon hopped off Freddy's arm but Freddy didn't seem to notice.

As me and Freddy leaned in to each other, as our lips were inches away. As I could feel everyone's eyes on us, but which I didn't like it that much.

But looking into Freddy's sapphire eyes, I began to gain more confidence by the second.

Then, our lips finally met. Which my heart was pounding out of my chest, and everybody was cheering.

Which me and Freddy pulled away, and we instantly started blushing like crazy.

"Oh my god yessss! My ship has sailed!!" Lolbit and Foxy squealed, which I turned into a tomato..

"Oh my god finally!!" Baby and Ballora cheered, which they were clapping their hands together.

"Are you guys dating now?" Blake asked shyly, which Embit did her sign language as sometimes she has a hard time talking.

As Freddy looked away, and grabbed Bon-Bon and went back down to the underground. Which I followed him, as everybody knew what they were doing.

As I got down to the underground, I crawled through the vent and into Ballora Gallery and ran into the Breaker Room.

"Freddy!" I say, which it seemed like Freddy wasn't here.

"Fr-Fred-" I was saying until I got pinned to the wall, and before I could see who it was some metal lips were pressed against mine.

As I fought against their grip but to no avail, which I just gave in and melted into the kiss.

As the kiss went on, I had to part away for air. As I was breathing I realized Freddy was the one pinning me, but what confused me is that he had another hand and Bon-Bon was nowhere to be found.

"Freddy, where's Bon-Bon?" I asked, which Freddy looked deeply in my eyes.

"I told him to go hang with the others, this was planned. But this time I can't help myself, I know it's been a year since you've been here."

"But I can't help myself, I'm claiming you, and I want you to know who you belong to." Freddy spoke, in a voice I never thought he was capable of...

"Fr-Freddy, what are you s-saying?..." I asked, which Freddy smirked.

As Freddy began to kiss my neck I gasped which turned into a moan, which I felt Freddy smirk into my neck. As he started to bite and suck on my neck, which I was expecting it to be dry but he somehow had saliva...?

As Freddy started this he stopped, as I began to feel weak. I was confused he seemed like he wanted to keep going, but his programming seemed to stop him.

"Th-That's all m-m-my programming, w-will let me d-d-do... S-S-Sorry (y/n), I-I wish I could do more.." Freddy said sounding guilty, which I just pulled him into a kiss.

"It's okay, I will help you all." I spoke, giving Freddy forehead kisses.

As I walked over to my bag and grabbed some pajamas, I was about to go change in the corner but Freddy stopped me.

"Y-You can change here, I-I-I want to see you." Freddy spoke in a sweet voice, which I blushed and nodded.

As I began to change, I started blushing harder and redder and so was Freddy. Why is he trying to go against his programming? Just to explore something, is he trying to date me?... I mean he'll be a human, but it'll still be weird.. I thought, but I also blushed knowing he was doing this for me.

"Fr-Freddy?" I began, which Freddy hummed.

"D-Do you love me?" I asked, which Freddy went silent.

"Y-Y-Yes, I began to really l-l-like you well I should say love you." Freddy spoke, which I plopped into my bed.

As I patted the open spot so Freddy could lay with me, which Freddy did. As I cuddled him, it wasn't that comfortable but Freddy tried to make it comfortable for me.

Then Freddy detached his arm and right on time, Bon-Bon came into the room and crawled to where me and Freddy were and cuddled me.

"I-I know you don't understand us, but we've all g-g-gr-grown attached to you. We-W-We want to protect you from any-anything, even from him." Freddy spoke, which Bon-Bon giggled.

"It's true!" Bon-Bon squealed out, which I laughed.

"You guys are all adorable."

As as Freddy kissed my forehead and Bon-Bon cuddled close to me, I felt like I belonged but at the same time I felt like I was being watched...

William Afton's POV

"How long has she been down there?" I asked Gina, which she scoffed.

"A whole fucking year, I wish they would just kill her already." Gina rolled her eyes, which I just began to feel rage boil in my veins.

"Thanks Gina, you may be excused." I gritted my teeth, as she left.

As I pounded my fist against my desk, why aren't they killing her?! Why are they going against their programming?? Ugh, I guess I'll have to take care of this myself. I thought to myself, as I had a devilish smirk growing on my face as I knew exactly what to do.

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