Chapter 15 (Count the Ways)

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(Y/n)'s POV

As I opened my eyes I realized I was laying on the floor, so I gathered myself enough energy to sit up but once I did I had this massive headache.

"Owie..." I cried, as I held my forehead.

"W-Where am I?..." I asked nobody in particular, until I heard Freddy...

"N-No... (Y/n) wake up! PL-PLEASE I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!!" Freddy pleaded, as I looked over at him and realized who's body he was holding...

As Freddy was shaking he held my body close, as I crawled towards Freddy. I waved my hand in front of his face, to which he didn't respond.. Then Freddy let out his screams, all our friends looked at him worriedly.

"Fr-Freddy?" Blake spoke, which Freddy just looked at her as oil tears slipped off his face.

"He's going to pay for this." Freddy said bluntly, as his voice grew colder and colder with each word he spoke.

As I tried to get his attention, I tried hugging him but I fazed through him. Nononono! I can't be dead not now, Freddy needs me! I thought to myself, as I went to touch my body it seemed like I healed the part without the knife in it.

As I looked at my hands, I tried to pull the knife out. But due to lacking a human body, I could only lift a little bit, which made the knife fall into the floor.

"W-What just happened?..." Baby asked, which Freddy grabbed the knife and looked around the room.

"She's here, she's with us right now!" Freddy cried out, which they all looked around in disbelief.

Which I giggled and regenerated this power I had, and healed the spot where the knife was. Which everybody now was looking, at my dead body.

"What is happening?" Ballora asked, which Foxy smiled and so did Freddy.

"She's got a powerful gift." Foxy smirked, which everyone but Freddy seemed confused.

"She's determined to live." Freddy finally said, as everyone had tears in their eyes.

As I touched my body and took a deep breath, I closed my eyes and thought about being alive again.

After awhile of me thinking, I slowly opened my eyes as a pain in my lower back and admin area started flame into, this undead like feeling..

"Fr-Freddy?" I weakly responded, which Freddy held me close.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Freddy spoke, which I looked at him and smiled.

But then something I didn't plan for to happen, was I started to fade away... Everyone looked like they lost hope, which I began to look around scared but then looked back at Freddy.

Freddy looked back at me with oily tears in his eyes, as he kissed which I kissed back weakly.

"N-No matter what Freddy, I-I'm going to f-find a way to c-come back. I-I'll figure it o-out, I a-al-always do." I say sadly, which Freddy seemed extremely devastated, but nodded saying he was going to be strong.

Then with that I faded away knowing, me and Freddy weren't going to be the same. I could feel myself grow colder, and Freddy faded away into insanity..

~~time skip~~

Funtime Freddy's POV

As my metal was creaking and the lack of socializing, the lack of (y/n) by my side and the lack of sanity was gone.. I wanted my (y/n) back, but with all the things I did. I was scrapped out all my friends were torn apart, it's been exactly 8 months since (y/n) past.. I'm wondering if she found the light, or is she keeping her promise and finding a way to come back and stay with me..

As I sat in the Breaker Room mumbling to myself, as that's the only thing that kinda keeps me sane. Well not really, I'm still fucked up. Bon-Bon and I have grown distant, as I grew colder.

I felt empty inside, and it needed to be filled. This empty void, this prison needed to be filled. (Y/n) is gone, so the only solution I can come up is to kill. I was built for it anyways, plus nobody is going to stop me.

I just need to find William Afton himself and kill his sorry ass, so he can never be heard from again he doesn't deserve to live for what he's done all the pain he's done TO ME! To my friends, to everyone around him.

I'm already breaking, Bon-Bon and I have grown distance since everything went down.. C-Cupcake, I'm so sorry sweetie.. I wish I could've been there sooner, but don't worry sweetheart. I'll make sure Mr. Afton never breaths again, you have my word on that. I thought to myself, then the door opened.

"H-Hey Freddy, I'm just checking on you. Is everything alright? Do you want Bon-Bon, like he still cares about you. Well we all do, and we're here for you no matter what." Blake spoke, her voice box didn't break or even glitch so it must've been serious.

"I'm fine Blakey, just trying to gather myself." I flat out lied, as I was more or less dragging myself down a road nobody wanted.

"O-Oh okay, well Bon-Bon wants to say hi if that's alright." Blake exclaimed, which I just exhaled and nodded.

Which Bon-Bon hopped in, he seemed broken and distressed like me. He must be beating himself down about the whole (y/n) incident, he also really loved (y/n)'a company along with mine as well. He was the happiest bunny ever, now it seems like he's the most depressed bunny ever..

He's not the same Bon-Bon and I'm not the same Freddy, not without (y/n)... I thought, which I knelt down to scoop Bon-Bon into my arms and cradled him like (y/n) and I used to..

"Hey do you need to be fixed up Fred?" Blake asked, which I shook my head no.

"Not now, I'm very busy Blake. Come check up on me and Bon-Bon, in about a few hours.

With that I walked over to Blake and escorted her out of the breaker room. Then I shut the door, and with that Bon-Bon melted down in tears.

"Fr-Freddy I'm so sorry, I should've done more!" Bon-Bon cried out, which I soothed Bon-Bon by rocking him back and forth.

"There's nothing you could've done Bon, it was just you up there. If I was up there or anyone else, she would've still been alive. It's not your fault Bon,"

"Don't worry though, I've got the perfect plan to get back at Mr. Afton." I say slyly, which Bon-Bon seemed very interested.

As I began to explain, on how to lure his children away one by one to be scooped. Then the final blow, would be springlocking Mr. Afton in his own Springbonnie suit. The plan was perfect, and with the help of Bon-Bon it would become a reality.

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