Chapter 4

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As I grabbed the tablet connected to the Breaker Control Box, then I realized that this Rental Shop was huge.. Do I started rebooting the system, by the time I got three spaces rebooted I heard footsteps.. I put the tablet down and grabbed one of my flashlights, once I grabbed it I shined it over a.... Stage?..

"Bon-Bon say hi to our new friend!" I heard a voice say from the shadows as I desperately tried to find where the voice was coming from, "Bon-Bon! S-Say-Say hi to our new friend!" I heard the voice again which sounded more glitchy than before.. "Who's there?" I spoke with a scared tone in my voice, "I know you're over there somew-where!" I heard the voice say again, I kept turning in circles trying to find where this animatronic was..

I heard a laugh which gave me chills down my spine, "I know you're over there somewhere!" I heard the voice say again, which I tried to shine my flashlight in the direction where I heard the voice but to no avail on finding the source.. "I see you over there in the dark. C-C-Come on out!!" I heard the voice say, "I-I should be asking you that not me!" I yelled out to the animatronic.

"Hey, Bon-Bon! I th-th-thi-think that's the birthday girl over there, we should go give her a surprise!" I heard the voice say again but sounding a lot more closer than before, which was way too close for my liking. "Stop fucking around with me, this isn't funny anymore!" I yelled out, as I felt my heart beginning to beat out of my chest.

"Uh-oh Bon-Bon looks like the birthday girl has a potty mouth, we should wash her mouth out with soap and water." I heard the voice say with quite anger in its voice.. Or his voice?.. I wasn't quite sure but the voice sounded like it belonged to a guy.

As I shined my flashlight around again I still couldn't find the source of the voice, then I heard a click behind.. Which was the door out of the Breaker Room, 'shit..' I whispered under my breath, as I slowly turned around as I shined my light at the Breaker Room door, to see a small bunny puppet? "Huh um h-hello?" I spoke to the puppet, "hehe watch out for my best friend!" The bunny puppet spoke as I turned around as quickly as I could I shined my light on a purple and white bear, "potty mouth someone's got... A..... Potty.. MOUTH!!!" The bear sung then he launched himself at me , before I had the time to dodge the bear grabbed hold of my throat..

"Naughty little birthday girl, your mouth must be washed out with.. Soap.... And water." The bear said as I felt myself getting lightheaded, with the last bit of strength left in my system I kicked the bear as hard as I could, hoping he would let me go.

As I heard the bear, gasp? I felt his hand leave my throat as I began breathing again. With my vision still blurry I ran to the darkest part of the Breaker Room, hopefully getting away from that bear.

As I began to regained my vision the bear was probably looking for me by now, as I went to the door. I tried to open it but it was locked, 'fuck please not now.." I whispered to myself, as I looked around for something to picklock the door, which there was a bobby-pin. This shit better work like those stupid movies I've watched, I thought to myself as I tired this about six times before it actually worked!

"Yes yes! It worked!!" I spoke out loud, "well well birthday girl, your luck is about to run out!" I heard the bear from behind me, I looked behind me then I opened the door and booked it for the Primary Control Module.

"Freddy she's getting away!!" I heard that puppet say, "not for long Bon-Bon! BALLORA WE NEED HELP GETTING THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!!" I heard the bear say now know as Freddy, "hm? O-Oh okay." I heard Ballora say as I heard her music I just kept running, "Bon-Bon go get her!" I heard Freddy say, just then the vent opened.

So I slid which I made it in the Primary Control Module, I breathed a sigh of relief. As the vent was closing, I felt a cold metal hand grab my ankle.. 'no please,' I whispered to myself as the vent reopened.. "NOOO!!" I yelled as I got ruffly pulled back into Ballora's Gallery..

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