Chapter 3

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One year later

It's been a year since I started my job for Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals, and it's been pretty boring.. Ever since I started work there the same lines from my first day keep getting repeated by Handunit, and it's so annoying! It's nothing new.. But the pay is good so I guess that's why I stayed, and those two creepy animatronics keep visiting me every night.. I still don't know why they know my name, but they just started getting more creepier..
But I try to ignore them, but the one time I was going home they said something like. "Remember him (y/n) remember him, you work for him now." Which I'm not gonna lie if it's that British guy that I work for, and there talking about him which is probably true. How do I know him? Is he a family friend that I can't remember? I don't know.. But I find it kinda silly that my sister told me I was gonna die here, or did she? Well the way she said it made it seem like she knew I was gonna die here, but it's been a year and funny thing is that I'm still breathing and my lovely heart is still beating I still have a pulse!

As I looked at the clock it was 10pm so I got up which there was no need for me to have a shower as I had one at noon, so I just got my uniform on did my makeup. Grabbed my backpack, then I went downstairs and got some snacks packed for me just in case if I got hungry or anything, as I grabbed my keys I made sure I had everything I needed. Which I did so I locked my apartment and started my way down to the main lobby,
Then I exited the building and made my way to my truck. I then unlocked my truck climbed in while putting my backpack in the passenger seat, then I put my truck in reverse.


I was a few minutes away from Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rentals, how do I know this? Because I've been driving here for a year so I know how far away I am from my work, even when it's dark out.
Once Circus Baby's came into view I slowed down and turned my signal light, on and turned right into the parking lot while I parked because at night I'm the only person who parks in this damn parking lot, as I put my truck in park and turned it off. I grabbed my shit and opened my truck door and closed it behind me once I was fully out, then I started making my way to the entrance to the building while grabbing one of my flashlights, and turning it on while I shined the light around the building while I make my way to the elevator, as I put in the pin and pushed the button.

As I walked in the elevator I pushed the red button so the elevator doors close behind me, as I waited for Handunit to come on and say the exact same thing I hear every night..

"Welcome back for another night of intellectual stimulation, pivotal career choice, and self reflection on past mistakes." Handunit said, "umm that's new? Did they update Handunit?" I spoke to no one but myself, "we're committed to creating a unique and fulfilling work experience! One part of that commitment, is insuring you don't get tired of the voice you are hearing right now." Handunit spoke with excitement, which my eyes lit up like stars is that finally I could pick a different voice!! "Oh fuck yes! New voice!" I spoke out loud with a happy tone in my voice, "using the keypad below, please select a new companion voice. For Male press one, for Female press two, for text only press three, for other options press four." Handunit spoke, as I looked at the keypad it wasn't as glitchy as last year. So I pressed the option for numbers, and I pressed 4 for other options. Get this it didn't say error! "They fixed it!" I spoke out loud with joy in my voice, "please type the first few letters of the voice you want to have as your new companion voice." Handunit spoke, I got so excited that I typed in British female. Why? Because why not. But of course to my luck it said error.. "It seems you had some trouble with the keypad, I see what you were trying to type, and I will autocorrect it for you." Handunit said, I literally dropped to my knees that I couldn't choose the voice I want to listen too.. "Thank you for choosing, Angsty Teen!" Handunit said with excitement in his voice while I was about to cry, but I shoved it aside. As it was a new voice, but it was an Angsty Teen voice I have no clue if it's a male teen or a female teen I hope it's a female, because I can't stand to hear another male's voice..

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