Chapter 2 || Decisions and Daggers

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(No pov)

Wilbur and Techno arrived at the beautiful castle and rushed into the throne room to meet Phil and help discuss the new guards,

Phil sat the silver, emerald, and sapphire throne,

The throne room was the biggest room in the castle, archways were embedded in the walls and led to the twisting and confusing hallways, the stone and marble floor was always shining brightly with the red carpet that led to the current ruler, giant marble and stone pillars twisted up from the floor to the roof with elegant engravings on each one, a large and beautiful chandelier hung from the night sky painted ceiling and lit the entire room with a warm and welcoming glow, four royal guards stood beside the throne two on each side while other guards stood at the arch ways,

Techno and Wilbur walked up to thrones and greeting their parent, "Hello father," they greeted with a bow, Phil laughed, "You guys don't have to be formal with your own father," Phil said as Wilbur and Techno stood up,

Wilbur laughed quietly, "Shall I go grab Tommy?" One of the guards at an archway asked, Phil nodded and the guard walked off to go find Tommy,

"That battle with Dream was... surprising," Phil said, Techno rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah, whatever, but I beat him, as expected." Techno says in a bored voice, Phil narrows his eyes at Techno, "We do not talk badly about people who have potential to become royal guards," Phil scolds,

Techno was about to say something before stopping, "Wait, royal guard? What do you mean?" Techno asked worriedly, Phil laughed at his worry and was about to say something when Tommy, the guard that got him, and Tubbo entered the room,

Tubbo had chocolate brown hair and dark brown eyes, an explosion scar from the war covered half his face, Tubbo had a diamond sword in it's sheath on his back along with a sturdy shield and a crossbow was on his hip, and he had light diamond armour that allowed him to move fast and stealthily but was enchanted to keep him warm,

"Are we talking about the new guards now?!" Tommy yelled in excitement, Tommy always loved getting new guards because new people meant that there were new people to talk to and more people to befriend,

Phil smiled and nodded, Tommy cheered, "I think that 'Dream' guy should definitely become a guard," Tommy exclaimed, "According to Phil he has potential to become a royal guard," Wilbur informed him, Tommy's eyes lit up in excitement,

"Yes! He really should become a royal guard!" Tommy cheered, Tubbo made a look of offense before returning to his emotionless face,

"I do agree, he did nearly beat Techno," Tubbo chimed in, Techno snorted in amusement before mumbling a "Not even close," and looking away,

"I'll talk to the generals," Phil laughed before he stood up and walked out of the throne room,

Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno exclaimed looks before laughing, or well, Wilbur and Tommy did, Techno just cracked a rare smiled, "Someone who rivals my own skills! Finally!" He said with a smile and shook his head,

"Wow Techno, I've never seen you smile before," Tubbo said, Techno's smile was immediately replaced by a menacing frown, "Ack! I'm sorry!" Tubbo said in fear and Tommy laughed,

"Let's go to the garden Tubbo!" Tommy exclaimed, Tubbo nodded excitedly before the two ran off through another archway,

Techno and Wilbur began walking to the library when Wilbur wondered something, "Are those two best friends?" Wilbur asked quietly, Techno looked at him with a surprised expression, "How- Isn't it obvious!? Of course they are you music nerd!" Techno exclaimed in surprise,

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