Chapter 8 || Out Of The Castle

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(No pov)

"Dream I plan on going out of the castle today."

Wilbur announced this after he greeted Dream when he exited the guards room, Dream responded by nodding, "Let's go then." Wilbur said and the two started walking off.

As they starting walking out of the hallway Dream noticed that Wilbur was carrying his guitarcase.

"Are you going to play songs in the town square again?" Dream asked, Wilbur shook his head.

"Sadly not today, after all the Autumn festival is coming up." Wilbur told him, Dream raised an eyebrow, "The Autumn festival is at the end of October, it's basically celebrating the harvests of the year, every season has a festival but autumn's celebrates harvests." Wilbur explained.

"During the Autumn festival our best musicians, including myself, play from noon to midnight, there's parades and all sorts of activities." Wilbur added.

Dream nodded in understanding, "So, why'd you bring the guitar?" Dream asked and Wilbur sighed sadly, "I think the neck of the guitar is breaking... I don't know what's happening but it's... bending." Wilbur said sadly.

"So we're going to a music store?" Dream asked, Wilbur nodded, "Yes, hopefully they know what has happened to my guitar." Wilbur responded sadly.

They continued on and out of the castle and into the snow-covered town, well, slightly on the edge of the marketplace.

The two arrived at a small but nice looking store, the two quickly went inside to be greeted by the smell of wood and vanilla and soft music played in the background from the lessons going on.

"Hello! Do you need anything?" A voice said from beside them, the turned to see a brunette wearing a black sweater and a cloak.

"Hello! And yes, I believe my guitar is beginning to break..." Wilbur said sadly, the man looked at him sadly before nodding, "I've been there, you've got a bond with your instrument haven't you?" The man replied.

Wilbur nodded sheepishly, "Yeah, I had a friend awhile back who gave me it." Wilbur said, the man behind the counter nodded.

Wilbur passed the case over to the man who carefully opened it and took the guitar out, the neck if the guitar was indeed beginning to bend too.

The man examined the guitar for a minute before putting it back into the case and closing it, "We can fix it! Should we send it back to the castle when we're done?" The man informed them, Wilbur nodded and the man smiled.

"Wonderful! It'll be ten gold to fix, would you like to pay now or when it's done?" The man asked, he had pulled out a blue notebook and began writing things down, "I can pay right now, it'll probably save time too. When will it be done?" Wilbur asked as he began to pull out the pieces of gold.

"Probably, two days at the most." The man responded, Wilbur nodded and handed the man the gold, "Thank you sir!" The man thanked him as Wilbur began walking out of the store.

"You're welcome!" Wilbur responded before the two actually left the music store.

The two walked down the street in silence before Dream spoke, "So, what do you need to do now?" Dream asked, Wilbur thought for a second before responding, "I think we'll just walk around and have a nicer day." Wilbur suggested.

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