Chapter 9 || The Autumn Festival

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(No pov)
~Five days later~

Dream woke up by rolling off his bed.

What a lovely way to start the day off, right?

Dream groaned as he slowly made his way to his feet, today was a free day for him due to the Autumn festival happening today.

Dream checked his clock which read '7:28', he sighed, the festival started in an hour and thirty two minutes, Dream waited until his clock hit '7:30' before quickly taking a shower and changing into a cloak the colour of the leaves and a dark green tunic with black pants and brown boots.

He put his swords sheath on before grabbing his sword, he quickly tied the obsidian ribbon from a few days before around the hilt of the sword, then he grabbed the diamond pendant and the clover necklace and a pair of brown fingerless gloves.

Dream wrapped the pendant around the right hand glove before putting the gloves on, than he put the necklace around his neck and checked his clock again, '8:39' it read and Dream left his room.

Dream grabbed a piece of fruit from the kitchen before leaving the guards room, it was pretty much empty anyway with most people visiting their families or helping set up for the festival.

Dream then exited the castle and fidgeted with his necklace and pendants until he heard the creaking of doors opening and closing and people rushing out of their houses to enjoy the festivities.

Dream looked over at the know busy streets, the decorations were slightly covered in the light snow but it just added more beauty to the town.

Cheerful music and excited conversations slowly grew louder as minutes passed, Dream had begun walking around the festival to see what everyone was selling, or the games and auctions going on.

Dream had been strolling through the festival when he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Dream! Hey!" He heard from behind him, he turned to see Punz running towards him, Dream laughed as his friend struggled through the thick and loud crowd but eventually Punz reached Dream.

Dream laughed as Punz finally reached him and Punz soon began to laugh as well.

"The festival seems to be doing really well, right?" Dream asked as he laughed, Punz nodded, "I checked the musician list, Wilbur's going to be performing before or as sun sets, I don't really know, it really depends on how long the musicians take on their songs, and he the last performer." Punz told Dream.

"Really? The festivals go on that long?" Dream says in surprise, Punz nods, "Yeah, they're quite long but they're worth it." Punz said with a shrug.

"Do you want to go to one of the contests? It's on archery." Punz offered in a joking tone, "I don't think I should enter, I would win most likely." Dream joked back. "Someone has a big ego." Punz laughed and elbowed him and Dream laughed along with him.

"Yes, let's go to contest." Dream said, Punz nodded and led Dream to a stand outside a archery shop, outside the shop were five red targets with a few bow and arrows, the person running it was laughing as other citizens attempted to shoot the targets, the person laughing was most likely the shop owner and an archer.

"Hello! May we try?" Punz asked the archer, "Yes of course you can! But it's three silver per arrow." The archer said, Dream took out eighteen pieces of silver and handed it to the archer who took it and handed two bows and six arrows over.

Dream handed a bow and three arrows to Punz who took them and headed to a target, Dream headed to the target next to him.

The two both prepared the bows and arrows before holding the bows up to their shoulders and grabbing the drawstring before letting go.

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