Chapter 13 || Slowly Recovering

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(No pov)

Dream closed his bedroom door and clutching the frame for a few seconds before sitting on his bed and grunting in pain, everything hurt.

Fundy had told Dream to rest and wait for remaining poison to wear off but Dream didn't want to rest all day, he wanted to do actually do something productive instead of be lazy all day.

Dream sighed, he had walked to his bedroom and the medical area was on the others side of the castle, he had tried his best to walk normally, but tears had pricked his eyes as the poison decided to show up again.

Dream changed into a comfortable hoodie and pants and took off his boots, jewelry, and gloves before slipping under his comfortable blankets and pulling them over his head before sighing, he attempted to keep his mask off but it made the air smell... rotten and his vision spun so he quickly put the mask back on.

Dream sighed and curled up under the blankets, he grabbed a book, notebook, and pen from his beside table and proceeded to switch between drawing and reading for the next half hour, he had slowly began to notice his temperature getting hotter as time went on.

A knock on the door interrupted his drawing and broke the peaceful silence.

Dream groaned in annoyance and pain as he poked his head up and out from under his blankets.

"What?" He groaned, he had a splitting headache and just wanted to curl up in the comfort of under his blankets.

"Can I come in? I heard your sick and I'm kind of worried." A familiar voice called from outside the door, Dream flopped his head onto his pillow with another groan of pain.

"Sure, but don't blame me if you get sick." He replied weakly, he had raised his head to say that but quickly dropped it back onto the pillow and squeezed them shut.

The doorknob turned and the door slowly creaked open before it quickly shut and a single set of footsteps rushed over to Dream.

"Dream? Please tell me you're not dying at least." Wilbur said frantically, Dream chuckled before coughing a bit and opening his eyes.

"Wilbur I'll be fine, it's just a small fever!.. hopefully.." Dream said before shivering, unease fell across Wilbur's face, he hated seeing his friend in such a sick state.

"Do you need anything? I can go get you water, ice-" Wilbur said before Dream cut him off, "Wilbur I'll be fine, calm down." Dream laughed at his friend's concern.

"Do you want to lay down with me?" Dream mumbled jokingly, Wilbur blankly stared at him before standing up and walking off, Dream lifted his head a bit but gave up.

"Wilbur? Wilbur I was jok-" Dream stopped as he felt his bed dip beside him. Dream rolled over to be greeted by Wilbur laying beside him.

"I- I wa- I di- Wha-" Dream stuttered as Wilbur laughed at him, "You alright Dream?" He asked his friend.

Dream buried his head in his arms in embarrassment, Wilbur began to laugh harder at the action.

Dream eventually stopped embarrassing himself and just rolled over and grabbed a book to read, he did that and also began to pretend Wilbur wasn't right there which was quite difficulty when there's someone incredibly close to your ear.

"Why do you wear a mask Dream? Sorry if this is  an uncomfortable question." Wilbur asked him, Dream paused and put a book mark in his book before putting it back down on the nightstand.

"I don't know, I'm more comfortable wearing it I guess." Dream responded tiredly, Wilbur hummed in response before closing his eyes lightly.

"Wilbur it's late, you should probably head back to your room." Dream sighed as he told his friend.

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