Chapter 20 || Letters and Past Battles

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(No pov)

Dream awoke and sat up from his bed with a yawn, 'today was going to be a long day' he thought as he jumped out of his bed and quickly got ready for his day.

Dream opened his bedroom and door and walked out before attempting to navigate the long and confusing hallways of the Jade Castle again.

Dream eventually found two familiar doors, he opened them to see the office that each ruler of the Jade Kingdom had used before him, but now it was his.

The office was medium-sized and had a giant window that allowed the sun to spill in, and a forest green couch was placed right under the windowsill, a large wooden desk took up most of the space with bookshelves lining the walks and two comfortable chairs in front of the desk, the little wall space left had a golden clock that was installed above the window, and a flag for each kingdom.

The office was warm and homely, Dream sighed with relief and sat in the office chair, he sat there for a few minutes before sighing and grabbing a few pieces of paper, he then proceeded to write letters to the royals of the other kingdoms.

Each letter had told the royals about what had recently happened in the Jade Kingdom and had said that Dream would inform the generals to call the soldiers back as soon as possible, he had also wrote that he would like to invite them all to the kingdom to help figure some of the confusions out.

Dream was nearly finished writing his letter to Kinoko Kingdom when a loud knock broke the silent air, "Dream? Dream I know you're in here." A voice called from behind the door, Dream sighed as he recognized the voice as Wilbur.

"Wilbur, I'm working! What do you need?" Dream asked in annoyance, he was so close to being done. "Oh, sorry but I haven't seen you all day and I was worried." Wilbur said from behind the door.

Dream looked at the clock and saw that it read '3:58', Dream let out a groan of frustration, he moved the letter that he was currently writing to the side and hit his head on the desk in annoyance, he had spent hours writing two letters. And they weren't even that long!

"Can I come in?" Wilbur asked, Dream let out an annoyed sound of approval while keeping his head on the desk, the door slowly creaked open and a worried looking Wilbur peeked into the room.

Wilbur walked into the room and sat on one of the chairs in front of Dream's desk, Wilbur reached out and gently lifted Dream's head up, "You should take a break Dream." Wilbur said sternly, Dream groaned in response. "I can't! You, Techno, and General Corpse are scheduled to leave in two days! I have to get these done before then!" Dream complained.

Wilbur laughed, "Two days? From what I can see, you're nearly done. Now let's go to the library for a break. You can work on those letters there if you'd like." Wilbur reasoned. Dream agreed and quickly packed up his things before leading the way to the library.

Once Dream saw the approaching grand doors, he sighed, "Don't get lost. Please." Dream said as he sighed and pushed open the heavy library doors.

Wilbur gasped in awe as he saw the library, Dream didn't blame him. The library was stunning.

The walls were made of dark oak with painted black designs, the library itself had two floors and was a large halls, the second floor was like a balcony and looked down onto the first floor with dark pillars holding it up, the roof was curved upwards and had black support beams that crossed and held hanging lights. The first floor had a long table with lit candelabras going down the center and chairs had been pushed into their spots beside the table, and the bookshelves were supporting the balcony or the roof, each had been filled to the edge with books, both new and old.

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