Chapter 12 || Nether's Poison

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(No pov)

Dream jolted away from the book that he was reading, he had no idea why but he ignored it anyway.

Dream had just returned to his room from the throne room, the meeting with Ranboo had just ended and Wilbur had left to go finish something that he was working on.

Wilbur was quite creative in many different ways, everyone knew that.

He was also quite... Charming...

No- no- no- get those weird thoughts away Dream. He's a prince. You're his guard. Nothing more than that.

Except your his friend.

Dream quickly got ready again and tried tried to ignore his thoughts, he exited his room and went to the kitchen barracks and grabbed an apple, he hastily ate it before going on his way.

Dream eventually reached the library where he guessed Wilbur was, once he reached the library and went to the music section he saw...

No Wilbur, strange.

Or anyone for that matter, no one was in the library, it was just cold, dead silence. Dream sighed before walking out of the library and then immediately walking into someone.

Dream jolted as he fell back, he luckily didn't hit his head on the floor or wall but it hurt nonetheless, "Oh my god- are you okay?!" Dream heard from an unfamiliar voice, "Yeah- sorry!" Dream apologized,

"Wait- You're Dream, right?" He heard again, Dream looked up to see a dirty blonde girl wearing a white mask like his but without the smile, it was just a plain wooden white mask that showed no emotion at all.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going," Dream apologized again, the girl scoffed, "Nonsense! I wasn't looking where I was going, I should be apologizing!" She exclaimed,

Dream laughed, "I'm still sorry about that," he said as he stood up, a they both heard a small clink and turned to see the dagger was on the floor,

Dream quickly grabbed it and put it away before looking back at the girl who seemed purely shocked, "Hey that's the Jade Prince's dagger! It's the only dagger in the world that's made from pure netherite! How'd you get it?" She asked, she sounded both excited and confused,

Dream shrugged, "I don't know, I just found it in a ruined village one day," Dream explained, the girl still looked shocked, "Who are you anyway?" Dream asked,

"Oh I'm no one important," she said as she took a strange potion bottle out, "The effects of this potion might... hurt. My apologies, but it's necessary." She said, "I'll see you around Dream." Dream was about to ask something before he heard a loud thud as she threw the bottle down and a thick cloud of painful red smoke appeared,

Dream immediately felt pain stabbing at his skin and coughed from the smoke before running back into the library, Dream shut the door and staggered over to a random section in the library and sat down against the wall and continued coughing,

Dream felt his vision blur and wave, he was getting dizzy but he couldn't stop coughing, he slowly started choking, as soon as he felt like he was about to pass out, it just stopped.

Dream's vision slowly cleared as he got even more confused, who was that? He thought, questions swirled through his head as he struggled to stand up,

He heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, Dream slowly tried walking over to the strangely blurry bench at the end of the library section but collapsed on the floor as he was hit with another wave of exhaustion and pain,

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