Chapter 24 || Seeing Him Again

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(No pov)
-Two Weeks Later-

Dream awoke with a jolt of nervousness, it was finally the day, the day he would see his his friends again, the day where he would see Wilbur again, and the day where he would be crowned king.

Dream rolled out of bed but caught himself on his feet before he hit the floor, he looked at his clock, '6:29' it read, according to the plans that he and his council made, the coronation would not start for another eleven hours, they had arranged it so that most people in the kingdom could attend if they wanted.

Dream quickly got changed into his regular clothes, he didn't have to wear his more formal attire for another ten hours, Dream looked in the direction of the clothing stand, a few days ago they had called a tailor in for the attires of him and his siblings.

The clothes were a jade green robe with a white dress shirt underneath, it had a pair of nice black pants and black dress shoes.

But there was something that wasn't there, and it wouldn't be there until the coronation. It was the crown.

See, whenever a new ruler was crowned they would get a new crown, so instead of crowns being inherited from the previous ruler, you would have a new one made, just for you.

Dream still had the crown that he was given as a prince, but that one would not be used anymore after the coronation.

Dream walked back to his nightstand and picked up his original crown, he smiled softly at it, the crown held both good and bad memories.

Dream put the crown on one last time and walked out of his bedroom, his meetings were canceled today so he had time to probably eat an actual meal.

Dream headed to the kitchen, he saw Drista there as well once he arrived there.

"Are you finally going to eat something besides a plain apple?" Drista asked her brother, she was leaning against the wall and was eating some pancakes.

"Yes, but I might grab an apple as well." Dream replied, "Where'd you get those?" Dream asked and pointed at the pancakes.

"They're by the oven, the chefs have the day off so I made some." Drista said and raised her head proudly, she noticed the worried look that Dream gave her and quickly added, "Without nearly burning the kitchen down. I followed a recipe."

Dream nodded and went to the ovens, sure enough there were pancakes stacked, Dream grabbed a plate a took a few, he grabbed a fork and tried a pancake, it was surprisingly good.

Dream quickly finished and decided to head to the library, he put his plate in the sink before leaving and heading there.

-Ten hours later-

Dream was reading a book in the library, he was laying on a couch and just relaxing. Or trying to anyway, he was very nervous.

"DREAM!!! IT'S TIME TO GET READY!!" Skeppy's voice yelled out, he was immediately silenced by annoyed librarians though.

Dream sighed and put the book down, he stood up and stretched before standing up and walking to where Skeppy was.

"You ready?" Skeppy asked, Dream nodded and the two left the library.

"I'll meet you at the throne room?" Skeppy said, Dream looked at him in confusion, "The throne room? Isn't that where the celebration is afterwards?" Dream said.

Skeppy nodded, "Yes but they're doing that weird wall thing where they connect it to the ballroom." Skeppy explained, Dream sighed, "I hate when they do that, it messes with my mental map of this place." Dream sighed.

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