Chapter 6 || The Break Out and First Battles

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(No pov)
!!Warning, fighting?!!

Dream just finished his guarding shift and was heading to back to the barracks, on his way there he ran into someone he wished he hadn't,


"Oh hey Dream." Bad greeted as he saw Dream pass through the mostly empty common room, the only other people there were General Niki and Corpse, and four knights, and Dream recognized Punz as one of them, Bad was playing chess with one of the knights while Niki, Corpse, and the other knights watched,

"What do you want Bad?" Dream sighed, "I just heard you caught the thief that's been on a spree in the town, I just wanted to say congrats on that." Bad said simply, Dream was surprised at his words,

"Uh- thanks?- Uh, good night then..." Dream said with confusion in his voice, Bad laughed quietly and Dream walked to his room,

Dream walked into his room and sighed with relief, he went to his bathroom to take a shower but after he took his mask off, he caught his gaze in the mirror again,

He still had the same ghostly white eyes and his snow-white hair and abnormally long and pointed ears, the ugly scars. Dream sighed,

Was he always going to look like this?

-Time skip to the morning-

Dream awoke to be greeted by thunderous knocking on his door, Dream looked at the clock to see it was... 4 in the fucking morning.

Why- Who in their right mind would be beating his door down at 4 fucking am.

Dream put his mask on and pulled his hood over his head before throwing his door open.

"What." Dream snarled at the person who outside his door, the person yelped before clearing their throat, "Your presence has been requested in the throne room at 5am." They said, Dream glared at them before sighing.

"Alright, thank you for telling me." Dream said before closing his door and sighing, Dream quickly took a shower and put on a plain green tunic with a hood, black pants and boots,

Dream quickly added his shield, axe, dagger, and bow and arrow than tightened his mask around his head before checking the time, 4:45 am the clock read, Dream rushed out of the bedroom and into the hallway and out of the barracks,

Dream approached the throne room archway and quickly stepped into the throne room, the royals, guards, and generals immediately looked over to him,

"Hello, I'm terribly sorry I'm late," Dream apologized with a quick bow before standing next to the other royal guards, "It's quite alright Dream, we were just about to start anyway," Phil said,

"Alright then, now that everybody is here, why did you call us here?" Techno asked emotionlessly, Phil sighed before looking at a general, "Niki, please explain to everyone what happened." Phil asked,

Niki had shoulder-length medium brown hair with two blonde streaks in the front, she had dark brown eyes that had a serious look in them, she had a beige sweater on with netherite armour over it, she had black pants and white boots,

"Earlier this morning, I had just finished war planning with General Foolish, I was walking back to the barracks when a panicked looking guard ran up to me, she told me a girl broke into the dungeons and attacked everyone with nether gas and took Ranboo on her way out," Niki explained,

Everyone but Dream and Phil gasped at the mention of nether gas, Dream had never heard of nether gas apart from it being very illegal in almost every kingdom,

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