Chapter 19 || Figuring Things Out

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(No pov)

Dream's eyes flickered open, he could barely even recognize the room that he was in.

"He's awake." Barely even a whisper, it was hopeful but worried at the same time.

All he saw was green, green curtains, green sheets, green walls, what was this place?

"I hope he's alright." A new voice, it was warm, soft, sweet, and familiar.

A dull pain slowly appeared in his head, he flung his blankets over his head.

"He's definitely awake." Another voice chimes in.

Suddenly someone rips the sheets off of Dream's head, the sunlight spilled in through the windows and flooded Dream's vision.

"Hey! Unnecessary!" Dream protested as he shot up into a sitting position, he immediately regretted his decision as the dull pain returned, so he flinched and lightly grabbed his head.

"Are you alright Dream?" A worried voice asked, Dream yawned and stretched, "Yep, it's just a small headache." Dream yawned again with a few coughs.

Dream's eyes fluttered open again and he finally got a good look at his surroundings.

He was in what appeared to be a bedroom, it was a royal looking one too. The bed was large and had had an expensive looking bed frame and a comfortable safe green couch at the end of it. Large windows lined an entire wall and a desk was on the other side of the room with six bookshelves on either side. A large wardrobe was beside a nice dark oak door. And a few more sage couches were at the base of the windows, with a few familiar faces sitting on them.

Dream yelped as he hurriedly got up and stumbled out of his bed and bowed in front of Wilbur.

"Ack sorry! Did I oversleep? I had a weird dream about... being royal?" Dream said with an awkward laugh as he looked up.

Wilbur looked at him before giggling, he then pulled Dream into a hug, and Dream wrapped his arms around Wilbur as well, "It's good to have this version of you back." Wilbur mumbled into Dream's shoulder.

Dream was confused, "What do you mean this version of me? I've always been..."Dream said and his eyes then widened upon remembering what had happened. "Oh dear." Is all that he said.

Dream looked down in horror as he recalled everything thing that happened, he felt immediate guilt and tightened his arms around Wilbur.

"I'm so sorry I did all those things- it- I don't know why I did them!" Dream cried as he buried his head into Wilbur's neck.

"It's alright Dream, but you should look over there." Wilbur whispered to Dream before letting go.

Dream hesitantly let go and twisted his head to see Drista and Ranboo sitting on the couch, both had sad looks in their eyes.

Dream's eyes filled with tears of pain and sadness as he covered his mouth, he remembered what he had said, quite vividly as well.

"Drista... Ranboo... I-I'm so so sorry- I can't believe I said those things!" Dream cried as tears quietly streamed down his face.

Ranboo and Drista both exchanged looks of happiness before hugging their brother tightly as he cried, both had already forgiven him once they saw his reaction to Wilbur.

"If you remember, what happened once you awoke here?" Ranboo asked.

Dream didn't reply for a bit, he was probably trying to remember it himself.

Drista and Ranboo let go of their brother and they all sat down on the couches, Dream sat next to Wilbur and leaned against the couch.

Dream sighed, "From what I remember...

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