Chapter 25 || The Ending

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(No pov)

Dream awoke with a yawn, he slowly blinked his eyes open and immediately recognized that he was in his bedroom.

He tried to get up to start his day, but was immediately pulled back down, and the person's arms were now wrapped tightly around his waist.

Dream looked behind him in confusion and saw Wilbur, he was still asleep but it was still quite a shock.

Dream rubbed his head, what happened last night again? Wait- he remembered, never mind.

Dream closed his eyes and relaxed into Wilbur again, he didn't care what time it was, most of his meetings would be canceled today.

His only meeting today was probably a council meeting, but it was pushed into the afternoon due to the party.

Dream felt Wilbur shift behind him, Wilbur had flipped Dream over. Dream looked up and saw Wilbur's chocolate brown eyes gazing lovingly into his.

"Good morning lovely." Wilbur murmured into his ear, Dream giggled at the name, "Good morning to you too." He said, Wilbur smiled and kissed his forehead lightly.

"What do you have to do today?" Wilbur asked his love, "I just have a council meeting in the afternoon." Dream responded and laid his head on Wilbur's shoulder.

Wilbur hummed and pulled Dream closer to him, "Can we just snuggle all day then?" Wilbur mumbled into Dream's ear, "Of course," Dream responded.

"Are you tired?" Dream asked, Wilbur nodded and Dream smiled, "Aren't you?" Wilbur mumbled, that confused Dream, "Why would I be?" He asked.

"You had a few drinks my love." Wilbur mumbled, Dream's eyes widened, "I did!?" He yelped in worry, Wilbur chuckled at his worry. "Don't worry my love, you didn't do anything bad, you just, well, I had to chase you around the castle." Wilbur explained.

Dream's cheeks burned in embarrassment, "I'm sorry..." He apologized and dragged out the 'y', Wilbur chuckled, "It's alright, you luckily ran through empty halls." Wilbur said.

The two fell into comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company and occasionally talking or sharing a light kiss.

It wasn't until Dream had to leave that there was a problem, Wilbur didn't want to let him go.

Dream managed to go to his meeting anyway, but when he returned to his room he was quick to discover that Wilbur was gone.

That threw Dream into a panic, did he leave without saying goodbye? Was it all a dream? But Dream luckily found a note that told him that Wilbur had gone to the library.

Dream hurried to the library, he silently opened the library doors but searched through the entire library to find Wilbur.

Dream eventually found his love on the second floor of the library, he was sitting on a bench with a closed book beside him, he was silently laughing as well.

"I saw you running, your majesty." Wilbur teased with a grin, Dream rolled his eyes but smiled, "I was worried you left, my prince." He replied as he walked over to Wilbur and sat next to him.

"I would never leave without saying goodbye!" Wilbur said, Dream smiled and tilted Wilbur's head towards him.

"I'm glad," he said, and the two leaned in for a kiss.

~The End~

(538 words)

Shorter chapter because it's the ending, I'm glad I finished the book before 2021 ended lol.

Thank you all for reading this, I'll see in my next book!


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