Chapter 11 || A Shocking Discovery

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(No pov)

Dream's troop had just arrived back at the castle as snow began to rain down from the pure white sky.

Everyone had pulled their hoods over their heads as they rushed off their horses and into the warmth and safety of the castle, Dream had noticed before he went into the castle Prince Karl and Sapnap staring sadly as each other.

Dream went into the castle only to be greeted by Wilbur standing in the hallway.

Dream yelped in surprise and tumbled back, as he nearly ran into the prince, he quickly noticed that Wilbur had been dressed in more... royal clothing.

"Oh my lord, are you alright?" Wilbur asked Dream and helped him up, "I'm alright, thank you for asking, why were you waiting for me though?" Dream asked.

"We have a meeting in throne room and I was close to this entrance anyway." Wilbur said with a shrug, Dream nodded in understanding, "Well then, what are you waiting for? We have to go then!" Dream told him.

Wilbur began walking to the throne room, Dream just behind him.

When the two arrived in the throne room they saw everyone else had been dressed much more formally then usual.

Wilbur and Dream took their usual places by the throne and waited for the meeting to begin.

About two minutes later the doors of the throne room opened softly and Prince Karl and his knight Sapnap walked in along with two other Kinoko knights and General Sykkuno.

The Kinoko warriors kneeled towards Phil while Prince Karl bowed normally, "Hello your majesty." Karl greeted.

Phil smiled warmly, "Please rise, and hello to you too Prince Karl." Phil greeted back, "It's an honour to have you in our lovely kingdom, I am aware of Kinoko's current situation, but don't worry, we'll make sure no harm comes to you or your party." Phil added in a more serious yet kind tone.

"Thank you for understanding, and I am sure we won't be staying too long, I have a feeling this war will be won soon." Karl said with a warm laugh.

Phil nodded, "I will have someone show you to the guest rooms after our meeting, we should hurry as well- we've had a thief running around lately and he's estimating to be caught tonight most likely." Phil told him.

The king stood up from his throne and gestured for his sons, the generals, and Prince Karl to follow him, he motioned for everyone else to not follow though.

Everyone slowly left the throne room but Dream decided to run after Sapnap, he wanted to ask him something.

Sapnap left the throne room just as Dream caught up to him.

"What do you need, Dream?" Sapnap asked, "I just wanted to ask you something, if that's alright with you anyway." Dream responded as the two continued walking.

Sapnap sighed, "Ask away." He told him. "You and Prince Karl seem rather... sad, is everything alright? Also what happened in Kinoko, I don't think I've heard." Dream asked in a puzzled tone.

Sapnap looked down sadly before sighing again, "What happened in Kinoko? Well, the Jade kingdom decided to attack our capitol, they had also somehow got into the castle- we just barely fought them off but they took many lives and prisoners," Sapnap explained sadly.

Dream was shocked, how had he not known about such an attack? That's horrible!

"Is that how you got the bandage?" Dream asked, Sapnap nodded sadly in response.

Sapnap wasn't done though, "Karl and I- we've been together since the year after I escaped the Jade kingdom and fled to Kinoko, and there was this general that we both loved, his name was Quackity, we had asked him to join our relationship last year- and he agreed with tears of joy in his eyes. He... he sadly went missing in the attack as well though. He was the one who told Karl to leave." Sapnap finished with a shaky breath.

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