Chapter 17 || Those Final Two Royals

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(No pov)
!!Fighting, Blood, and death!!

After Techno and Wilbur came out of the cell, everyone turned their attention to the two princes, no one seemed bothered by Techno's bloodstained clothes though.

"Prince Techno, it's good to have you back." Niki said and bowed her head, "It's good to be free, I hope to kill this cruel king." Techno replied.

"He should be in the throne room, it always gave him a sense of power or something." Ranboo mused, Skeppy nodded in agreement, "Yes, he's always sitting on that bright throne of his." He sighed.

"He could honestly rebuild his entire kingdom from the ground up again by selling that thing- and still have left over gold." Drista said and rubbed her temples angrily.

"We should start head there, I can escort the other prisoners out if you'd like?" Skeppy offered.

"Yes that'd be great Skeppy, just be careful." Ranboo told him with a smile, "Maybe head to the Arctic- Bad's there." Ranboo added, Skeppy's face lit up at the mention of the blacksmith.

"Alright- I'll head there, write a letter once you kill the king and end the war!" Skeppy said with a quick bow, "Come on other warriors, we need to leave now." Skeppy said before heading out of the dungeons, he led most of the prisoners out, the ones who stayed were Corpse, Foolish, and the unfamiliar person.

"Who are you?" Niki asked the unfamiliar person, "Oh my names Quackity. I'm a General for Kinoko Kingdom." Quackity said with a quick bow.

"Oh? I think I heard Prince Karl mention you while talking to his guard Sapnap, they're very fond of you from what I heard." Wilbur told Quackity, Quackity laughed and blushed in embarrassment.

"Okay, let's head to the throne room now, shall we?" Ranboo said, everyone agreed and begun following the two Jade royals again.

They later came across a hallway that had seven guards, a soldier with them had already handed Techno, Corpse, Foolish, and Quackity swords so everyone was prepared.

Techno unsheathed his sword and leapt out from around the corner, he landed on a soldier and stabbed his sword into their leg, it was hard enough that they would pass out but not hard enough that they would die.

That action caught the attention of the other seven guards, Niki threw her sword at another and it stabbed through his his sleeve and trapped him against the wall, she then knocked them out and grabbed her sword to go knock out another one.

After a bit they had successfully knocked all the guards out and continued into the castle, while Drista and Ranboo had been muttering throughout the different turns and twists in the castle.

They eventually reached two tall birch wood door that had been elegantly carved with gold laid in every creak and curve, but the strangest part about this hallway was that it looked... fake, the walls and door looked like they could easily be removed, and the ends of the hallway looked like new walls could be placed.

Drista and Ranboo sharply inhaled upon seeing the doors.

"These are the throne room doors. Once again we'll warn you. This might be dangerous." Ranboo reminded them, no one turned away or stepped back so he smiled wistfully.

Drista threw open the doors and a marvellous room appeared in front of them all.

The walls were jade green with white accents and marble and golden pillars, a bright and beautiful chandelier hung from the ceiling and lighting the huge room, six giant white windows with tied back jade green curtains were on one of the walls and outlooked the kingdom while offering extra moonlight and a view of the treacherous rain that had began yo fall, a long emerald green carpet ran to two large golden thrones and split into two directions, both led to large doorways, hung above the two throne's was a sword with a deep purple hilt snd held a mystical aura.

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