Chapter 10 || Jade Battles And Legends

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(No pov)
!!Fighting, Blood, and Death!!

Dream was awoken by loud banging on his bedroom door, he quickly checked the time to see that it was three in the morning, Dream felt something was off, something just wasn't... right.

Dream put on his mask and a green hoodie before opening the door to see a worried looking Punz was standing outside the door.

"Punz? What's wrong?" Dream said worriedly, he knew that something was most definitely wrong now.

"Dream you need to get ready, fast, we've gotten word that a Jade battalion is going to try to storm the Unclaimed Land." Punz said worriedly.

Dream nodded and closed his door before getting changed into proper clothing, he then wrapped the diamond pendant around his wrist before putting the clover necklace on.

Dream then rushed outside of his bedroom to see Punz leaning on the wall across from his room, Punz was anxiously fiddling with his hands as his face was getting more worried by the second.

"Dream! Come along now, we have to hurry to the war-planning room!" Punz warned, "Punz- what's The Unclaimed Land?" Dream asked as they both started running through the halls.

"The Unclaimed Land is a large forest, desert, and field that has killed anyone who dares to try and explore it." Punz explained, "Oh? Then why don't we just.. let them go there?" Dream asked.

"Because it's in between all the kingdoms, it'll basically just give them more advantages!" Punz added, Dream then decided to not ask anymore questions.

The two began sprinting through the castle halls, they had many close calls with running into a random guard on their way to their beds but they luckily didn't hit anyone.

The two eventually reached the war planning room where they skidded to a stop before they threw the doors open and ran inside, most of their battalion was already there but Corpse had yet to show up.

The two went to their places around the table and began to wait for their leader, stress and worry was painted over everyone's faces.

A couple minutes later Corpse finally arrived, he looked angry, stressed, but also looked concentrated and determined to ensure that the Unclaimed land stayed unclaimed.

"Alright everyone. We have a serious mission today, so pay attention and don't get distracted." Corpse said with determination.

~Time skip by two hours~

Everyone had mounted their horses outside in the castle stables and clutched the reins. Anxiety spun a thick aura around the group as the began riding at top speed towards the Unclaimed Land.

An hour later Corpse made their horses slowed to a stop after spotting the thick ominous fog and twisted dead trees with bark that looked like faces screaming in terror. Creepy childlike giggles echoed around the haunted forest, it slowly faded out to wind rustling around the thin, dead branches that lacked leaves, somehow the fog along with the twisted branches had blocked the sun out entirely, scaring the warriors further.

Dream shivered as his eyes landed on the forest, the Unclaimed Land was much creepier than he had originally thought it out to be.

"Everyone follow my exact steps, people tend to get lost quite easily so if you go off the trail, well... you will never see the light of day, again." Corpse stated. The warriors fearful looks increased but still followed their General into the thick woods.

The horses had began trotting into the chilling forest, old, rusty sconces with dead wood lit up brightly as the horses walked past, unease rippling down everyone's spine as the faint whispers echoed in every tree, they had passed some trees that looked so twisted that faces of horror and terror had been carved into them, and in the mouths rusty yet shiny iron chests laid still, practically begging to be opened and have their haunting riches shared with the world.

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